RAMPANT Botting in PVP - CLIPS included

What an insult to the CS reps that have been at the company for 15 years. Accusing them of being nothing more than ignorant yes-men who only relay information the insidious higher-ups allow them to.

How did a conspiracy theorist who purports to know the inner workings of the company better than the long-term employees tasked with telling the truth and helping people on the CS forums get recruited into the Community Council?

I’m going to believe Vrakthris over you.

The same CS rep that said defending AV bunker is not participating, you’re picking a weird hill to die on.

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I’m sorry Alex Jones lost his lawsuits. I bet it was a sorrowful day for you.

I played destro lock in the 69 bracket and yes you can kill them very easily it’s so funny. I’ve been rounding them up and farming honor

Got some mail saying they did some stuff boys, first EOTS game I joined were all players. No 13 DKS on a lopsided match :smiley:

In another match now and its all players, no bots. Things are lookin good!

Its quite humoring when you say report all the dk bots that they take offense and start responding hehe

you seem to have alot of “mah feelings” going on in this post lol.

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However you are wrong.

Im still dual boxing (not really MULTI but still under the same thing)

Playing WOTLK right now with a Warlock main on my Desktop and a Priest on my Laptop.

Engage mob on Lock, press3 on laptop for Shadow Word: Pain, then press 4 for mindflay then press 5 for rejuv on pet…6 is rejuv on Lock…1 is follow (name) 2 is mount

Software and Hardware use for input broadcast is banned but playing 2 characters on 2 different systems without using hardware or software to BROADCAST the commands is still perfectly legal.

I’ve never in my life been banned from the game, or silenced, or anything of the sort. To be fair, it’s also kind of hard to do that when you unsubscribe for a decade.

Nothing in this thread was about that. You just tried to change the topic because you knew you were losing all the arguments that you started.

You don’t expect this for a monthly fee game…
They don’t give a s about us anymore…

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FFXIV allows the use of that stuff and WoW does not. That is why Final Fantasy is better. You get nothing but back to back complaints about WoW on the WoW forums and every other day you get waves of people saying they are unsubbbing or complaining about class balance. In FF… that is not the case. They allow you to use broadcasting software. It is ONLY bannable when there is automation. If you control all the movements then it is allowed 100% in Final Fantasy 14. The Mods even BAN people who back to back complain about it. It actually is against the rules to make multiple threads about the same topic on here too unless the topic has reached a post cap and becomes auto locked. Then you are allowed to make another thread about the same exact topic. Blizzard obviously no longer wants our money. They want Final Fantasy to have our money instead, so if you want to multibox, go over there where it is still actively allowed.

Bots are banned in that game a lot more than they are here btw. Odd how WoW will straight up ban anyone who multiboxes, but will almost never ban bots… you see the same exact bots posting for months in trade. You see a multiboxer they get banned in less than a week.
Final Fantasy bans bots, but does not ban multiboxers.

They dont want our money. Give it to someone who does. And FF does want our money. They have proven it.

You ask about multiboxing on a FF thread, people will actively go out of their way to give you tips and sometimes even the forum mods will pitch in to give you some advice on the best software to use.

World of Warcraft is actually the only forums where this topic is always meant with hate.

Go play Final Fantasy.

They literally do not care.

BGs are filled to the brim with bots, and they’re not even especially good bots. I’ve never seen it this bad. I’ve reported them several times, yet they still remain.

And I dont to hear their excuses of “we do it in waves”. Shut up and ban them. It’s not hard . . .they’re not hard to find. They’re easy to spot.

Blizzard has become such an INSANELY greedy company, and it’s sad, because they make great games, they always have . . . but they’re being destroyed by Blizz’s laziness and greed.

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Blizzard bans bots in waves. They probably mark the account as “botting” and get as much as they possibly can for the duration to keep the offenders hooked to creating more accounts. There were videos of the most glaringly obvious TBC botters doing the same dungeon over and over. There was no GM permabanning on the spot… a single person examining a server could make these punishments go out. But they never came until months later because it’s isn’t profitable to ban them immediately.
I recall seeing the same bot back in Vanilla(Not Classic release the game back in 07) seeing the same Hunter farming black dragon scales for months. Reported them multiple times but, they were never banned even up until the time TBC released. There has to be some model in place even dating back a decade+ where bots aren’t targetted immediately and disposed of. Maybe it’s been Blizzard policy to permit this behavior for the cash flow and Blizzard has always been corrupt or out of touch.

Have you seen the state of BGs lately? They are very much so over run with bots.

You know what . . . forget about it. I’ll take the bots over the WoW playerbase. Honestly, go touch grass. You are so chronically online it’s sad.

You are a funny lot! I will say that :slight_smile:

Stay woke my friend!

Lol? You’re a bunch of conspiracy theorists who believe that Blizzard is playing chess with the bots, trying to ban a few to look competent but allowing them to mostly operate unopposed for their subscription money. You people then claim that the reason why no former employee has made a statement about this practice is because they must be under an NDA. They will personally attack Bobby Kotick and the board at Activision-Blizzard but they’re obviously under an NDA not allowing them to tell the truth about the bots.

I’m not losing ground to a bunch of tinfoil hats, sorry.

In order to have a bot that functions at full capacity, that bot must be able to speak in trade chat and all chats, be able to trade, be able to gather and sell and interact with other players. The only way you are going to be able to do all of that is with an active sub. You ban all those bots, you lose all those subs. Bad business to ban bots if you are a sub based MMO. Everyone knows this. You run an MMO, you need the good, the bad and the ugly to make everything work.

You actually believe these massive botting operations legitimately pay for their subscriptions?

Everyone’s an expert, except the experts. No gaming company has defeated botting. Tibia had free bots running amuck for decades and they were never able to thwart it. This idea that all these companies can flip a switch and ban the free bots but they choose to leave the “paying” subs is just so stupid I can’t keep this conversation going. It just shows a complete lack of knowledge about the situation.

I do not agree with the practice at all, but I can see why so many MMOs do it based on a business standpoint. I would too based off of a business standpoint if I were running an MMO. Those bots are paying subs. Not to mention, they got talked about so much that they get brought up in gaming vids, which pushes the algorithms for the game to be prompted more as it is being talked about more.

Having bots is good for business when you are short on subs. We havent seen an announcement about a massive bot banwave in years now. They were worse in the past btw.

Yeah I reported as well, its litterally the most agressive rampant botting ive ever seen. The other day it was 25 out of 30 players in the game botting just auto pathing. Both sides just botting with DKs.