RaiderIO should be banned

The issue is, sites could still get data from web scrapping the armory or the ladder.

If players realllly didn’t want that information publicly available, they would have to remove it from there as well.

Edit: I should note, the API is available to anyone. So, if someone didn’t like how RIO worked, they could make their own. :slight_smile:


The only difference between RIO and me armoring someone,is with the addon I don’t have to tab out.


Go RAID don’t do mythics then.

People in raid don’t care about raider io.

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Those of you that have no idea how RIO (looking at you OP, and many others) go to the website and check it out. You’ll find it to be very informative.

But of coarse you won’t, much easier to whine on the forums about how unfair life is.


It’s literally no different than raid pugs asking for AotC despite being on the first boss.

It’s a measure of experience. 15 dungeons timed at +15 is a more “sure” thing than you timing only the 3 dungeons you want.


I’ve sat in Discords while pugs formed and listened to the leads judge peoples raider io scores and make decisions based on that. I don’t know how common it is, but it’s not totally ignored for raids. Experience in high end content is still experience in high end content, even if it’s not the specific mechanics in the raid.


AotC linking as a requirement needs to go, too.


I have found thats a great way to weed out pug raids you should not join.


I would rather use RaiderIO than:

A. End up in a group where somebody bails because said group is awful and everyone’s time is wasted or…

B. End up in a group that argues when things go wrong and ends up being a very toxic experience or…

C. All of the above.

Of course RaiderIO doesn’t prevent those things 100% but it lessens the chance imo.


In my experience, like 90% of people leaving M+ in progress are leaving BECAUSE they realized the run won’t be timed and therefore won’t raise their Raider IO score.

People very rarely leave due to sheer incompetence resulting in potential 2 hour runs or failure to complete in general. Those groups are almost non-existent if no one is trying to carry an undergeared friend.

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See, my experience is the opposite.

I dont remember the last time someone left because we weren’t going to time it. I have ran a ton of m+ in the previous month. Had it happen 0 times.

I have had people leave because they felt the group was physically unable to complete the run, regardless of time. Because of bad play.


Again do you people not have guilds pr something? Stop complaining about pug rules if you live in that world when its so easy to not

I guess at the end of the day any individual’s experience will be a drop in the bucket vs the amount of runs being completed every day.

I just know personally when I was running keys around 10ish and below, almost no one ever left, even if it wasn’t timed. Because those people need the gear still and that’s mostly why they’re there.

As soon as I started pushing into 14ish and higher, suddenly every other group that didn’t look like it would make the timer had a quitter, even if it was just one unfortunate wipe. Including one guy who left AT the last boss (with time left) because we didn’t have enough time to kill it in the timer.

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Gotta understand that some people pug because they don’t have guilds for legit reasons. I personally will never join another guild because no one I know irl play anymore & I don’t trust random strangers online. In Legion I pugged whenever I had to time to so pug rules will never be a non issue with me since I “get it”.

Still though, to agree with your point if you didn’t start the pug, then you follow that pug leaders rules regardless of how you may feel about them. Seems pretty simple to me.


good news, you don’t.

you just have to run a m0, get a key, and push it up.


What do you have to “trust” random strangers about when you join a guild?

You aren’t co-signing a loan.


There are people in my guild that mean too much to me to leave, but generally speaking there isn’t a lot of mythic+ and heroic raiding (or any mythic raiding) happening. So I have to go with pugs.


the conversation usually goes

“hey, looks like this key is scuffed”

“yea…mind if we finish it anyway to get a different key?”


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What does trust have to do with being a part of a guild to raid? We have people who raid with is who never speak or chat to anyone just log on durring the weak to do whatever it is they do and join in at raid time. They hop in disc to hear calls but they never say anything

Has to do with irl issues from my past that sadly transitions in to the game & it’s a struggle to get over them. Let’s just say with people I don’t know I’m very cynical & distrusting towards them.