Can confirm
Me and my fellow zug zugs were very confused
Can confirm
Me and my fellow zug zugs were very confused
this is my hot take youll all disagree with. yeah I know you wanted classes but I typed it so too late.
cool tier:
eye of storm
deepwind gorge
overhated tier:
seething shore
isle of conquest
too much callouts, road fighting and rogues ninjaing flags:
arathi & gilneas
(deepwind is similar but I find it better due to gy placement)
you gon get gy camped tier:
goblin mines
twin peaks
no soul because it looks like a sports field not a war, but fun tier:
this isnt even pvp its competitive pve race to kill boss tier:
alterac valley
The problem with bgs are a lot of the maps are outdated for how class design has changed. I used to play a lot of bgs prior to SL then had to cut back. The amount of burst (designed for dampening in arena) had a negstive effect on larger group play.
With all the burst in the game it largely comes down to zerging as a group and out dpsing the other team. Healers are extremely important and typically are the determining factor as they can help mitigate the influx of burst from 4-5 players. Obviousily there are outliers and some specs are going to overperform in bgs (hunter, boomy, and a much wider range of casters). This in comparison to melee who are typically taking the blunt end of the team burst and extremely reliant on having healing present
Small maps with objectives like orbs or carts that funnel players into a spot on the map compounds this design
The team that bursts first generally wins
healer role is pretty irrelevant. They just give you another chance (maybe)
if team A bursts first, and team B bursts second. Even if they both live, team B loses on second go
Whichever team bursts second always has a rushed go, often people arenât hitting what theyâre supposed to and most of the CC has been used up to peal.
Very true. Melee are very weak at the moment without a very strong healer. Not an average healer, you have to be very good.
Bruh you trippin
S Tier: Kotmogu
A: Silvershard, Eye of the Storm, Deepwind (If you can get CD resets)
B: Warsong, Arathi, Gilneas
C: Twin Peaks
D: Deepwind (If you canât get CD resets)
F: Shore
Nice play on words.
WW monk, S tier. Exceptionally durable and may be the highest melee dps, mortal strike, good mobility, disarm
Fury Warrior, C tier or worse is my best guess as it isnt played, what fury warrior, I never see them.
ARMS, A tier. hard to cc much since they are always spinning, good but not crazy damage, medium survivabilty, well rounded spec as cc isnt op but mortal strike and disarm/spell reflex are super useful, great mobility.
RET, B tier. Low sustain damage, medium burst, every important ability is extreamly visually telegraphed and counterable. 6 specs remove 5min CD defensives early, purgable Blessing of Freedom, can be feared while Blessing of Spellwarding is active, dying during forbearance is very common, low mobility, nerfed abilities with additional pvp specific nerfs and large nerfs to several previously best pvp talents, not terrible Vs MM and Survival hunter, easiest melee to kite.
Sub rogue, S tier. Best in game control with cc, smoke bomb, shadowy duel, strong slows, great defensives, goes invisable in combat TWICE, great burst, low sustain damage, great mortal strike, disarm, if it is a good tool for success it has it, fastest walking spec, + walks faster when invisable+ reduced shadowstep cd if used on an ally, faster running with movement cd that lasts really long. Best mobility in game and they can do it all while invisable so good luck stopping them from going where they want.
SIN rogue, B tier. can do great burst if deathmark isnt removed early, pretty easy to kill, medium sustain damage.
Outlaw, B or C tier maybe. I rarely see one and when I do they die.
Feral, B tier. dies really easy if not played by a pro, less than high overall damage but decent burst.
Survival, B tier. would be A but it is a little squishy, few players use it, good damage all around, its got good cc, moble, underrated for sure but it is still no HDH.
Havoc, S tier. Strong mortal strike, lots of cc that doesnt DR eachother, great mobility, heals with damage rotation(no need to waste GCDs casting heals like a peasant spec), does tremendous AoE and ST damage with nearly the same talents and rotation, isnt punished much for not doing its ideal rotation, makes you feel bad for winning with little effort.
Enhancement, A tier for the right player. The few melee that play this spec have cracked the code and know how to nuke players quickly or just die, I dont know the how spec works but Iâve only fought god mode enhancement shamans or novice ones, seems to me it has a high skill requirement, on the squishy side.
