Random BG tier list?

Bob will agree getting spam purged on a druid makes it almost impossible to do anything

it’s pretty much just a mad rush to kill the purger, and if we can’t it’s over

spam purged on everyone he’s healing?

or just him when he’s being trained?


what druid are you playing with

I promise you they’d say if they’re getting spam purged they can’t heal outside of broccoli, and then they’re very weak to swaps

well now :slight_smile:

just so happens Im leveling another priest and will need to spam BGs for honor… so I’ll be sure to take special interest in any resto-druids on either side and will let you know of my findings

Very rare to see rdruids in bgs nowadays

he’s a tank from season 1… so undergeared now
but I dont have intention of gearing him for s3 at this stage

Probably a reason why they’re not geared xd

(really unfun)

I predominately RBG, and didnt like Tanking compared to Healing :slight_smile: , along with time restraints

if you had to choose, you’d choose priest <3

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Speaking of which…

Why all the strongest healers at B-tier, and nothing above that?

So harsh haha

But would like to know reasons :slight_smile:

I’ve never healed a day in my life, but I hate MW the most because Peaceweaver -n-

Because you have to be good at healer to make an impact on it. If you’re a bad healer you will be a negative more than anything

hmm I dunno dude

I mean Disc priest comes with a “suitable for all ages” label

They only need to be present and press one button… and suddenly 3 nearby allies get a roflcopter 120-250k heal … no targeting required

I mean really each role should just be looked at separately for randoms and even then it’s a bit map dependent (you really need to define what the tier list is meant to show).

Good healers do nothing alone

you could do 500 million healing and lose the bg

A good damage, needs a good healer

There’s also a massive difference between a good healer in a bad healer

is there anything better than interrupting a disc priest on their ult, then stormbolting them on the next cast, then shockwave, then fearing “Hey look interrupt is off CD” BAM!

Someone tell me what my spec has turned into, I have way too much CC


You telling me you couldn’t just kill him in 8 seconds flat?

You should be ashamed

(Also War Cc is fine, bring back Gag Order :dracthyr_tea: )

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Check this game out rofl

Yeah no, tell that to all the useless healers i get when i queue and i have to literally solo heal entire games because everyone else is useless and trash

My quest geared fresh paladin with zero pvp gear outhealed a conquest paladin in the same teamfight because a ton of healers just don’t press or something idek why so many struggle to have any APM its mind blowing and so frustrating

Anyways healers only i put

S- casterweaver and disc
A- fistweaver
B- pres, hpal, hpriest
D- rdruid, rsham

Obviously they’re all playable, but from my experience this expansion those are the specs i feel tip games the more if everyone is equally skilled

I agree 100% with the tier list posted above tbh

Also re: rdruids, a ton of them end up with huge pad healing because they sit in bear form and jump around with hots on them while 5 zug zugs pound on the bear while reeing it won’t die. I mean its a solid strategy if it spins the base, but yeah

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Very well said