Raids Too Difficult?

Look, I love difficult content as much as the next guy, but when it’s a timed event like this, I’m kinda on the fence about it. Like some of these raids require people to actually study and learn mechanics… Which has lead me to think that, a guild group is probably going to be necessary if I want to at a reasonable pace progress through some of these raids. No way pugs are going to know how to do these heroics… To me it just kinda kills my enjoyment for it a little… I didn’t really want to have to go hard into this event like I feel it’s kinda requiring me to do. And maybe I’m in the minority of this, but I went into this hoping everything would just be super easy and we could have fun being OP. Doesn’t seem to be the case so far. I hate to sound so complainy but they’re just my thoughts… What do ya’ll think?

You were just spouting a tune about how much you’re having fun and trying to belittle people who weren’t. You haven’t even hit max level yet. A single day more is all you needed to start complaining too.


To be fair, I too said I was having fun, and I was thinking that people complaining were not learning the class or not gemming right.

Until my pet started to die in Scholomance from auto attacks, and being chunked 10-20- even 50% of health by questing mobs.

For now on, I aint gonna opine on anything until I fully experience it, to prevent myself from giving a good grade to a failing term paper.

It is so much easier to faceroll pug CURRENT RETAIL RAIDS than any of this timerunner crap.


No, they arent. Even the scaling issues arent that bad. Do some quests and get 346 gear and youre ready for normal raids.
I dont know what people were expecting, being able to immediately one shot mythic difficult or something.

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Seriously, you are clueless. I am in full 346 gear. I just completed a “Shot in the Dark” scenario on normal. First boss has a spin attack that has no wind-up and it one-shots you. The forum is literally exploding with complaints about the scaling. Unavoidable damage is sometimes hitting people for over a million damage. Spell casters can chunk you in 2 hits. I do not think you are actually playing the game if you think scaling isn’t bad. The Blizzard Brown Nose Brigade strikes again, folks!


Was having fun until I hit lvl 65-70 and the scaling went all out of whack. Now its tedious cause quest mobs can slap you real hard if they want too! Also, really squishy in raids and dungeons also. This needs fixing asap.


I just tried to tank a heroic dungeon at level 69 on my blood DK. Vo’Jak the bug boss where u defend the wall… AUTO ATTACKS ME for 310k each. With lust and a good group our best attempt was 12.5% after proccing cheat death talent and cheat death tinker and coccoon and ward. The clowns tuning this clown show need to be fired.

It took me three hours to run a full Siege of Orgrimmar raid. I got roughly 12k bronze out of it overall, but the thought of doing it as a daily lockout is wild.

SoO isn’t even the hard one, we more or less one-shot each boss (aside from Malkorok and Thok). Throne of Thunder is a real pug killer.

I was ecstatic when my group stuck together to take down Durumu after like 12+ wipes, only for us to be walled at Dark Animus. Something was going on with the tinkers causing players to generate large amounts of threat at the start of the fight. This resulted in multiple small adds b-lining to them at the start and nuking the players one-by-one.

We never even got to see one of the medium adds spawn, we couldn’t get past the first stage of Dark Animus. We weren’t able to narrow down which tinkers were generating the threat.

Has anyone defeated Throne of Thunder normal, yet? I want my necklace already lol.

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I don’t know what is so hard to grasp about this.

There is clearly scaling issues. You shouldn’t have to, as a level 70, be decked out in max upgraded gear to do normal raid or a heroic dungeon and still get one shot while level 15-30’s with 5 pieces of green gear do triple your damage and can solo things.

Clearly not how they advertised this mode.

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Judging by all the PUG groups stuck at Durumu in the LFG tool, I think you’re one of the very few that were able to clear that far.

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I’m also curious if anyone has beaten ToT. Like you we got walled at Dark Animus and we couldnt even really survive 30 seconds into the fight. I’m glad its a daily lock out though because holy crap not being able to even do a raid because you killed a few bosses is BRUTAL AF. Especially when basically every group in LFG is a fresh group. I tried forming up my own group and got zero applications, people just arent willing to risk the lockout.

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Not to mention all of the bugs. No one can have their meta gem slotted on the celestials or they despawn.

How many garrosh bones did you get with a normal kill?

Honey I was doing normalraids with 280k hp and in all 332/346 gear.
Only died once and was in top 3 dps.
Be quiet lmao

Why would you lie about something so obvious?

Likely a Frog Lord.

Just gotta grind your cloak stats for 3-4 more weeks to catch up with the frog lords who did it in 3 days.

Then you’re allowed to clear the raid.

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Nope. Never touched frogs at all.
346ilvl, 370k hp on this toon.
Cleared normal throne with no problem.

Remix started strong for me too but is also already starting to feel “meh” unfortunately. Especially since I am playing a fury warrior and for no reason at all that I can see they got a strength nerf that no other classes or specs did?

I also feel like I am getting weaker, not stronger, which just isn’t very fun. It’s also why I hate WoW scaling. BFA leveling was especially bad for it.

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