Random Dungeon Finder

Agree, because you still have to be involved in your server community to do anything meaningful like raid or profession trading.

Battlegrounds are impersonal and “anti-social” in the sense that they’re cross-realm too, and no one complains about that. :confused:

I’m actually getting super frustrated at the leveling process and it caused me to log off tonight. I figured I’d just level in BGs since I could use the PVP gear as a fresh 80, right? Nope.

I fished while waiting for AV to pop. I leveled fishing from 1 to 300 and it never popped. I logged off defeated, knowing you only get like a bar per BG anyway, so it’s not even efficient.

It’s extremely unfun and tedious when there are no groups for dungeons or group quests because your server is dead, and BGs won’t even pop. Like what do you do? :confused:


You’re supposed to like, use your social skills and make friends and stuff.

Or join a levelling guild.

I think these are the points anti RDFers will throw at you, despite evidence of neither being available at your level range.


Yeah. XD And you know, I’m in a guild. And there’s a lot of members and they’re active in raiding. But like 90% of them are lvl 80. I’m sure I could bother them to help with group quests and they would, but I don’t want to be a burden all the time, ya know? I like mutually beneficial activities.

Another argument I hear from the anti-RDF crowd is “Well we did it back in the day!” And we did. We managed just fine. But … WoW also had 12 million players. There are, what? A few thousand players on the most active classic servers? It’s not the same experience.


Yes, RDF is the only way I stay. Partner already unsubscribed because no levelling dungeons really possible.


I went out farming while waiting, or even drop to do random bg. Still quested, too.

Now, if I was craft…of course I was by my profession trainer, ah, bank and mail box.

And there were raid loggers back then too.

Everyone I knew was actively playing the game when they were and still using RDF. Yep, that included members of my guild back then.


People usually paired their main profession with a gathering profession. But even if you didnt have a gathering profession you at least were doing something to progress instead of just sitting idle.

If you are leveling you are out leveling, while in RDF. Its just quicker.


I check in every couple of months to see if they’ve added fun back to the game, and sure enough, I walk away disappointed. Maybe Cata will get RDF back.


The post count junkies will keep this thread alive forever.

Please bring RDF to the game, quit cucking us


RFD at the end of Wrath was one of my favourite improvements, I never finished levelling in Cata, stopped in second zone after playing constantly since 2004, I disliked the talent changes among other things. Returned for first half of MoP and never played again till classic.


People think RDF results in less socialization.

While I don’t really care about RDF, I find it amusing that they scapegoat it for something that is a societal issue. People are less social now. We are all Roger Waters surrounded by walls. :wink:


True, unless its a friendly guild or friends group there is no social interaction at all in random pugs, this is no longer 2006-2009, now people use Discord or Twitter and other social media sites to get their social interactions fix and when they play WoW they just want to play the game not speak with some random dude in a random pug.

Its mostly just (Can you port me? / Port please! / Can you tank?) Such amazing social interaction.


Actually… lmao.

Humans are tribal by nature. They thrive in smaller “tribes”. As the social world has expanded, because of forces like social media, humans have adjusted their social practices accordingly.

Wow has gotten bigger is all. So has the world.

Blizzard is silly. You can’t stop that. You can’t stand still on a moving train.

People like fast rewards with little interaction with strangers. For 200,000 years encounters with strangers were scary and exhausting. We just wanted to trade some sea shells for some berries and didn’t want to get clubbed

Don’t oversimplify complex stuff


Pretty sure Dr. Kaczynski predicted all of this.

I always found this point to be really funny in some ways. Mostly, the irony of players who are anti-RDF because of the fear of “destroying the social experience” are likely the same people who are introverted IRL and struggle to strike up and maintain a conversation with a stranger outside of the game.


You’ll notice a strong theme with a lot of the anti RDF crowd that they think everyone who whispers them “I’ll go” is suddenly their BFF.


You realize necroing RDF threads will get you a vacation in a hurry, right?

I mean, I somewhat agree with you in the nonsense of the spam … but pulling every RDF thread you can find back a month later isn’t really helping your cause.

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Blizz is considering these to be spam threads. The people who make or necro them get forum vacations and the people who do that also cause the thread to get deleted as soon as a mod look at it.

These are just like the anti multiboxing threads, they became so numerus that soon, those posting for it or against it got removed from the forums for creating the threads and those threads got deleted. RDF threads are all over now.

Yea but why do only WoW Classic auto close after no replies in 60 days but retail threads can be necroed from 11 years ago? Seems like Blizz wants Classic to die out.

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You know it’s in their power to lock and remove them right?


What exactly is the cut-off time before it’s considered “necroing”?


If it’s a topic he doesn’t like, about 2 minutes.

One he likes? Can prolly run the full 60 days.