You all do realize it's been 3 days right?

Yes, we know how many days it is. That’s the problem. The first week of this isn’t even over and people are already soured because beyond the first few hours of playing it, it’s not what was advertised.

What I expect on day 4 or 5 of this is to be levelling an alt with 300% XP on a shared cloak buff when I’m bored of demolishing group content on my main. Not grinding a harder treadmill than original MoP or current live.

“Don’t do it.” – yeah, duh, we won’t lol… I wanted some of the old heirlooms but not THAT bad, damn.

Overall poor design for this to happen IMO. The cloak should be more integrated into overall gearing, there shouldn’t be a gear treadmill parallel to the rewards structure. It would be fine if it’s up for 90 days but not REQUIRE 90 days of playing.


I actually really LOVE the mode… thats what makes this so frustrating, that they wrecked it with their typical crap.

And the fact that they got the players so excited for months hyping it up, and then immediately nerfed it is a huge kick in the teeth.

People were literally chompimg at the bit for this mode to come out , as excited as ive seen players for anything in a long time…

I mean , I’ve been playing since 2007, I know blizzards ways of doing stuff exactly like this bait n switch nerf, and even im pretty surprised at how hardcore they went out of their way to ruin it and suck out all the fun.


Yeah, I like the mode too. But the issues with the mode are incredible. Even just basic stuff, not including the scaling.


I’m ready to play the heck out of this mode if they tweak the scaling.


I think what the players expected and what blizzard planned were completely different


Interesting. Have you tried not standing in stuff? :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like these are the people who didn’t read anything, watch anything or play the PTR before the event started. They just logged in one day to find the new event in their character select screen and had no preconceived ideas of how the event might unfold, which is probably the largest proportion of players. They are happy because they don’t know any better.

I went into it blind, and quite honestly I will love this game mode regardless because Pandaria is my favorite expansion by a flipping galaxy.
it could be horrible and I’d still enjoy it.
that being said, normal raids are about the only “easy” thing atm with scaling issues lol

It’s cool we have 95 days, but the event shouldn’t require 95 days of dedicated play to achieve what you want. This response is just as tone deaf as Blizzards decisions so far. Should we have everything after 3 days? No, of course not. But it should be better than this, and Blizzards responses so far haven’t inspired confidence that this won’t require a 90 day grind slog to get the rewards.

Just make it fun and rewarding Blizzard, that’s all the players want.


Buff bronze, fix scaling, gg tbh

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We all know it’s coming.
Just like plunderstorm.
It will be adjusted.

Base stats in 65-70 range increased
Cloak leveling speed increased
Bronze currency gains increased.
Gear upgrade cost reduced.
XP gained increased.
Proper alt cloak sharing.
Ring/neck/trink achieve sharing

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. That cliche just kept ringing through my head as I ever. so. slowly. leveled up. Finally gave up today at level 34.

I just have such a bitter taste in my mouth from trying over and over to have fun, only to realize this isn’t fun at all. Same feeling with Plunderstorm.

You know what, Blizz? If this is your attempt to keep me subscribed by dragging everything out, then why don’t you just put all the mogs on the store and let me give you the cash directly. This isn’t 20 years ago, and most of us have families and lives.

The saying is supposed to be “the carrot OR the stick”, not both.


This was the mantra at Blizzcon last year. Feels more and more like smoke.

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I need to have it all!

Yeah let me just not stand in unavoidable raid wide/dungeon wide AoE damage. :roll_eyes:


its been 3 days and ppl are having panic attacks after getting 100k in 3 days

the event is 90 days long


I think everyone understands this but it’s missing the point that the event has only been out for a few days, half of which is a weekend. Give Blizzard time to either fix things or say they’re implemented as intended.

I mean, the could have not nerfed it and fixed the scaling to begin with lol


You know, it’s hard to believe but I don’t think Blizzard’s intention was to just give everyone all of the cosmetics for free.

You just pick the things that are important, or perhaps unobtainable and go from there.

That being said, people are reporting farming 25k bronze an hour, and you can get upto 10 of the remix specific mounts for that amount, and many of the hard to get mounts that are still available are also less than that.

Only 9 are more expensive, and one of those is Alani’s mount which is incredibly easy to get on live and guaranteed for everyone who tags the kill.

You’re really over estimating it if you think people are needing 31,500,000 bronze to get what they want.

That’s 630 of the most expensive items you can purchase (Tusks of Mannoroth and Ruby Cloud Serpent)

Blizzard nerfed the frog grind.