Random Dungeon Finder

i have never said something is wrong with them for not making a social connection from 1 group.

how many dungeons have you done?
lets say you have done 100 dungeons with different people throughout all of wotlkc. if you made friends or social connections with 10% of them thats 40 friends/sc. even only making frineds/sc with 1% of them is 5 friends/sc, enough to do dungeons with, and that fixes the ‘need rdf’ issue there in most cases as they will also have friends/sc.

the problem comes in when you dont even try to make friends/sc.

when you ignore the community aspect of the mmorpg thats when you feel you ‘need’ automation.

That would turn me off right away.

Couldnt look at their character?

Told you, I would be put off immediately.

Thats really not that far, and not exactly what anyone would think of when you guys say talking in dungeons.

again not anything that people would consider talking, and why didnt you do this at the beginning with the feast instead of asking if people wanted to join a guild?

So this went just about like every other group out there outside of the unwarranted guild recruitment at the beginning.

In none of my groups are people rude. People fess up to mistakes, I tell them dont worry about it, and we just move on.

So no one is actually talking in dungeons, like we have been saying since… oh… phase 1.


You’re wrong. You lost every argument you’ve made here. You haven’t won once.


Checks state of game, notices RDF isn’t in currently, nor was it added in Ulduar/Naxx

Right, whatever you need to convince yourself of.

Now now, I might not agree with Red on many things, but I think giving advice to someone who may or may not know how to deal with mechanics shouldn’t be ousted.

Sometimes a quick refresher or just a little reminder does wonders.

You’d be surprised how many people I get in regular heroic HoL die to Loken for being too far and not stacking nearby.

/shrug prove it.

Gestures towards Classic Wrath, which does not have RDF currently and did not have RDF in Naxx/Ulduar

Prove that it’s because of your arguments here. Prove it’s not a coincidence. If this was an actual scored debate with judges you’d lose points for making a conclusion without supporting evidence.

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No, it really doesnt because its all the same empty nonsense.

You arent doing this again, you are not about to sit here and act like I said

to something else completely. You are a compulsive liar because what I was responding to was just blatant common sense.

This is what that was responding to. This is why people dont like you and why you lose arguments on here all the time.

Depends on what you mean by socialization or “talking”. I know exactly why people dont talk in dungeons, the ywant to do the dungeon and nothing needs to be said.

So why hint at me being the problem?

I wonder why people dont talk in my dungeons… hmmm… maybe its because THEY ARE DOING THE DUNGEON. Like I have said countless times before.

Then shut it.

No I dont.

Why should I be taking any advice from you in how to do something when you cant respond properly to what was quoted?

Claiming you are right doesnt make you right. And you shouldnt be complaining since you constantly make stuff up. Ive proven that in this most recent conversation.

No, they dont.

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Oh this conspiracy again. Well let’s see, when something happens 100% of the time many many many times in a row, would you still call it a coincidence? What do you think coincidence means?

Sure it does, else you would respond with “nope” to every single point I raise. Your own actions prove your point incorrect.

What have I lied about? If it’s common sense that reoccurring patterns are due to common denominators, why are you asking me to tell you why your dungeons have a reoccurring pattern of anti-socialness? That doesn’t make sense. Why would you not be able to tell yourself?

Yes, I’m aware people don’t like me because I prove how their arguments fail. I also don’t care and it’s not relevant to the discussion.

Looks at RDFless Classic Wrath

Hmmm, I’m not sure your assessment is correct there.

That’s not answering the question. My question again is how might the common denominator in your dungeon runs impact the socialization or lack thereof between party members?

No one hinted at anything. This is you projection. If you feel as if you’re the problem that’s on you, but no one else has said that.

But why do people talk in other dungeon runs then? Are those other people running the dungeon not really doing the dungeon? Do you think people are unable to multi-task in a Wrath dungeon?

I’ll continue to contribute to the discussion as I see fit. If that bothers you feel free to not respond.

Yes, you misread it.

