Random Dungeon Finder

And RDF doesn’t change that.

Use your awesome social skills.


The same Anti-RDF arguments being used over and over.
#1. “No changes” They added the wow token, nerfed unholy dks, buff ret pallies, H++ added etc
#2 “Anti social” You can make friends through the RDF
#3 “People will rush through the content” Yea a lot of people find the endgame of WoW to be the best part.


I’m not in those groups, but it would probably help to look at the common denominator and go from there.

And yet, people talk in my groups.

Blizzard has disagreed for 2 years now. Do you think repeating the same thing that’s been debunked 100 times before will be a groundbreaking contribution this time around?

So you arent answering the question? Answer the question why do you think people arent talking in the groups that im in? The common denominator is me, so go for it and ill tell you how absolutely wrong you are.

I smell something, and again its not roses. If we take the common demoninator from these forums, you cause a lot of stuff with your trolling. So if you are acting like this on the forums, you are acting like this in the game and people arent putting up with your nonsense here and people are definitely not going to put up with it in game.

Also, what is being talked about and when? How long do your runs last? Are people talking while fighting? Is your tank so bad that you have to stop between every single trash pack for your healer to have get mana, or are you just counting little things like “Hi” and “who is the tank” as talking?

You never say anything specific or definitive, its always a bunch of vague stuff. So come on buddy answer these questions, any one left unanswered and you are just full of it and a troll.


To implement such system for grouping players across all servers, that will require resources and time to make, maybe they are working on it for past months aiming to release it with ICC patch or maybe they doesn’t want to spent time/effort on the side-game called Classic.

I can’t answer that question, I’m not in your groups. When you have a consistent problem the first step is to look for a common denominator though and go from there.

I’ve noticed that the only people that dislike me are those that lose arguments to me. Despite the large number of people that might be, I suppose my social and communication skills make up for it, because everyone talks in my groups.

So then dont act like im the problem because im the common denominator.

Who is saying its a problem? Im not saying it s a problem. Where did you get something such an asinine idea as that?

Who has lost arguments to you? Not me. You constantly run off when your feet are held to the fire. And you didnt answer every single question. So you are just full of it and a forum troll thanks for proving me right.

No they dont or else you would have backed it up and answered my question.

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No one acted like that. I’ve only suggested you to look at the common denominator. That’s what makes logical sense.

Doesn’t have to be a problem. We can use the word pattern. When you have a reoccuring pattern, it only makes sense to look at the common denominator.

Everyone that argued to have RDF in an earlier phase.

Yes they do, that’s why people engage in conversation with me.

Yes… YOU did. You always find some way to blame people and then continue to troll.

Thats not what I asked. I asked who is saying people not talking in dungeons is a problem?

It should have been, and the decline of subs at the start of ulduar proves it.

No, people do not talk in your groups.

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Nope. That may have been how you felt but my words said nothing of the sort.

In the context of this discussion, this question is pretty irrelevant. The discussion is about people not talking in your dungeons. Whether that is a problem or not is irrelevant.

What I’m bringing light to is the fact that when a pattern is reoccurring, it makes logical sense to look for consistencies – a common denominator.


Do you have a source on this or did you just completely make it up?

Yes, they do, primarily because of my social and communication skills.

Oh look, the “nuh uh” response that you constantly whine about. The irony.

Then why did you say

You brought it up, acting like im saying its a problem. Its not a problem.

Tell me why they arent talking then. Why havent you answered what your dungeons are like? Just more non answers from the forum troll.

And what pattern would that be?


You dont keep up with it? Thats a you problem.

No they dont.

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It’s the only response needed. No one said anything of the sort. No one can control what grossly incorrect interpretations you may invent in your head.

Fascinating stuff here. Anyway, back to the point which you seem incapable of addressing: when a pattern is reoccurring, it makes most sense to look for consistencies, a common denominator. What is the common denominator between all your anti-social dungeon runs?

I can’t tell you that. I’m not in your group. All I can do is guide you to look out for common denominators.

You tell me. They’re your dungeon groups. How can you expect everyone else to do the analytic work for you?

Nope, which is why is wasn’t.

Right, so no source because one doesn’t exist for something you’ve made up. That will be discarded then and there goes your “proof” that it should’ve been in earlier.

Yes, they do. You’re welcome to invent whatever narrative and conspiracy you want but it will not change my reality. There’s a reason Blizzard has stuck to their guns on this – people are talking in dungeon groups. Maybe not your dungeon groups, but in others.

Then dont complain about it because the only thing needed with what you say is nope as well.


Asked and answered.

Sure you can. Go ahead and say what you want to say.

Oh I know exactly what you are doing. You are doing a round about way to try to get me to admit its my attitude like you have tried to do prior. Despite me saying exactly how things go down in the dungeons I run.

No no no, you tell me. You are the one hinting at something you should just come out and say it. Or do you lack the communication skills to do that?

