Not fixed for me. It doesn’t seem to be every single time. Just like 90% of the time.
Yeah this next round time was a 6 min cd. Ugh…… still no fix. Luck on the last one…
Not fixed. First dungeon of the night and it did not reset cooldown once completed.
So a new application of RNG?
No, it’s definitely not fixed.
Stuck on a 7 minute cooldown after finishing a TW dungeon.
It’s frustrating that it hasn’t even been acknowledged as a bug yet by Blizzard.
Same issue currently
Same issue, sucks when i have limited time to play in the evenings
Not consistently happening but still is. Random Chromie Time TBC dungeon did it.
I was just hoping if I left for a while to play Lethal Company, I’d come back to this hotfixed. Guess not. Sigh!
Same problem. I just came back after a few month break and was like is this a new “feature”. Pretty much every dungeon getting a 3-10 minute wait (depending on how fast the run went) and this is for chromie time with classic dungeons if that matters.
I use the leave instance group option at the end of the dungeon like I always have.
Experiencing the same problem. This badly needs a hotfix asap.
If this is a feature, then please fire the absolute crackhead who came up with it.
If it’s Ion, even better.
Island expeditions too. The other person in my party got hit with this bug and we can’t re-queue to do another island expedition. If i drop group, I can queue just fine but they still can’t queue solo either. sadge.
I just joined a time walking dungeon as a tank and the group was on the last boss. I helped them finish it and now I have a 14 minute wait time for que. >:(
How does this not have a blue post at least addressing this at this point? LFG is a huge feature in this day and age.
This needs to be fixed asap with wod timewalking week being a great way to level and all before the season starts
Still happening after the realm restart. its a pita
This is also happening to Timewalking on Stormrage to add mine to the issue pile
Im just replying to the similar posts at this point to get SOMEONE from Blizz to look at the Forum lol. This is ridiculous. It’s taking forever to do anything and there was no word in the Patch Notes about this AT ALL. Its like you snuck it in and don’t care at this point. You guys need to get a clue.
This is making playing a new character a pain