Frost DK, C tier. tuned/designed too badly to be played, has a one shot that is not even that powerful and if it didnt have that bit of burst it would be D tier. It has about nothing to do outside of its burst window.
Unholy DK. A Tier. Can do very high damage for someone skilled at playing it, otherwise they harm no one and die. Medium skill requirement to do ok damage, high skill req for high damage and average survivability, not for everyone.
MM Hunter, A tier. More work than BM to live, more work and more stationary to do good damage but can be quite a strong burst spec. Weak to strong melee.
BM hunter, S Tier. pets do most of the damage and they are durable, as all hunters not so much themselves, can kite better than most and their damage is not reduced much while they run like crazy all over the map, will los the target and somhow not reduce their own dps.
Augmentation, C tier. nerfed, almost never played now.
Devestation, A tier. pretty good mobility cc and damage, lower than normal range for a caster, dies pretty easy.
Elemental Shaman, A tier. instant cast damage can be quite high, less moble than some casters but smart uses of knocks, roots, and slows still lets them kite fairly well.
Fire Mage, A tier. nearly best in game damage, can die fast if not skilled in kiting.
Frost Mage, A tier. Best mage Vs melee, also does great damage, will make you question why you dont play mage if you play most melee.
Arcane Mage, S tier. Hard to play well, but if you can it is very popular high in rated brackets, can spellsteal which is very powerful when used well.
S Priest, B Tier. annoying to Paladins and R Druids due to mass dispell, not the best damage but good, hard to play well if chased and interupted/stunned, low mobility, strong defensives, smart use of fear is an important defense Vs melee.
AFF Lock. A tier. Low burst, very high sustain damage, not as tanky as Demo lock some how, has some ramp up time and must maintain dots on many targets to eventually overwelm healers and eat through enemy defensives. Effective if you can live long enough
Desto Lock, A tier. Nearly S tier. Large Chaos bolts eventually kill anyone you are allowed to free cast on long enough, downside is you are not allowed to free cast often, players know what your spells are that warrant interupts. Good, high skill required mobility as all Locks have.
Demo Lock A tier. If there was a S tier Lock this would be it. High sustained damage with some ramp time, pets do most of the damage but requires casts that can be interupted to make it happen. Tankiest Lock around. As all Locks do you will spend some time feared if you fight one.
Tanks for pvp Ill just put is a simple tier list. High viability to low for most pvp.
Guardian Druid, Blood DK, VDH, Prot Warrior, BM Monk, Prot Pally.
Healers all I can say is I dont play them but the hardest to kill or otherwise win Vs is Disc/MW monk. Easiest to kill or win Vs Holy Pally/R Druid
Let me know if I missed your spec
Agree with most. Disagree with a few.
Fury warrior is not bad, it just isnât as good (or easy) as arms warrior. By easy, I donât mean damage rotation, I just mean avoiding getting CC spammed with double bladestorm in team fights. Fury warrior is a pretty strong 1v1 spec when built for sustain, and ofc, there are the death wish fury warriors being healed by two healers and being fed buffs by enhancement shamans and aug evokers.
IMO, any rogue with shadow dance is at least A tier. Assassination rogue is also a very strong team fighter and has the potential to top damage in team fights if built for that. Outlaw is the weakest of the three, but still really good for objective play and high value kills.
This tier list is very very wrong.
Most of ur healing comes from treants and treeform instant casts. Spamming 100 purges isnât going to make u auto kill. Especially when they reset all their treants and treeform and OG with tranq cdr talent
Iâm doing 300k hps on my rdruid in the opening teamfight. Spam purge all u want itâs not preventing me from topping people.
So many crazy takes. Ret paladin in C tier?! feral Druid higher tier than ret? Feral is completely useless garbage in bgs unless u have a pocket healer.
Sub rogue not S?
Rsham in E?
Mw not S?!
Disc MW and hpal same tier as Hpriest? LMAO
Preservation not A tier?!
Gaurdian Druid not S?!
My eyes are bleeding
Ya 300k dps aoe stun go isnât that powerful.
