Random Dungeon Finder

They are using braggart accurately, you are a person that boasts about your self proclaimed achievements.

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Exactly. The evidence that you make unsupported claims that you are correct and that you won is in this conversation right now. Children claim they won all the time when they lose. Most of them grow out of it and stop with the empty boasting. Some don’t mature and we call them sore losers.

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I assume you concede the prior points by your non-response. Thanks for the discussion glad we could come to a conclusion.

Glad I could help you see that.

See that’s a quote out of context. It’s one of your most commonly used logical fallacies. It’s how and why you lose most debates. Followed by a claim that you helped me understand something. Which you didn’t. It’s another empty boast.

That’s simply not true. Both of us do not respond to 90% of the posts here. Neither of us concede the point of the posts that we don’t respond to. So that claim is a lie.

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I quoted the relevant context. If that’s only one word, it’s only one word. It’s simply not productive to address all irrelevant rambling people do when stringing together a thought.

That was not addressed at you but at Kelliste. Thank you though.

In a forum open to the public everyone can respond to any post. You know this. You often respond to posts that aren’t addressed to you. This is just a way for you to avoid dealing with arguments you can’t come up with a rational response to. That’s another reason you lose most of the debates here.

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Correct, no one is saying you can’t respond to anything. What you might want to keep in mind is that not every post is directed at you so while you may feel compelled to offer a reply, it may not be all that relevant especially in the context of a specified and targeted reply directed at one person alone. Again though, appreciate the reply.

What non response?

Are you talking about whatever nonsense Blizzard didnt notify me about? Ill go over it now.

This is a bunch of nonsense.

How about you read the post and you would see, I laid it all out.

Thats what a pattern is, a reoccurrence.

Because you are suggesting you know. I already know why, ive stated it multiple times yet you keep acting like its my attitude (you have claimed that before).

Thats your own fault.

Ive already stated why people dont talk in dungeons on a massive scale. You dont like the answer so you ignore it.

You know that braggart thing, this is proves it. You havent proven anything.

It absolutely is when you are trying to blame people for something. We all know your MO at this point. And its just fun to continue to point it out until you inevitably leave and look for someone you can actually troll.

Has nothing to do with you losing arguments. And just more empty boasting. You are not the cause of them keeping RDF out, and in fact they recognize that there is an issue with them leaving RDF out, looks like I was right.

That is answering the initial question, but ill answer your new question.

It doesnt.

Yes you are

Thats not a sentence.

You have said that. I must have a better memory than you because you have blamed people and their attitudes after annoying and poking people to the point where their attitudes turn sour towards you. Again, its your MO.

What dungeon runs and how do you know they are talking in them?

If they are talking, they cant be doing the dungeon. You cant do both. Its either one or the other.

Which is not contributing at all, so shut it.

No I didnt.

No you arent.

No it doesnt. If I fail to provide a source for 2+2=4 does it make you right because you asked for a source and I didnt provide it? No. Its not my fault you dont do your own research over time to see trends.

Then prove it.

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This is again avoidance. In a debate one must state the reasons one thinks the comment isn’t relevant or out of the context of a specified reply. Again this is why you lose most of the debates here. Instead of making logical replies you attempt to avoid engaging in the points other people make.

Wrong. That’s a bunch of proof that what you’ve said is incorrect – the proof being your own actions.

No you haven’t. You’ve misread again and are claiming that others are lying to you.

Nope, I have never once said I know anything about why no one talks in your dungeons.

It’s not my fault that your argument doesn’t make sense. You’re the one making it.

That’s not what I’m asking. I’m asking why they don’t talk in your dungeon groups specifically. People talk in my dungeon groups all the time.

Yes, the word you’ve continued to use incorrectly.

No it doesn’t. At least, not any common usage of the word braggart, nor the dictionary definition. Not sure what definition you’ve made up and are using here.

  1. No it’s not relevant that people dislike me because I prove them wrong.
  2. I haven’t blamed anyone for anything. How you react to a question is on you alone.

How do you know?

Citation needed for that.

So why is it that this happens in the common denominators dungeons and not everyone’s?

Nope, that’s you projecting again.

Good catch.

Quote where I’ve said it. I’ll wait.

Mine and because I’m in them.

Correction, you can’t do both. Many others are capable of typing on a keyboard and doing a dungeon from 15 years ago.

Yes it is. Do you not know what contributing means?

Yes, you did. You read it backwards completely. You reversed the sequence.

Yes it does. A claim fails solely by whether or not you can prove it. You have failed to prove your claim because you’ve made it up. That makes me right.

Why? Does it seem that impossible to you that it’s actually quite normal for someone to talk to another human being? Is this something we really need to prove?

Nope, it’s keeping on topic. Your replies have been noted but unless you respond to something I’ve explicitly directed at you, like all those other points you’ve conveniently ignored so you could speak on Kelliste’s behalf for some reason (ironically, your own avoidance), then this is not productive.

If you want my attention, you’ll have to work a bit harder. You know this.

It actually isnt.

No I havent what? And how is that a relevant response to


Not reading past this part until you answer.

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Yes it is. If you yourself can’t even practice your own argument, then it doesn’t hold much weight at all.

Please keep up with your own replies.

Let me know if you need more help keeping up with the discussion.

Stop taking posts out of context and maybe what you are saying would make sense.

And yes, I have laid it all out. Just because you ignored it doesnt mean I didnt call out out on it.

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I’ve ignored nothing. I’ve read all the posts in this thread. It’s certainly productive to get an outside opinion from someone who has read the debate. So you’re wrong again and have lost this debate too.

I quote the relevant context.

It makes sense if you read properly and keep up with the discussion.

No. You’ve misread and double-downed by making accusations.

So wait for the last 45 min ish people haven’t even been talking about RFD but instead on how people are replying to each other?

Yup, it’s a common tactic pro-RDF relies on due to lack of arguments. Everything must be boiled down to “you made a typo here” or “you lost because, well, uh, you cant prove it! even though rdf isnt in the game and that’s what you wanted, uh, whatever!”

You see now why RDF isn’t in the game yet, haha.

Finally you see that it makes sense. It’s good to see you admitting Kelliste is right.

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Thank you for actually giving me a run thru. What you experienced was what the majority of the player base experiences, and the groups get exponentially more difficult to get the lower level you are. So, you lose nothing by RDF being in the game but gain so much. But you do you Red.

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That’s how it goes sometimes. The trolls come in and derail the whole conversation by clouding the topic with BS comments. Ok people let’s get back to the topic at hand. I’d like everyone in this thread to put either “RDF PLZ” if they’re for it and “NO RDF” if against it. It’s not a requirement, I just wanna see. I’ll start.


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