RaiderIO should be banned

Imagine being so dense that you think it’s stupid to compare the two primary forms of PvE content. Both have mechanics throughout. Both have avoidable damage. Both have things you need to interrupt or dispel. I could keep going if you want. Just because they are approached differently in their current iterations doesn’t mean they don’t have similar attributes.

But to be point blank, none of what Khosumi said was an assumption. What they stated were objective facts. You have only done the latest raid primarily in LFR, and only 6/12 in Normal. Khosumi also said your highest completed keys are +9’s, which is also objectively true. None of what Khosumi said was an assumption.

An assumption is me stating that you don’t want people to know these things because it makes you look like you don’t do enough content to validate your arguments against things like rIO. While this could be true, it could also not be. I don’t know you, and I don’t know what’s going on in your head. But maybe you should learn what the word “assumption” means before throwing it out like that.

And btw, achievements points mean very little in the context of an argument based around current end game PvE content, and addons associated with it. Most achievements can be gotten in the game’s current form. I can go solo Blackwing Lair or Molten Core and get the achievements associated with them. It doesn’t mean I understand what it was like to participate in either of those raids when they were current. The reciprocal is also true: just because you did those raids when they were current doesn’t mean you automatically understand current end game PvE.

Regardless, you’re showing little reason as to why anyone should listen to your claims about a system that is working well for the people who need it. Have fun trying to kill N’zoth on LFR. From what I’ve heard on GD, it’s a real bugger :wink:

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some of the worst players i have seen had very very high ilvl

raider io is needed

get over it bud

I pug primary to gear and have no issue with raider IO with the exception when it’s used for anything below a 10. However I do understand it’s their key and their rules in choosing players.

My preference towards the add on came when I began to lose my high keys to pugs particularly Tanks or Healers who really don’t know what they are doing then rage quit.

And on the flip side I don’t use it as the end all because I’ve been in groups with those with high score but still messes up the group and rage quit.

I see it more as a tool that can help

I’ve never seen anyone setting up raider io requirements below +10

I have and it’s very common it’s mostly asking for carries in a indirect way

Our experiences differ :woman_shrugging:
But that shouldn’t be too much of an issue, since you can just create groups easily below +10. Keys don’t have so much value in that bracket.

I don’t use it nor do i really care but couldn’t this be solved by making your own group with your own rules on who is in it?

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Removing raider io would be such s great change, look at raiding! There’s no raider io and anyone can join. Just link aotc cutting edge carry me plz to the 195 ilvl crony king rl s of wod, oh, and keystone master.

If they remove raiderio, you do know that people will just start blocking it off to pugs and keystone masters and rank 4 irises, right?

It shouldn’t be banned. It allows the best mythic players to play with the best mythic players efficiently and become increasingly competitive which is what they want to do. What you should do is get in a guild that can get you in the mix a bit more. If you want to make mythics your thing then you will excel in no time.

Your 116, you shouldn’t bother looking at IO.

If you are hiding from your main to make this case, then something is very amiss in the first place. You want to discuss this seriously, post on your main.

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OP, you have a very good point. But Raider IO is literally the only way you can tell if strangers that you invite to do group content with are actually experienced enough to get it done.

There may be a work around… what if you do you so many timed 10-14s that you become undeniable to anyone who can see youre record?

Without raiderio I would never bother to pug my key

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Says the guy with sub 13k points who probably started playing in Legion and mained a hero class which has been faceroll. :laughing:

You realize you can buy Cutting Edge, AOTC AND Keystone Master, right?

What he assumed was my skill for having done 9s when 9s are the maximum I am interested in doing. If I had the time and inclination my gear would afford me the ability to do higher dungeons. Unfortunately Blizzard decided to punish Disc in Mythics with this nerfs heavy handed nerfs so, it is what it is. As I don’t care about doing higher than a 9 it doesn’t particularly bother me.

He never assumed you skill. He said you’ve only done 9’s (actually you’ve only done a single +9, two +8’s, a +7, and a +6) and haven’t really raided Ny’alotha seriously. All of that is an indication that you don’t have enough experience to qualify doing any keys higher than 9. I, personally, would say that it would indicate you don’t even have the experience to qualify you for keys in that range for the 8 other dungeons you’ve yet to do. You’ve got to understand that the primary comparison we’re making between raids and m+ is the ability to perform under mechanically heavy content.

But my point stands the same. He didn’t assume anything. He stated what you have done this season (therefore showing what you haven’t done), and that was enough of a reason for him to want to exclude you from doing the content he’s doing.

Your gear, while yes it should allow you to perform in keys above a +9, is no indication that you are ABLE to perform in said keys. Ilvl =/= skill. Gearing is ridiculously easy. I made a point in a comment above that I have guildies who are 460+ ilvl pulling numbers we saw back in Uldir, BoD, and EP. Those people probably should not be trying to get into +12/13’s that are being pushed, as they could potentially fail the key just because of low DPS (not even counting lack of interrupts and not fully knowing what they have in their spellbook).


Oh nice the classic “I could do it if I wanted to but I choose not to”

I looked at a site that uses completion data and compiles it to which specs are statistically doing best and which builds and disc was 3rd behind only paladin and druid.


Anyone can realize your skill by looking at your progress and logs, no one cares about achiev points except you when talking about skill, so yeah come back to me when you know what a cutting edge is, or you know, ill make it easy for you, complete a +15 since you claim to have the skill but you just dont want to (what a meme).

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OH! My mistake I thought we were talking about raider io as people who have used it and do the content associated with it. If we are talking about the people who buy carries then Raiderio really doesn’t matter. Just enter your credit card details, get that wow token and complete any key you want while watching netflix. The people getting carried shouldn’t have an opinion on Raiderio though seeing as they have literally no reason to check io.

Yes obviously if all you do is buy achievements and dungeon runs then I can see why Raiderio is useless to you.

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So if you have no interest in pushing high end content, why are you raging so hard at being told you haven’t cleared relevant content?

Yikes. For a second I thought you were a male human paladin.