Random Dungeon Finder

Again broad statements (of your opinion) not true. I am pro RDF and can’t stand retail. RDF destroyed the game is your opinion, others feel it saved the game.


I just find it funny that they call RDF an “anti-mmo feature” when most modern mmos have an RDF system built in from the get go

Granted, “most modern mmos” is basically just FF14 and Elder Scrolls Online…but they both have a random dungeon queue system


Well they also didnt have Alpha and Beta titan protocols either, so lets get rid of that too


FF14 and ESO are both single player action adventures with some multiplayer elements. Just like retail, they aren’t true mmo’s.

I can’t comment on ESO, but you are actively trolling if you think FF14 is a single-player experience. FF14 has a more active and social community now than WoW has allegedly had ever

Aside from that, its dungeons and trials are baked directly into the story. You literally cannot progress in that game without interacting with other players


To add to your point,
They added “Trusts” to the game where you can legit have 3 NPC’s to fill out your group but nobody uses the feature unless they’re meme’ing.

Get your uneducated takes out of here lmao.


I don’t even know what the point of the trust system is considering you have to level the NPC’s up to do anything.

But I did use the other system for NPC’s once in Dead Ends. I was trying to farm the Starbird minion and because the bird couldn’t be traded or sold on the market board, I was not going to spend months in that dungeon. (as at the time I didn’t have anyone to really run it with. It was before I found my FC) Still it was much slower than running it with actual people and I would never use them again now that I have the minion. (Also, it forces you to get good as if you die the fights auto restart. No if’s ands or butts about it. With other players they can rez. It was nuts.)

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I think the intent was to further the immersion of the story by actually doing the dungeon with your NPC story friends, which is a neat idea for sure, but yeah having to level them and then deal with the, at best, subpar AI they have is just not worth.

I haven’t used it but I think the concept is neat.

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Some people like having a bunch of minions to play with. Sounds like Baulder’s Gate which was an immensely popular rpg back in the day.

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Oh for sure! Games like BG were super fun, cautiously hype for the new Balder’s gate.

My only complaint with the FF14 one is it doesn’t feel complete and the AI could be better for the healer and tank roles.

It’s largely something for people that like that extra sense of completion, seeing all the trusts’ levels at max and unlocking their extra glamour outfits. And not having to compete with other people for glamour and vanity pets

It’s honestly a pretty smart way to just give the players something extra to do if they want it, but not in a way that makes anyone feel like they have to to stay on par, something WoW could take a lesson from. That, and a way for people to level other classes when they want to just turn their brain off and watch YouTube for a couple hours


Don’t you have your “years of social connections” to share?

I guess you can’t share what doesn’t exist.


Would love to hear how a dungeon run works for you? LOL cause i’ve level many charaters to 80 on many accounts via questing while “qued for dungeon” on the trash LFG tool. All of which 90% of the time that is exactly how it goes, the other 10% you ask? Oh i forgot i was qued for that dungeon then (leaves)… or oh this is normal (leaves) Oh this is heroic… (leaves)… Whats even more funny is I’ve been more “social” with someone in my group waiting for other people to join mean while it takes too long and we just log off. FYI i still never hear from those people again. Where this so called social aspect is so thrown out the window with GDKP’s as well LOL.


actually you are right sir, honestly dude idk whats happening anymore i would say i have high hopes they add RDF before cata launches if they dont add it during lich king patch is gonna be a hatestorm to i will gladly join.

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this is the reason my friends says that going into classic its for madman, the que time is very high (on peagle a “good server”) we have a tank and heals on our “buddy group” yet it still takes a lot of time to fill, you have to travel to do “the meaningful journey” to then wait more if any player gets there or if nobody have a flight path yet, THEN and only then you can do ONE dungeon then party disbands because “uhh i dotn get that much exp guys” or “i got my quest done see ya!” so even assuming you get a dungeon you cant spam dungeons with the group of people.

IF ONLY we had a tool that teleport 5 randoms to a dungeon their combat abilitys are more or less equal to do it… if only.


do i think a method raider (maximum) did the hardest raids there equal to myth raiding during one of his wow breaks, words from him “more or less the same as mythic raiding” you can watch the interview the videos or the tweet you sir have no idea what you are talking about.

another thing i want to say in all honest opinion is i dont think RDF will come as a “hotfix” or weekly reset feature.

The RDF will come to grab players, they will have it on icc trailer for sure it will come as a big announcement to hook old and new players this is a golden oportunity to make sure “everyone” can enjoy the lich king the “best raid ever” the raid before the “fall of wow” name it what you want it.

the fact is im pretty sure it will come in ICC patch and im damn sure if it happens i will try to catch up ppl and do the classic experience, or at least the lich king last patch classic experience if that makes sense.

Red is a forum troll, alt hops around, doesnt answer any question at all, and doesnt have any real argument against RDF.

Things he hasnt answered from what I can gather.

Listing other games that have RDF that have the same game design that is leading people to want to play Wrath like class design, the classes, aesthetics, atmosphere and so on.

His daily game routine.

His dungeon routine and what happens in these dungeons.

I wont bring up the list of “social connections” because hes making excuses already and he doesnt have it which is clear through his actions on these forums.

He says he does normal dungeons which there are very few of them even being done outside of ToC 5m normal usually used for trinket farms, and doing heroic dungeons even though he never goes through how any of these things work.

Ill tell you how my dungeons go. I only tank, my dps gear and number output is garbage but my tanking is probably on par (average or a little above average) I go do dailies while I list myself. I will eventually get an invite to either one or both of the dungeon dailies. The things that will be talked about are summons and at times straightening out any role issues that are caused by the LFG system. We do the dungeon, we all say thanks for the group in some form, and we leave.

Thats usually the majority of the interactions from not only my experience but the majority of the people on the forums and with me getting into groups with different people and them acting the same as everyone else we can extrapolate that this is the majority of the playerbase as well.

They just want their dungeons done. They want their emblems basically. So I dont know what game Red/Bloom is playing, but its definitely not Wrath.


I have to type 10 or more characters to post and form a complete sentence or a reasonable facsimile of one, but all I wanted to say was, AMEN! PREACH ON!

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Hell, I usually try to strike up some sort of conversation if I’m in the mood for it (generally am), like during todays HC++ VH commenting on how we got the worst random bosses in the place.

What conversation sprung from this? Absolutely none. The next thing said was “thanks for the run”. And VH has actual breaks in the tempo where you can talk.


Yep so much social interaction there I’m bursting at the seams with friends, I love it. In case anyone is confused I’m being sarcastic, because there’s always someone, look up the word sarcastic if you don’t know what sarcasm is.