Random Character on Random Server that I never made and cannot delete

The other thread got locked but I wanted to answer your question about the MVP program.

I LIKE problem solving and fixing things. After I had been promoted to project mgt I did not get to do the fun stuff anymore. The forums were, and are, an outlet to directly resolve things. For years I just plain jumped in where I saw I could help folks. Simple answers and links to documentation. Most problems are pretty common, so it is easy to point folks in the right direction. I esp did a lot with the CS/Tech Support for Diablo 3 for the first years. Of course, I had learned most of it over here on the WoW forums.

After a few years of that, one day they asked if I wanted to be in the TS/CS MVP program. That means just doing what I was doing, but in green. So I would be a bit more visible, but it also puts a target on your back. There was the promise of having the ability to contact the Forum Support Agents to ask questions - and I liked that. What I did not like was the green part because people tend to target those that stick out.

There is no compensation, no pay, no talking to Devs, no T-shirt. There is no power to moderate or do anything else. Regular user powers on the forums.

There is no paid (or volunteer) position at Blizzard that duplicates what the TS/CS MVPs do. There are no requirements or agreement to perform certain tasking, or fill a quota. No “work hours” or shift. Nothing. Just the requirement to be polite and follow the Code of Conduct - and hopefully keep jumping in to explain things where we can.

MVPs do not speak for Blizzard or represent Blizzard. We can only tell folks what the current public information on a topic is, or what our experiences with a topic might be. In 10+ years you collect a bunch of trivia about how things work!

You can read more about the WoW Community MVP program here - which is similar, although not the same, as the TS/CS program. Scroll down to the WoW Community MVP part.

If you have other questions feel free to ask on the CS forum. The TS/CS MVP program falls under the Forum Support Agents.