We go through the 5 man, It keeps me from queue the group and places a timer. This recent run. I had to wait 9mins to queue back up.
I did not leave group… I could not even at the end queue up the group i was randomly with.
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We go through the 5 man, It keeps me from queue the group and places a timer. This recent run. I had to wait 9mins to queue back up.
I did not leave group… I could not even at the end queue up the group i was randomly with.
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Yep, having the same issue here. Trying to leveling time walking and we’re blasting through them.
Get the time out every single time. Really frustrating.
Just did another and same issue… had to wait another 8 mins to queue even with the same folks in the group from the random.
Do hope this is a bug and not a feature…
same i have to wait 10 mins to que think ill just play oxygen not included in meantime
Same, this is awful…you get to wait in queue after waiting to be able to queue…waiting to wait if you are a dps…
Bumperino. This cooldown is asinine. I like to stick with the same groups when I can (especially when tanking to let DPS get in quickly). Now the entire group has to sit around and wait X amount of minutes, so groups just break up immediately and we wait for no reason in town before actually waiting in the queue itself.
Same here, This will slow down the queues for everyone if they planned this.
VERY frustrating while trying to level from 60 to 70 via TW dungeons and have to wait 7-8 minute cooldown between dungeons.
Finishing the dungeon is supposed to remove the cooldown…apparently there’s a bug and it’s not being removed.
Same this morning for TW. Makes the wait queue for the actual dungeon longer too.
Same, we should be incentivized for finishing dungeons quickly.
either its a bug (witch i hope it is and gets fixed soon) or its a feature for nerfing dungeon leveling (witch i hope its not) all we can do is see and wayt what the defs have to say about it.
I believe this is a bug since I’ve done multiple dungeons and getting the cooldown is not always consistent. All runs were about the same time.
Dungeon queue cooldown paywall inc
So annoying… I’m getting 5 and 6 min waits between dungeon runs. Please fix!
Bump. Same issue going on with me as well.
I am having the same issue don’t have a lot of time to play atm and waiting 10 minutes between each dungeon is making it hard to want to play.
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Just completed a dungeon a moment ago. I didn’t get a que cd time this time. Maybe it’s fixed now?