Random BG tier list?

i thought we were talking about solo q my bad


Just random bgs in general

I’ll admit hpal completely alone is rough. All healers are

My opinions are pretty skewed because I pretty much only Q with J

I’ve only seen you in one BG but I know you do a lot more than that. Maybe difference in queue times or something.

MW on fc maps can actually 1v9

even if ur dps are awful u still have a high chance of winning.


then in other word you do not solo q enough so stop trying to talk for those that do when you have a pet that peels for you 24/7

I’ve had too many games where I hold flag for 15 stacks and no one does damage and I get sneezed on and die

90% seems accurate

I’m prob just exaggerating the problem

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I took like a month off :3

boomkins , mm hunters, rogues, dks

how dare you

How’d DK make the list?

Both specs?

Nothing funnier than hearing Zlyrax play Ele in coms

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All 3.

40 yard double death grip is way too powerful.


jajajajaja what he do do he scream like little girl jajajajajaja xd

He just makes cool sound effects and has really good coms

Did the Wiley coyote whistle when he punted someone off LM

I enjoyed it shrug


Imagine a small child playing with Pokémon figures, completely unaware of his parents listening to his weird dinosaur-noise vocalizations

Now imagine he is still doing that, but is also RBGing at the same time


Never change zly <3 Love you boo

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Both in A honestly, pres going to be great next season with instant living flame tier coming back

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Xcakez isnt wrong. While hunters are not the most durable, you can be BM and make your pets do tons of sustained damage from a safe distance and never need to sit still to do damage, MM it up and have big burst damage but lose the safety of the all instant cast BM playstyle, or weave a melee/ranged playstyle with Survival and have really good single target dps and likely even better AoE, Camouflage(hunter stealth) is an option for all of them I think. Gives you one min to sneak in and get in position while picking a target. Hunter cc is strong, Disengage works for preventing falling damage if used well, knockbacks and slows are very nice to have. I dont play hunter so Im not sure if any have a mortal strike. They all do best when a friendly healer or resourceful dps that cares if they live is nearby, mildly weaker damage done Vs plate classes from larger amounts of armor. But they love to eat up shadow priests devestation evokers and mages.

But powerful enough to rival Boomies ezmode team fight damage or MM’s ability to nail people from 70 yards?

I play mail/plate specs so MM hasn’t been that bad for me this season. But I imagine with consumables it still violates cloth at will

I think Devastation has the best team fight burst and single target sustained damage in the game atm though. I’m regularly overtaking traditional pad specs in damage. I also see a lot more Devs than I used to. I used to be the only one so I know other people are catching on o_O

yeah all those specs do insane damage. But dks can also do insane damage.

Damage doesn’t tell the whole story tho. Just spam gripping some1 off cap or spam gripping the fc or dragging away the healer with no trinket can auto win u a teamfight or even the game.

frost dks 200k dps aoe grip go with pillar chill streak and stun strang can solo any healer with no trinket let alone an fc.