Just because it wasnt, doesnt mean it shouldnt have been in. Do you know the meaning of should?

Im glad you agree with me.

No they dont. Or are you going to prove it, or even just answer my questions from earlier that you are willingly ignoring because you have no answer?

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ok so i did a full pug this time, so noone i knew in it. and to gauge the wait time i listed myself in lfg with no notes, no gs, nothing. the only thing of note efficting the avergae wait time is this was for the daily heroic and on H++ but i made no effort to form the group myself.

it took about 15-20 minutes to get invited and into the dungeon. at the start of the dungeon i asked if any of them were looking for a raiding guild to call home as i knew a few that were recruiting, i did this while a feast was on the ground, which i normally drop one, but another player beat me to it. this was old kingdom for the dungeon. had 2 of the 4 pugs reply they had a guild to call home that they were happy with the other 2 did not reply at all. after the 1st pull i noticed the healer standing somewhat far back (maybe 15-20 yards off the tank) i asked her to stack with the group as i would be focusing on aoe for wraps so having every1 close helped with that.

after we killed the 2nd boss (1st was skipped) i asked if any1 needed any of the optional bosses. got 2 negatives from the same 2 people, the other 2 still did not reply.

we killed the last boss and there was complements to the group, i put the watcher corpse dust in chat to remind people to burn the corpse for the other dailies gold, and i let them know if they ever need a hunter to let me know.

there was no social connections made this run, but it’s a constant effort to make those connections. being friendly, asking helpful open-ended questions directed at benefiting the other players, and being polite from start to finish is how i have made the social connections, and friends i have in this game.

You just always claim that everyone that disagrees with you lost the argument. It’s empty boasting. You’re just like red, a constant braggart.


they lost it several expacs ago really lol.

I can demystify LFD’s lack of social. At this point most out there in 10 to 60 lfd are now veterans of some wow war. If not 2+ wars. I came late legion right before BFA. I am now a veteran of the BFA war lol

5 people, dungeons run 100+ even for SL dungeons if even in the LFD (I have not seen them on a lock I dabble with). not much need to talk as most if not all have seen this 100+ times.

If by chance there is 1 player new to wow and maybe even MMO…well here is their advice.

Monkey see, monkey do.

Its leveling dungeons, not M15+ with a party killing affix even optimistic cheery people hate. when in doubt…do what 4 other people are doing. if they are wrong, well, you all die. at least you all die together lol.

The simple key to unlock 90% of wow’s leveling normal dungeons. Even for wrath 10 to 79. The 10% left for DF. I tbh have not seen all of DF"s dungeons. I dinged 70, pvp’d 2 weeks…and went back to wrath lol.

All I saw was that trash fields one. its “mechanic” is a 2 stepper. get at least 4 bubbles of DF flight power. and hit the air pockets really well. Bosses to me were over glorified tank and spank with some moments of AOE pull and pop adds. At this point in retail that is standard operation procedure for normal.

I got iron docks in wod yesterday on my the wth lets make a draenei lock to kill time. Not seen a good while. But I remembered how it went. Pull trash to die to steel balls for one part (saving lots of time really) . Final boss hide on his barrage special attack.

The game will even say the barrage is coming and to hide. or you will see 4 people now hiding. its now time for theoretical new new player 5 to…monkey see, monkey do. its time to hide in cover like 4 others are.

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Well there you have it.

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i mean were you expecting them to be made EVERY run or something? i never claimed that to be the case. i have repetitively said its a constant effort. so its not like this is some ‘gotcha’ moment…

The thing is, that interaction and what happened to you here, is the norm.

That is the expected result, not the outlier.

But you’ve acted like when people can’t make connections that there’s something wrong with them yet it happened to you here.

Edit: Also also worth nothing, this is the kind of interactions you claim will happen when RDF hits, yet evidently in a world without RDF still nobody cares.


Well it depends on what I say but rarely is that ever an adequate response to my replies, particularly because my responses are logical and compelling – not tangents about how another poster’s words made me feel.

So why are you asking me to tell you why no one talks in your dungeon groups? If this is obvious to you, you should be able to figure it out for yourself.

Ok, and how might that common denominator impact the socialization or lack thereof between party members?

Unfortunately I’ve never ran a dungeon with you so I have no way of knowing.

No, I’m trying to get you to reflect on your dungeon runs. How that manifests itself is irrelevant to me.

I’m not in your groups, I have no way of knowing.

The only thing I’ve “hinted” at is that reoccurring patterns usually happen due to a common denominator. That’s it. I’m not sure what you think I’m hinting at but that is pure projection on your part.

You need to reread that. I’m not saying because it wasn’t in that means it shouldn’t have been, I’m saying it shouldn’t have been in which is why it wasn’t in. That’s why the “which is why it wasn’t” appears second. That’s how you read the sentence.

No, right as in I’m right, you have no source because it’s another thing you’ve made up.

Yes, they do.

No, I claim that everyone that loses an argument to me lost the argument.