Congratulations on contracting an interesting illness. I’m glad the doctors could find a cure.
I guess it wasn’t lupus.
Congratulations on contracting an interesting illness. I’m glad the doctors could find a cure.
I guess it wasn’t lupus.
I did another UI reset and the character is still there. Please advise.
This IS showing up now, and it’s showing deleted.
Can I ask the steps you went through to do a proper reset UI?
The one that was provided me on your website.
I’ll do it again. Give me a minute and I’ll report back.
Still there. I renamed my files in retail, restarted the game and my computer. Still there.
Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to uninstall and reinstall the game. It’ll take me a bit, but I will report back.
It’s the old…did you restart your computer…theory.
10% into install.
35% into install. 12:37pst and UI keeps disconnecting. This is not boding well in my favor.
56% into install. 13:12 PST. Still experiencing UI disconnect.
71% into install. 13:42 PST and still experiencing UI disconnect
The other thread got locked but I wanted to answer your question about the MVP program.
I LIKE problem solving and fixing things. After I had been promoted to project mgt I did not get to do the fun stuff anymore. The forums were, and are, an outlet to directly resolve things. For years I just plain jumped in where I saw I could help folks. Simple answers and links to documentation. Most problems are pretty common, so it is easy to point folks in the right direction. I esp did a lot with the CS/Tech Support for Diablo 3 for the first years. Of course, I had learned most of it over here on the WoW forums.
After a few years of that, one day they asked if I wanted to be in the TS/CS MVP program. That means just doing what I was doing, but in green. So I would be a bit more visible, but it also puts a target on your back. There was the promise of having the ability to contact the Forum Support Agents to ask questions - and I liked that. What I did not like was the green part because people tend to target those that stick out.
There is no compensation, no pay, no talking to Devs, no T-shirt. There is no power to moderate or do anything else. Regular user powers on the forums.
There is no paid (or volunteer) position at Blizzard that duplicates what the TS/CS MVPs do. There are no requirements or agreement to perform certain tasking, or fill a quota. No “work hours” or shift. Nothing. Just the requirement to be polite and follow the Code of Conduct - and hopefully keep jumping in to explain things where we can.
MVPs do not speak for Blizzard or represent Blizzard. We can only tell folks what the current public information on a topic is, or what our experiences with a topic might be. In 10+ years you collect a bunch of trivia about how things work!
You can read more about the WoW Community MVP program here - which is similar, although not the same, as the TS/CS program. Scroll down to the WoW Community MVP part.
If you have other questions feel free to ask on the CS forum. The TS/CS MVP program falls under the Forum Support Agents.
Now that you have explained it, then I retract my comment on keeping opinions out of responses.
However, I will say this… and I know, I’m imposing my beliefs here…
Even though you are not in any way shape or form representing the company, you kind of are by default. You have an MVP status and that status can be looked upon as an “authority”. Yes, you are pointing people to the already available information, but how things are said goes a long way.
I was actually referring to you in my previous response. You had said some things that were purely opinion and definitely were borderline. I’m referring specifically to two threads about the VtK system and you eluding that the OP and many others (including myself) were trolling.
Since you are an MVP, do you believe that added value or diminished your credibility? Because I believe that it did more harm than good.
I’ve been in IT practically all my life. I was building PC’s with my dad before I even started kindergarten. IT is kinda in my blood, which was why I ended my career as an IT Project Manager. When I went for VotC, I had to keep my opinions to myself. So hard to do, because when I get passionate…I can’t stop myself sometimes. (See current rant) However, I needed to hear the customer. I needed to allow them to air their grievances, free of my opinion and my influence. Granted, this was in a business setting and not in the forums of a game. However, the concept still applies.
There are many players that hop into a thread and just put down the OP for having an opinion. I’ve seen people called liars and trolls for recounting their experience, but because one person says that it doesn’t happen…the OP and others who agree must be lying. You, unfortunately, added to that dog pile on more than one occasion. Like I said, we are human and we post on emotion, a lot of the time. I just made up with Sendryn for some of the comments we slung at each other.
The point, from this very long diatribe and I’m not trying to offend, just offer friendly advice…use this status wisely. MVP is an honor and to me that means you have a broader knowledge base than most and I should pay attention to what you say, because of your status. When you take cheap shots at other players, it makes me want to ignore you.
I’m not going to assume how you will take this criticism. I just wanted you to understand the gift of MVP and the power you have with it. Which was why I advised that you keep opinions out of the discussion.
Are you sure you are not mixing up greens? I was pretty focused on a compromise solution for the debuff timer, and ensuring that the cooldown on kicking was working.
There were people picking personal fights, which was indeed trolling, but I don’t recall calling the OP, or anyone else, a troll.
I don’t think I was the only green posting. I don’t tend to just call people trolls.
Ummm, this is sort of the worse advice you can give anyone within the forums.
Doesn’t matter if the person is an MVP or not, everyone is free to include there own opinion in any discussions, as long as it is kept relevant to the topic of the discussion.
Madame, that thread was a warzone. The GD crowd never responds well to CS lingo and is basically the reddit [cringe] of the WoW forums. You and the dragon were bold to jump into that madhouse.
General Discussion is the forum specifically designated for giving opinions about the game.