Random Dungeon Finder

lol glad you detected my sarcasm.

Yea but they dont. Last time any of you have ever seen a blue posting on any of these threads? Not like 10+ years ago when Blizard workers would be here posting with us and having vhats with us and the forum trolls were removed super quick, the spam threads were shut down quicker. They don’t do that anymore. They could but they don’t.

60 days of no thread activity.

Honestly, if it were just one thread which had been necroed I’d likely not even have noticed … but the person I responded toward literally hit about 5+ threads I could see which were roughly a month old and should stay buried/dead instead of being brought back up.

Once again my wow forum stalker strikes again.

The best way to stop RDF threads from showing up would be to just add RDF :slight_smile:


Despite your attempts at getting them flagged as such.

Curious isn’t it? You’d think if they had the power to remove threads and they get marked as spam and they consider them spam they’d simply just click the lock button and be done with it?

Is it possible you can’t read minds and Blizzard actually don’t consider it spam?

Could you be gasp wrong again?


lol yeah, right. Nowhere close to this. Maybe a few thousand active subs, surely not a few thousand active players though.

Dood out here being morality police saying necroing is bad.

Bumps up threads he dislikes.



Please make use of the link when you’re unsure how to spell a word.

So, responding to something is considered “bumping”? Interesting.

It’s common courtesy to respond to someone who engages you in conversation when it’s appropriate.

Something tells me based on your poor usage of vocabulary common courtesies are lost on you though.

My man’s never heard of prinnies before.

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I do not hold faith that they will release it but who knows. I remember when ICC was originally released and about the time RDF was released. Though I am not “for” rdf for various reasons I am not that opposed to it because while Blizzard stated they wanted classic to be just that (as fas as WOTLK) they broke the rules of engagement on this when they released the WoW Token which in turn has broken the economy a little but made GDKP pretty much a dominant force for those that want to raid and thus buy coin, get gold, get gear. Almost a Pay To Win but this is MY opinion.

IMO they released the token because the economy was already broken from illicit gold.
Well that and, they wanted to further monetize.

Mainly the money tho…

Idk what’s going on here but Blizzard pls add RDF



I don’t know if I can post this. It starts at 38:52




lol…. Pre wotlk dungeons

i have hopes

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