RaiderIO should be banned

RaiderIO is just as cancerous as gearscore was; I completely agree with you. People should be judged on their ilvl, which is the Blizzard sanctioned way of judging people.

This constant obsession with “timing” every dungeon is absurd when many players are interested in trying to get gear upgrades (and the fact you aren’t guaranteed loot at the end is pretty crap). If you’re aiming for the achievement for the rank 4 essences and the mount then get into a progressive mythic+ guild.

Then they need to make gear a ton harder to get.

Right now gear is thrown at you, and its the worst possible way to “judge” a person.

I just sneezed and had a piece of 460 gear thrown at me.

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Just making sure you know that m+ dungeons are timed content… right?

ilvl is a completely awful way of judging someone.

if I’m making a group for an underrot 12 key and I have the following two dps to choose from:

462 dh. 200 io, has never timed an underrot
453 dh. 900 io, has timed several underrots, his best being a +11

if I choose by ilvl, I chose very, very wrong.


It’s not about chesting - it’s about timing. People rage quit in high level mythic+ if you wipe or get more than 5 deaths. It’s once thing if the point of the group is to clear a 15 on time for the achievement progress, but the goal of these dungeons should be to complete them for both the chance at an upgrade AND the weekly chest which will have another chance at an upgrade. If your group doesn’t need the gear or care about the weekly reward then you should just put that in the group description.

I am sorry let me be clear chesting is timing in my book…otherwise its just completion such as 2 chesting

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You know what, I’ll do one better than that.

I’m not going to judge you with raiderio or your ilvl, I’m going to judge you based on merit.
So far, you’ve only really raided NYA in LFR and just about halfway done in normal.
Your highest keys are 9s. For 461 ilvl, that’s kinda unappealing.

Fun fact, I used your armory. Not so different from io, is it?

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This thread, like so many others in General Discussion, boils down to the following statement:

“People don’t want to play with me, so Blizzard should FORCE them to!”


Just push your io score up, why should every other player have to have their keys ruined by inexperienced players they can’t screen, just because you can’t push your io score to a decent level for the key you’re trying to get into?

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Oh look, another raiderio post.

Aren’t third-party programs/sites for this stuff a bannable offe-… Oh. Wait. That’s Final Fantasy. Not this game.


“but I pay my sub same as them they should stop being toxic and have to take me and play the way I want to”


Fun fact - I’m a healer so on any week without Grievous which has an anti-synergy with Disc, I’m probably getting invited anyway. The only time “experience” starts to matter is at 10+ when you have to start dealing with Awakened, which fundamentally changes the way the dungeons are played.

Raiding has ZERO to do with Mythic+ so that’s a highly stupid thing to compare it to. In fact, the two are practically exclusive as people who focus on high end mythic+ will find it a more reliable and lucrative way to get gear than raiding which is a much larger time sink with no guarantee on getting any gear. The only overlap is that competitive, progressive MYTHIC guilds farm high level mythic+ to get their raiders more quickly geared to progress into Mythic raiding content.

I have no interest in doing higher than a 9+ and I did LFR because that was what my lifestyle affords me the opportunity to do since my server and guild is dead and I work evenings on a rotating/random schedule (but you be judgmental and arrogant). The only reason I’ve been doing Normal is to get Encrypted Texts to get rank 2 of the essence for fun and because my friends raiding guild does alt runs and are happy to have me precisely because I’m so much more geared than normal requires.

So, now that I’ve demonstrated your assumptions are incorrect and you’re an elitist jerk, how do you feel?

Oh, and one more thing - I don’t care what someone with sub 10k achievement points thinks either. You haven’t been playing this game long enough to lecture anyone.

Not really. The problem is nothing to do with Raider. io. The problem is how the playerbase uses it. There’s nothing Blizzard can do about that. The playerbase would just find some other way to gatekeep even if Blizzard could remove it.

. . . Or it could be that BfA is a bad expac and people moved on. I sincerely doubt Raider. io had anything to do with people leaving the game. It’s been a thing since Legion. It’s not specific to BfA.

Raider IO is a tool used for decision making. The tool itself doesn’t make any decisions.

It will not be removed in Shadowlands. There are even rumors that Blizz may implement their own version into the game (although that’s a different discussion).

And the final point is Raider IO is a very inclusive tool. Lots of players, including myself, would never even invite pugs or randoms to our keys simply because we have a community or guild to play with. Raider IO opens up the selection pool by providing us with information on those we’ve never come across. If Raider IO is removed, there would be no scenario where pugs would be considered. This isn’t elitist. It’s just common sense.

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OP doesnt have friends or a guild.

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Since when does achiev points mean anything? you can have 20k achiev points and still dont know what a cutting edge is, which basically makes your pve opinion meaningless when trying to lecture some1.


Hi, I started at the very end of Legion. I do not like PvP, I do not like questing in unnecessary zones, 3 of my 120s were boosted because I have money/preordered BFA and Shadowlands. My achievement points are their highest on this char and probably not 10k across all my characters. I find it hilarious you brought achievement points up for a Mythic + thread. Achievement hunting is a very viable way to enjoy WoW but it has very little overlap with endgame PvE like keys and raid. The fact you would think achievement points matter instead of Cutting Edge/AOTC/Keystone Master is laughable. Your last sentence basically reads " I don’t care about how well you can write a medical report if it’s not in Spanish." Sure people who speak Spanish can write medical reports but knowing Spanish won’t help you much with writing a report.

Well you can also see how many total runs someone has done in a bracket. If I’m looking at someone’s rio in game and they have 15s done for every dungeon but it says they’ve also only timed 12 15-19 keys then I can tell they have way less experience than the person who has all 15s done but over 100 15-19s timed. Rio website also has the entire history for the season. Armory only shows the highest timed key for each dungeon.

So, push your own keys and invite your own peeps see how far you get. Imma be over here peepin IO so when its explosive week I can trust that youll tab to it and hit the orb.

This looks like you’re just buying runs and have no actual idea of what’s going on in even those dungeons. Sure you could whisper the lead and tell him that those aren’t bought runs, but that’s not what the evidence says.

Besides that, who’s responsibility is it to learn the dungeons? Is it mine or others responsibility to teach you even though we’ll likely never see you again and teaching people isn’t fun for us? Or is it yours to learn said dungeons through the various methods such as guides, forming guild groups, running your own key?

IO exists because not everyone has fun teaching complete strangers

IO exists because people want to time their key and there just isn’t time to teach someone the dungeon.

IO exists because people don’t want to spend an hour and a half in a dungeon that should only take 30-40 minutes.

IO exists because completing a timed run in time is fun for people.

IO exists because wiping is not fun for everyone.

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