Raiderio is toxic and ruins the game for many

As a relatively hardcore player I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!

I would totally love to do Ny’alotha with a bunch of named NPCs.

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I’m sure they did. But rio has codified it thus making those other methods moot. Screening via any other method other than rio now is simply not gonna be done by your average player who is so not gonna be bothered to look up your parses etc.

The timers not really much of a challenge in low keys. Just means you can’t take a break to cook dinner mid-run. But it’s still better than heroics that I can solo.

They could even set it up to do it different ways. Imagine at the start there are 6 NPC’s and you build a team of 4. And there are achievements for doing it with different team configurations! It would be fun.

Right now I’m going to try to apply to a group as a 435 healer to see if I get in, and to dispel the misconceptions that you can’t get into groups without RIO. I’ll let you guys know how long it takes from this post. 11:36 AM Mtn Standard

OP…do you have your own key yet?
If not, run a M0, and that will give you your +2 key.
If you don’t have anyone to run with, I will get on my 120 Horde hunter, or my priest, and run with you so you can get that key, and possibly upgrade the +2 you get depending on the key b/c there are some dungeons I simply despise and won’t do. lol

Serious offer - just let me know.

(Edited to remove my btag but it seems apparent OP just wants to complain since there have been other offers to help get a +2 and they are only making more excuses.)

SWTR’s story modes for flashpoints works a bit like this. I think it’s tuned easier than it needs to be, but it works fine.

Many times this - I think the MMO that manages to figure this out will be the true wow killer (even if it is wow that does it) because it will change the paradigm of how group content happens and guilds/communities work.

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Boom, I just got invited to a +2 Waycrest Manor.


i offered the same thing (ill do it on this char) and they replied with RIO IS TRASH WONT CHANGE ANYTHING

Does even report parces? I thought it just took your public armory score and made it into a number and allowed people to see your highest sucessful M+ as well as your main’s (if you linked them).

435? Maybe you can get in a +4-+6 max. I don’t know what you’re aiming at.
But I could get in +6-+8 groups easily on my alts without much score. Those are normally the one you can get in super easily. Past +10 people are starting to be a bit more demanding, it’s then that it becomes necessary to run your own keys. Which I did on my alts sucessfully.

Pics or it didnt happen. Fr tho i pugged my own 5 with a char with 0 io and no one cared when they joined or anything(we also 3 chested it)

no, it doesnt

I don’t doubt for a second that a big chunk of the complaints are people that want to skip right to +15, as if they deserve it or something.


How though?

definitely. Seems like a lot of them want to skip the learning phase

I don’t know how to post pictures on the forums :frowning:

http ://prntscr. com/tkbghe

Are you in game right now? With a healer we could prob 3man and +2 key. Let’s give this thread a happy ending!


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Let me put it another way. Which is more likely to happen to someone first encountering m+? Someone telling them to go lookup their applicants armory, character history, parses etc…OR, hey scrub, just go install this add-on.

ill help too this can become a disney short film

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