Random Dungeon Finder

Some of them go…but you will still wait. even longer.

yeah, no. Trying out a space goat warlock I was seeing maybe 5 minutes between LFD runs.

granted retail has loaded those dice with class change to evoker and the race class opening up but still…90% of the servers are not making new chars right now. they are spamming scholomancer and such lol.

and most of my lfd was not even locks besides me as I ran to mid 20’s. Many tanks were even plain old HMP. Good ones too, smooth runs the whole time.

5 minutes for dps is pretty damned good all the same.

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As a tank, I cant do that. Especially as a warrior with people in better gear just chugging on different targets so its a lot of tab targeting because I really only have a 2 target cleave. Its fine, I dont lose targets, but I cant be in the middle of fighting and have a chat.

Oh, thats another question that wasnt answered, how are these people able to type to their “friends” while fighting. You cant do both, like breathing through your mouth and trying to drink water, it just doesnt work. If im typing im not fighting because I actually use keybinds and I dont click my abilities.


The least they could do is create an RDF for lvls 15-70 and then just disable it 70+. That way, folks who are leveling won’t be subjected to the abhorrent questing process and can break up the monotony in dungeons. This especially applies to people on dead servers, who will most certainly find nobody to run dungeons with as they are leveling.

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No, we can extrapolate that there is one common denominator in all these runs.

That’s not really an interesting conversation starter. Good communication skills not only lead to more conversation and social interaction but engaging and fulfilling social interaction.

Your comment was the equivalent of “look at the weather we’re having.”

Gotta start the conversation with common grounds which for people I’ve never met before is going to be the stupid instance.

No, I’m not gonna answer your inane questions about how my day has been.


You may want to reconsider how you communicate with others. I can tell you that I’ve never had a trouble starting an engaging conversation. I attribute that to my communication and social skills.

Sure Jan, sure.

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There is no one way to communicate with people. If there was you could just go to a class and learn how to socialize with people and never have to worry about such things again.

Besides if people have such a problem with you asking, “Man these bosses in VH suck.” Then they weren’t knowing in the first place. They clearly didn’t mesh with so why bother changing who you are to make them happy over something as silly as a greeting?

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There are ways to not communicate though. There’s a reason some people are able to foster engaging and fulfilling conversations with people and others can not. It comes down to social and communication skills.

They do actually teach classes like these, but the majority of people should’ve picked this skill up from socialization throughout their life.

I have no idea what you are trying to communicate here.

Even if this was the case (lol) it’s a bloody game you play, not a meeting with your president or whatever the hell you think this is about.

Go on, dazzle us with your amazing conversation starters in 5 man dungeons in WotLK.


I am not surprised that you didn’t get that I was saying you shouldn’t boil communication down to a formula and instead be yourself/happy in your own skin. Even if being happy in your own skin = not having dozens upon dozens upon dozens of friends in the world.


Ok anti’s do you have any other argument other than social aspects being destroyed? Because you lost that debate several posts ago.

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And even this just really boils down to “I’m pretending I’m a better person than you”.

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As in I’m saying I’m pretending I’m better, or they are?

They are, it’s fairly obvious by their constant claim making and then just going poof when asked to clarify.

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That particular poster is on my “Known troll list” and I usually don’t respond to them. But I did want to talk about a subject I like to fight for, just well. . . being happy in your own skin as it isn’t an easy thing.

But normally I don’t see much in a point in responding.

There’s generally not a point in responding to them as they have no intention of actually taking what you have to say into consideration nor do they bring forth worth while talking points, it’s always the same debunked argument and when called out they vanish. Don’t waste your time on them as it only serves to feed their inflated very much out of touch ego. My suggestion is make your point and if someone disagrees ask why and if they give something valid, respond, otherwise move on. Also, I support you feeling happy in your own skin, everyone should.

Blizz if you’re looking at this thread give us RDF! It’s pretty clear it isn’t only wanted but also needed at this point. Waiting until ICC to bring it out is too long and it was too long back in the day. Enough is enough, give us the goodies!

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An MMORPG, specifically designed for more traditional MMORPG fans. Video game or not, it should not be difficult to get a conversation going with the proper social and communication skills that one hones from childhood to adolescence.

No one is saying to “boil down communication into a formula.” What I’m saying is that there are certain social and communication skills and people that lack those skills may find that others do not wish to converse with them.

If one is happy being anti-social and introverted, more power to them. That doesn’t mean the game will cater to them though.

Oh wow, what scientific wonders! You were able to deduce that I am in the groups I run… WOW. Who else would it be?

Tell me, why do you think people dont talk in the groups I am in, and let me know how they are supposed to type while fighting and I will pass along that information.

You do not have these.

Take your own advice before you try dishing it out to others.

You must just annoy them like you do on these forums.

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