Random BG tier list?

Just started playing again after a month hiatus

Seems like Devastation may be the scariest thing in BGs?

MM still ez bake damooj but not as crazy as last season

Ret not as scary as S1 or S2

Boomie aoe still needs a nerfin

Destro/Ele situationally epic.

Tanks very killable

How’s everyone feel about specs right now?

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All I know is vengeance and devastation are really low on my list



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Everything destroys undergeared PUGs in random BGs. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Any well played spec does well in random battlegrounds.

If I wanted to play a ranged dps in random bg what’s a better choice warlock or hunter?


Honest tier list from someone who has done 6000 bgs in dragonflight with a 93% win rate

S - always useful
A - Usually really good but can get countered really hard by 1 thing (warriors with slows, dk with hunters, destro by a good front line)
B - You have to be really good at your class to make an impact
C - Really meh in the current bg meta can work but even if ur a rank 1 you’re going to get outpaced by the backpeddling hunter
D - why bother (rdruid in this tier because you just get spam purged in real games)
E - Lol.

Tier list only applies to games that are actually hard. If it’s just pugs anything is fine

Hunter because MM outranges all other specs. It helps it target swap faster and abuse the Z axis in BGs. It also won’t have the movement restraints of Warlock

Tidepod’s list:

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Aug wasn’t on my list but I’d drop it in B

You have to do damage, the support style is meh

glass cannon fire mage

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someone who has done 6000 bgs in dragonflight with a 93% win rate

This is a fantastic snippet, with an extreme sample size to boot!
Most time played BG NA?

The super interesting (wild!) part of this, is how a user would continue to play a game mode which does not have any competitive values within it?
Agony of Defeat! Thrill of Victory! which are two cornerstones of competitive gameplay. They work in unison, clearly non existent in this case.
Pretty accurate display of how powerful the patented matchmaking system really is.

Is it safe to say that Random Battlegrounds are not actually designed to be competitive?

Proudly playing on the “why bother” tier. :stuck_out_tongue:


y u mad man it only game

You should see me do that to 10 people on fury warrior lmao

Feel free to correct me on anything in that last post that may seem incorrect.
It’s difficult to get logical awareness from users with heavy investment in the product, the post was more of a big picture example. We are aware of this. :dracthyr_shrug:


I started at 50% win rate

If you’re good you win idk what you want me to tell you

There’s no mmr

only content I can do with 5 people, and I like duo qing with J

If we had 5’s I do that, and if rated randoms were a thing I’d do that. Problem with shuffle is I hate the formats. Joker and I running around and winning teamfights doesn’t matter as much in that mode

hmm premades and player experience changes everything.

A glad level resto druid wont be Rank D :wink:

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Versus purgers they will be

faced graril the other day. It’s impossible for him to heal if he’s getting spam purged, teamfights lasted 20 seconds maximum

Rdruid is unplayable against teams with heavy purge. It doesn’t matter how good you are, if 6 people purge you, you can’t heal

It’s why it’s never used in high mmr rbgs

From my experiences in randoms, almost no one purges.

And if I dont see purges against resto druids in 2k RBGs, Im certainly not going to see much of it in a random.

There are 0 druids at 2400 in rbgs rn and 1 above 2200

That tier list isn’t for your average random bg.

It’s for when you face a premade of people with glad mounts

If you’re talking about your randoms versus pugs with no gear, anything is viable. You’re absolutely right. That’s strictly my “I want to be good at the game” tier list

I have had too many random pugs make it their mission to purge/spellsteal everything the druid does in a BG