NGL I hate kotmogu when I play my warrior.
But itâs the most fun BG when I play a port abuser like lock / monk, or hunter where I can just spend the entire game doing fat numbers to orb carriers from across the entire BG.
Also fun nice being able to rescue / swoop up our of the center. You can make some pretty neat plays.
Healing it kinda sucks cause there are so many places for DPS to break LoS and randoms never pay attention to where the healer is.
I always want to love BfG, but fighting across the river as horde just kills the BG for me. Itâs also way too easy to win off the first 2 cap.
objective truth
the average rdruid in random bgs is generally a pretty useless contributor compared to the average disc/mw that can accidently press buttons randomly and save a teamfight. a lot of rdruids in randoms just know how to save themselves while their team dies around them and they moose leap away
same thing with hpals, so heartbreaking watching an hpal in a random bg cast a holy light, get kicked, his teammates die, then he dies. i think i die inside every time i see a holy light in a teamfight in randoms and the targetoftarget disappears because the hpalâs cast didnât go off in time. so many hpals in randoms just sit there casting holy light in the middle of a teamfight
when i queue bgs iâm generally annoyed if the other random person healing with me is an rdruid, rsham or hpal unless theyâre an above average player. pres is a coin flip
If someone who doesnât pvp a lot and wanted to give bgs a go asked me what classes to play solo in randoms iâd probably suggest something like this
I just shockwave treants and insta kill them with odyns
Rdruid is fantastic until people specifically play around you. Then you hate your life and wish you were on anything else
so is every melee
Feral druid does insane aoe damage, and can fc
ret cant
In random bgs?
Name a single good random bg sub rogue outside of roxeni who still can only manage a sub par win rate. Heâs a hero of the horde rogue and can only win 65% of his bgs
The team with more rogues always loses. Youâre always better off with a heavy hitting dps
Healers alone do nothing, every healer is mediocre in random bgs. You just get stormbolted into blanket silence and die
You could do a billion healing in a bg and lose
Youâre not losing with a billion damage
This isnât a healer tier list. This is a âwhat should I main for bgsâ tier list. Solo qing as a healer is a horrible experience
Rsham sucks in bgs because it limits where your team can play, good players instantly kill your totems, and youâre not really saving anyone from MM damage.
If your team has to choose between chasing the MM/destro or sitting in earthern.
Itâs a lose lose.
Healmedeeply does insane healing and gives all the casters clearcasting pretty much perma.
Also is the only healer I know that can keep me up on my deathwish fury warrior. Maybe she defies logic.
Pres is only good in rbgs because you can move the FC around. Also the fact that you can get mcâd in emerald communion is hilarious
Guardian? DH is a better tank than guardian man
Whereâs your healing hall of fame posts
would love to have you post some screenshots in here. I know youâre a good healer/player
hate lizards so much
Iâll show u c tier pal
Every spriest i see sends silence into my conc aura mastery and iâm like
No worse feeling than needing to trinket spriest blanket silence in the opener
U are describing most of the specs in the entire game.
why are they in B?
If your dps are 30% worse than the enemy dps but you gap the healer then u are winning the game.
Mw monk can solo carry harder than any other healer.
Who cares about rando bg win rate? If you exclusively solo queued on horde u would have around a 50-60% win rate
What do the names of the players have to do with anything?
rogue has the highest solo carry potential out of any spec in the entire game.
u can move your totems on resto shaman.
yes you are.
and yet i outhealed her on my half geared preservation evoker every single bg without fail because pres is a better spec than hpriest.
Why isnât rdruid represented in high mmr rbgs
Wheres your hall of fame posts
healing in pushover games is irrelevent
No youâre not.
Youâre going to move all of your totems onto 1 melee training the lock?
agree to disagree
EDIT: will respond in a bit I gotta head out
why would u queue anything other than triple mistweaver or double mistweaver disc/pres
i just static field the melee off him then healing surge him for 400k
rando bg healing screenshots matter?
Good melee insta kill your static
Youâre not stopping 4 MM goes with 2 dhâs and a warrior on you as a rsham.
Sorry. Not happening.
Link RBG screenshots?
Why would you Q 3 healers in random bgs