Random Dungeon Finder

RDF should be as it was in the og version. Anything else is a slap in the face…lol.

3 guilds have dissolved, supposed to be leveling guilds. They have 10 to 20 on nightly when JJ runs and go down to 3 or less when it ends. 2 of which are from my accounts.

It sad and pathetic that RDF has not been added by now. Complete missed opportunity, talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory…acti-buzzard.

These guilds had 150 to 200 toons in them…most alts (pretty sure) not getting leveled.


Ok wrath is not Vanilla People most of the time do not socialize in dungeons People will make those social connections through discord and rading wat more Then through leveling and dungeons.

Most people when it comes to leveling they want to get it done And no offense, really, your argument comes down to this. I don’t want rdf in the game.

Because I don’t want people to be able to use a system that I don’t want to use I want people to have to abide by gs logs and Parses.

I don’t want people to have an alternative to level up fast If you’re on a low pop server you either transfer off Or quit Or deal with not having any dungeons to do Because there’s no 12 do them with.

I’m happy with this Because I don’t like the automatic system I don’t like seeing people from different servers That’s your justification.

Never mind that fact that that’s bad for the game especially at this point And That’s Even before we talk about The fact that most people aren’t going to want to do normal heroics.

They’re going to go right to h++ no rdf Hurt the game Way more than it helped it It makes lovely alts way faster and more fun and that to me is Way more important than holding on to this little shred of vanilla You want to pretend wrath has.

Wrath and tbc and wrath are all Different games which is why the pillars of classic always bothered me.

Wrath in not Vanilla and Neither is tbc or cata And you shouldn’t Treat or pretend that wrath is Vanilla it’s silly.

So i say #RDF


Please add Random Dungeon Finder


duuuude thats like real scientific there lol! agreed

I’d be very surprised if they were to add RDF. At least for the earlier leveling brackets where dungeons are seemingly dead in all brackets. It’s rough to even form a group at lvl 80 if you don’t have 5,000 gearscore or higher. Most people just raidlog. The sad truth is that this game is dieing over time. RDF probably wouldn’t even fix the issue. DPS queues would probably be forever while the Tanks/Healers get instant queue or have to wait for one or the other to pop up too. I’m all for RDF but I do wonder if it would even fix the issue.

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Communities are MUCH more vibrant and alive without RDF, find a guild and join their discord and enjoy the game before it became solo player. Its 1000% better without RDF

My guy, RDF still has people joining guilds and discords.


Almost every one I see in game is in a guild. Almost every one posting here is in a guild. People join guilds to raid and rdf only gets groups for 5 man dungeons. The game isn’t more vibrant if most people raid log. Rdf encourages people to level alts instead of raid logging and that makes the game more vibrant and alive.


True but my point is this: Its much more vibrant planning events, either Wpvp, raids or whatever it may be with people you know rather than the toxic random’s we find in retail.

Agree add it in. Token is now with us so time for RDF.


Planning events? What Events? You mean guild raids done in discord?

WPVP? Who cares about getting ganked by bored 80’s when you’re just trying to quest, real PvP is Arena.
People already raid in guilds, like what are you even arguing here?

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I didn’t realize I was arguing :man_shrugging:

An argument is defined as “A discussion in which disagreement is expressed; a debate.” You didn’t realize that this is what’s happening here or you didn’t realize that’s how argument is defined?


these anti-rdf ppl are all contrarian forum trolls.

if we had rdf and the community was openly against it, they would be on here arguing they need it to find a group at 4am on a dead server

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Oh, so you haven’t logged in since like, week 2 of phase 1, OK then.

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So where is this vibrant and alive community?


Running the daily heroic and raid logging for the most part.

Aka - It doesnt exist.

even diablo4 got RDF!

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