Random Dungeon Finder

Very naive of you to think you’ve won anything simply because RDF isn’t in the game. Blizz didn’t put it in because the big streamers, who will never have an issue with groups btw, told them not to put it in. Meanwhile the rest of us that don’t get paid to play this game have to suffer the consequences of a decision the vast majority of the player base had no part in making. Now we’re in the wake of said decision and where are the big streamers? Nowhere to be found, they’ve moved on. Now all we have is a pack of out of touch self righteous trolls, such as yourself; just stirring the pot, adding nothing to the conversation, boasting about how they’ve won simply because the system isn’t in the game. Well here’s your steak and lobster, troll, I hope you choke on it. Next post you put in this thread that doesn’t add anything to the conversation is getting flagged. You’re a waste of time and need to be removed. As for the rest of you, I’ve already fed him, you’re gonna make him fat if you give him more.


Not only that but it’s pretty much the same experience you get with rdf. Except you don’t get to attempt to poach players from other guilds.

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I can’t help but notice how you specifically didn’t dazzle us with examples of your Wrath 5 man conversation starters here.

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THIS is why we can’t have RDF?



I ran my draenei lock again today. today’s leveling LFD hits included RFC and ramparts. some wod runs too.

If I needed another player to put down a feast to run RFC at level 30 or I would die…I’d need to log, delete that lock. and possibly have to delete the game.

Even at level 10…if one needs consumes to run RFC…they need to seriously consider single player games with heavy wemod assistance lol

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No you dont and that was just proven with what you quoted and what you responded with.

I did,

responded by you with

That doesnt make any sense. This is what YOU put out, dont blame me or anyone else for your failures, and you did fail.

Its just Bloomsday, hes the forum troll that people like to show is a forum troll.

More lies I see. And if we have a lack of arguments why is Blizzard looking into RDF. If you were right they wouldnt even be looking into it to solve the problems we said would arise which did.

They have the statistics and backed up that regular heroics, normal dungeons and dungeons throughout leveling are basically ghost towns and they are looking into RDF and came out with the excuse “since it didnt come out until ICC it wouldnt have came out until then anyways” which is a load of garbage.

I know exactly who you are talking about. Or at least a youtuber that was pushing for no RDF, much harder alpha difficulty dungeons for phase 1 that dropped 10m Ulduar gear, and now is saying “RDF is needed”.


What is the classic wow team waiting for? Most of your servers are dead please either consolidate all the small servers together or add Dungeon Finder back in. Dont understand why there hasnt been action already. Your player base is dying because of your greed to get as many players to buy server transfers before offering easy alternatives.


The trolls have invaded and derail the whole conversation by clouding the topic with BS comments. Let’s get back to the topic at hand. I’d like everyone in this thread to put either “RDF PLZ” if they’re for it and “NO RDF” if against it. It’s not a requirement, I just wanna see. I’ll start.


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Well let’s see, the game is designed perfectly as I thought it should be… so yeah, I’d say I’m a winner. At the very least, I feel like one. How do you feel?

A classic MMORPG that prioritizes social experiences. If that’s not your cup of tea, there are other games out there.

There’s plenty of books out there that you could reference to learn how to communicate with others if you haven’t learned from your own experiences.

I quote the relevant context. Please keep up with your own replies.

Things you do not like =/= lies.

  1. Citation needed.
  2. RDF arguments have gone ignored for 2 years ago and the only reason they might consider it at this point is because it’s closer to when it was originally released in Wrath’s timeline… which is what I not only said I was okay with but what a lot of anti-RDF argued for. Anti RDF pulled the strings here entirely. Pro RDF wanted it in Naxx but they lost that battle.

because doing nothing is free, and they can obfuscate by lying and saying that the community is divided.

No, you literally didnt.

No, lies = lies.

A citation for what, Blizzard looking into RDF? I think you were telling me that I should do my research, so go do it.

What? Thats not a sentence.

Is for the reasons they listed, people arent in leveling dungeons, normal Wrath dungeons nor Heroic dungeons. They said this and you would know this if you held yourself to the same standards you try to put on other people.

You said never.

No it isnt.

No you didnt.

It should have been or at the very least with the introduction of Titan Rune difficulties. You have no argument against this.

And you sound like the guy from That 70’s Show that was claiming he was the winner of the van while walking off sulking but still claiming “im a winner”.

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Laziness on blizzard’s part is definitely the major factor.


Ah, so the master socializer trying to tell others how he’s the king of socializing can’t pull out a singular example of great conversation starters for Wrath 5 mans but rather again tries to go “you suck I rule”.

OK, that’s hardly a shock, but OK.


I’m sure at least one person said “thanks y’ll” and it made his day.

The other four people didn’t care and will never speak to him again.


There is another game where Blizzard tried to push “socialization” and how it was so easy to create a community… a BRAND NEW game called… Diablo 4. And its not social at all.

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I don’t know what all this bs arguing is, but Wrath is a sinking ship and i’m tired of waiting 30 min + as a tank in que for any leveling dungeon

The anti’s would tell you to join a guild if you wanna run content with others (despite you being in a levelling guild seemingly not fixing the issue)

As if a guild magically wills people into being able to run content with you at your beck and call.

And not only that, you do this with RDF anyway.

RDF didn’t kill guilds at all.

Heck, the current GDKP/pug culture in classic has been far more harmful to guilds than RDF could ever pray to be.

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duh, you make own group. that solves everything.

as it joins the couple other groups also…looking for tank.

meanwhile in retail LFD after 2 hours I called it quits for the night. I could not dungeon any more lol. I barely had the time to get a glass of water between hits lol. As dps

Thread too long, I don’t even remember if I already posted but: please add RDF, thank you.