Because I’m correct.

No, you failing to provide a source makes me right.

Well since you have no way of knowing and only I would know, I’ll discard your speculation on this. Thanks for sharing though.

i didnt look up pases or guild performance or anything. no. yes i saw guild names on them, but i have 2 alts in guild bank guilds so, i ask anyway incase its a personal guild bank.

it is part of how you say it.

because to much talking interrupts the dungeon, its a balancing act. but you cant seem to get past the basic of actually trying to have a conversation to begin with so…

no, there was attempts of making social connections. its never a guarantee

asking someone to stand closer so i can instantly free them by using aoe because thats the mechanic of the dungeon isnt demanding or screaming at them… its how you say it that matters and there a few times the healer still wasnt where i wanted her, but i was ready to turn and break her out of it…

thats just mire’s personality at work. any conversation happening is somehow bad, even advice, asking what people need, and trying to be helpful.

this is the mindset that, in my experience, rdf encouraged. and we may disagree on this, but that’s what i have experienced. and the current lack of rdf has made the game far more social in my experience as well, but we all have different experiences, and our views form from those.

Absolutely. Blizzard removed rdf before you made any posts on it. That you agreed with them many many many times after that isn’t proof that they read any of your posts. Debate is an actual sport in many high schools and most colleges. There are rules of logic used to score the debates that you clearly don’t know. Your empty boasting that you won isn’t proof of anything. Except that you’re a braggart.

I was very active on the multiboxing threads. When blizzard did exactly what I asked for and banned key repeater software I did not for a second think or claim that blizzard had read my posts and was convinced by my arguments. If I had done that you’d be quite correct in telling me I was a complete moron.


That would be a poor judgement call on your part. Regardless if it’s just multiple coincidences or not, I feel like a winner when I look at the game this aligned with my vision. I imagine those fighting for RDF would not say the same.

Whether we can truly prove I’ve won or not is meaningless to me.

No it’s a poor judgement call on your part.

Then why do you constantly claim you’ve won? Why are you the only one here who makes that claim almost every time someone disagrees with you? I think I’ve produced sufficient evidence to support my claim that you’re a braggart that spends a significant amount of time making empty boasts. And that boasting is for some reason meaningful to you. That’s one of the reasons some people think you’re a red alt. He also spends a lot of time bragging about how great he is. I actually don’t think you and red are the same person. Just that you have similar personality flaws.


Gestures to Classic Wrath – a game that perfectly aligns with my vision of what it should have been

That’s why. I’m a winner because I love how the game turned out. I get to play the perfect game that’s seemingly tailor-made to me.

Except being correct and enjoying a game isn’t boasting.

Then you wanted the token added?

You’re not correct. You’re consistently wrong. Claiming you’re correct isn’t evidence that you’re correct. This is why you lose every debate you had here. Bad logic.



Yes, I am correct. You call it “boasting” but really it’s just me being correct and showing the failures of different arguments.

Claiming you’ve done that isn’t evidence that you’ve done that. That’s what makes it an empty boast. And since you do it so often that makes you a braggart. It’s not a terrible personality flaw but it is frowned on in most cultures. Bragging is pretty common in rap music though. Maybe that’s where you learned it.

But their character… the actual in game avatar has their guild name if they have one.

No, its really not talking. Asking someone to stack closer isnt outside of the norm. When you were talking about talking in dungeons, you made it sound like full blown conversations were being had, not just some random dungeon stuff.

Thats what we have been saying since phase 1, you cant talk while you are playing this game.

No no no, you arent having conversations. You proved this.

No, you really didnt. What you did is akin to saying “Hey whats up” when passing someone in a store. This isnt actually an invitation to strike up a conversation, its just what normal people do as a polite acknowledgement.

And this is why we say you are full of it because you dont know how to say it on the forums.

Exhibit 1

You do not have good communication skills. You annoy people across these forums, mostly with blatant and proven lies.


The evidence is on this forum. The evidence is this conversation right now.

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