Random Dungeon Finder

Seen 3 guilds dissolve, the real activity was during JJ. They would have 15 or more on nightly. After JJ, lucky to see 3 on…2 of which were mine. Joining guilds does nothing, unless you just raid and majority of them raid log.

Add RDF already …

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Just posting in favor of adding RDF.

I decided to come back for classic specifically since WotLK was my favorite expac. But being almost level 40 with ONE dungeon under my belt, despite being constantly listed in LFG, is just murder.

I just want to do a few dungeon quests to fill in the gaps between zones. And I of course look forward to spamming heroics at 80 - you know, in Wrath when heroic spamming was an actual valid way to gear.

Anyway, there are dead servers and we really need RFD. Leveling is an absolute pain without it.

And to those saying we just want to sit in cities, no. -_- You know what? Put a cooldown on it. Let me use RFD to complete only 2 or 3 dungeons per day. I’d be fine with that. It’s not that I want to sit in cities, it’s just that I want to get the leveling dungeons done for quests and gear like at least once. Geez. >.<


It wasn’t me in disagreement. I was just stating a fact for me

Grobbulus sever …either faction

Really? So if I make a character on there ill see people just chit chatting or will it look like every other server with a bunch of “lf dungeon” spam?


I do like leveling sitting in cities for me the wow leveling experience is runningninto wierd dungeons and dying to trash packs every now and then, watching some goofy/outdated dialogue and having a :heart: stroke when the tank gets one shot.

Thats my wow leveling experience and i really liked it, yeah i did not experience the " meaningful journey" but at this point i dont care, wow is not an mmo about leveling its about the endgame gated by leveling and gear, you play the game to actually playe the game.

You level, gear, and do reps to be able to raid and dungeon; adding more chores than intended is what killed shadowlands removing the chores is whats making dragonflight thrive.


Probably their excuse but I think we all know the issue is they lack the competency to actually implement it, cannot cut and paste code with out the last three dungeons, cannot edit code you don’t understand…

So your entire complaint about RDF is projection, yeah, OK.


oi mate take it easy, i was introduced to wow when the rdf was already in place take a chill pill.

im just saying the rdf its a mean to an end the leveling journey is not longer part of the main game appeal, nor was back in wrath.

imagine being 70 and wrath launched you only had to do some zones to finish leveling after that you will be at the endgame of said patch as your next progression step will be getting gear from dungeons and eventually from raids as there is so much gear you can get from quest/reps.

am i wrong?

now as for any new player joining the wrath expantion at any given time (except fall of the lich king patch) would need to do the “meaningfull journey” or get carried by 1 80 doing brd for turbo leveling or other mages leveling services.

and then they can play the game with everyone else.

There is a reason why they allow server transfers from every server to every server all the time unlike in last Wrath. Simple becuase they know people will move to the bigger servers to get their runs done. If they add RDF then there would be no need for people to transfer cuz they could simply get it from their own server.


Ah yes, which makes you the perfect candidate to speak out against it.


It hasn’t been since TBC and I’d wager most could easily argue that a large chunk of vanilla wouldn’t be for the levelling appeal either.


First off im not against the rdf.

Second you just quote what you like, as i said in wrath all vanilla content bacame meaningless, just a few profesion mats here and there maybe.

Adding the rdf will help anyone who wants to use it, anyone who wants to do the “meaningful journey” will be able to as now you will have 3 options for leveling:



-questing and walking

You can combine them too as picking one will not lock you out of any of the others

Well yeah, cause I don’t see the point in responding to “imagine if you were level 70 and started Wrath” cause… that’s what we all did.


This makes the assumption that questing is a meaningful journey.

And it really isn’t when you’ve done it 50 times in the past.


No, but pro RDF is trying to pretend that no one just sat in a city and queued to level. So they’re gonna jump on you for being honest about that even if you’re on their side.

Yea you tell them my European friend. Since this is Mïiïs on her alt. My alt i guess. 3rd person I was talking in sometimes. Even though Mïiïs is an alt. So this is an alt of an alt.

I was 70 when Wrath launched and the boats broke. Some people went straight into UK, most fought over mobs. But imagining the wrath launch doesnt actually do anything 3 months into the expansion. Leveling is largely finished for the majority of people. For the most part people dont want to do it again due to no RDF which breaks the monotony of questing.

But at 80, if you work, and you try to do other stuff in the game as well you can maybe get 2 dungeons in a day. Even ToC H is getting harder and harder to find let alone normal trinket farms.

You also cant get carried by a level 80 because the reduction in exp is hefty. So you just have to quest. Unless you are around the Scarlet Mon level range you arent going to be doing dungeons.

Who is doing this? No one. Not even the person you are accusing. Just because you did it doesnt mean the majority of people did. Its literally a waste of time to sit in a city, which the majority of people did not do. If they were leveling you would go out and quest between dungeons to maximize your exp per hour. Sitting in a city gave you 0. If people want to waste their time, so be it.


You’re not wrong.

And I mean, if people want to sit in cities and level, let them. That’s literally how I geared in the last patch in OG Wrath: Sat in cities and spam queued Heroics. lol

I’d probably still quest, especially 70+, but I would like some dungeon runs thrown in there. I currently have a lvl 70 and a lvl 30 in WotLK Classic, and I’ve done one dungeon run between them, despite being listed in LFG every second I’m online. It’s ridic.

And you know, furthermore, we’re in the worst classic era of the game grind to max level at the moment. Starting at lvl 1 and getting to 80 without being able to do dungeon runs and without heirloom gear (since we can’t unlock that until we have an 80 grinding currency first) … it takes ages.

It was 3x easier in Cataclysm than it was in WotLK. I think people just don’t remember it as difficult because they all had their mains starting at 70 going into it.


yeah, people got their knickers in a knot over mages clearing trash in Maraudon to help people gain some extra exp to get over that bump in the road, so Actiblizz put a kibosh on that.

i still see lvl 80’s selling “dungeon boosts” from time to time though. i doubt any one really takes them, because of the massive nerf to earned exp. hell, a guildie helped run me through wailing caverns. he was lvl 40ish, i was close to 20. i got maybe 8 exp per kill.

yeah, i was only concerned about the quests and getting the achieve for clearing the dungeon, but i was reminded very quickly how running myself through dungeons isn’t really an option any more. unless i just want the achieve for the dungeon or something, because you either see dungeon groups that’re well above or below your current level.

and even IF you try forming your own, you’ll be sitting in LGF for hours at a time. i still remember having to offer to pay people to join us for dungeons. most i offered, was around 100g before someone agreed to tag along.


The only boosts I see being sold at 80 are HoS since it’s just the right level frame that it doesn’t obliterate the exp.

i dunno what’s up with those anti-rdf maybe they’re selfish or real money traders but tbh they don’t have any valid point for not wanting random dungeon finder in current Wotlk-C

it’s obvious lie if anyone says “rdf is anti social”