Random BG tier list?

But you still created a gap between them and ur lock which gives him time for his port or gate to come off cooldown. And the melee lost GCDs

pretty much all my rbgs this season have been as a destro lock. Not healer.

u asked about rbg:

I think you misunderstood

How do you get your melee in to stop enemy casters/ranged/healers

when you have 4 melee on you

and 2 mms snipering you

Melee needs to ā€œpush inā€ to stop ranged dps and harrass healers. When ranged freecast in bgā€™s itā€™s pretty much an auto loss.

You canā€™t really enable that as an rsham.

Your totems decide where people can be, and you need your totems in 4 different places.

I need to start queing again, frost mage looks kind of fun. Where would you put Pres/Dev? or would you not recommend

What healer is enabling their team while getting gone on by 6 players at the same time?

Disc priest/hpal bubble/mistweaver/ray of hope combined with angel

Rsham struggles in situations with MASSIVE burst happening on like 6 different people that are really spread out.

Itā€™s fantastic if people are stacked up. Iā€™m not going to deny that. Reality is randoms are chaotic and melee need to push in. If you help your melee, you leave yourself open

priest are paladin arent tanking 6 players with brains. If were talking about bad players rsham can also tank 6 players with earth ele stam and 60% wall then chaining 1.2 mil absorb eartherns and then drop a healing tide no1 will kill and do 240k hps

reality is rsham isnā€™t E tier

It is B

I do it every day.

Youā€™re lasting way longer than a rsham


nah a priest + a few dps can cheese you through all ur cooldowns with md.

Rsham using 60% wall at full hp with earth ele and then chaining eartherns and burrow isnt dying for a while.

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Enuff talk about lame-o Healers

What Dps are best? :dracthyr_love_animated:


You canā€™t be good at random BGs because you never even do them -n-

You should find a joker to Q with. He never lets me get Mdā€™d

hunters are best

@tidepodzxo am I real

Elise is baddest b**** that does random bgs

them transmogs are :fire:

Also, theyā€™re surprisingly good at surv

Iā€™m being gaslighted over here

Literally never seen Elise in a BG

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yeah with 4 others peeling for you every game

Just 1 Joker.

Iā€™m a lucky woman.

do not let him fool you he only does epics

Iā€™ve literally done 50 bgs with elise at this point

Top frags all the time on surv, great player