as a player trying to catchup, raiderio is very toxic. nobody will inv me because of some numbers. how else am i gonna increase my io if nobody inviting me?
Hello Raiderio is bad thread #2342389126086717384541
If you are a dps and want to get a group there are so many other dps that sign up that they have choice to pick higher ilevel if you are coming back giving you almost no shot at getting invited unless you make your own group.
Well threads need to keep being made because Blizzard clearly does not understand something so simple.
Sure the community will always find another way, but lets be real here. Making it harder for the community is a good thing. We need less gate keeping.
Not even making your own group works. once they see your io score they leave.
You will find people in the same boat as you and not leave though.
Yup, but on this forum. That is the answer to the problem.
Inc this person who made a fresh level 120 and easily made a group for mythics.
You can just read this forum and see the state of the community. Just look at how much they hating covenants because “we can’t min/max how we want.”. Blizzard needs to punish players harder for gate keeping.
ive had no problem gearing my fresh warrior, unless youre trying to do content that is way outside of your lvl you shouldnt have a problem
The easiest called it ever.
yea because you didn’t have a problem, means everyone else doesn’t. thats exactly how it works.
Run a mythic0, start your own key that you get from the final boss. Then keep doing that, if your key gets too high, degrade it by starting it in the dungeon it’s for, then leaving and resetting until it’s low enough.
You will always get a different dungeon for your key when you complete the keystone dungeon.
You don’t have to use it in your groups.
I have buddies right now gearing fresh dps and joining M+ groups. Make your own or keep trying to get into one, but stop blaming some tool on your current state. Tools don’t do anything without people behind them.
It is no different than AotC requirements for raids.
Mythic+ didn’t exist before. Now it does, and it scales up to a point that competes with Mythic Raids (because of the weekly chest, but still).
Why would you expect people to invite whoever, willy nilly, when you’re doing content at that level?
Do you want a queue, so people can start whining incessantly when they can’t get further than +6, resulting in the entire system being nerfed because that’s how Blizzard handles queued content?
and because you had a problem, that means r io is toxic and should be deleted, thats exactly how it works
I’ll take “Raider IO and how many threads we can make about it” for $1,000 Alex.
Daily Double
Alex: What’s your wager?
Player: I’ll risk it all
Alex: Ok, here we go… 4,362 threads have been made about this, while 11 million have been made about this… good luck.
Player: What is Raider IO and flying posts?
Alex: No, I’m sorry. The correct answer was Raider IO and Nerf Demon Hunters.
Nerf DHs…
That is all.
If Blizzard catered to the dozens of you spiteful forum heroes that don’t actually log into the game, the game would be dead. Thankfully, they know how small your demographic actually is.
exactly. Its just a tool that lets you view experience? how can something that just shows someones experience be evil?
Really? Because Shadowlands is looking to be amazing. I hope you enjoy it! Because Blizzard is listening to feedback from “forum” heros like me.
Because they “play the game to get away from the real world” even though the real world, the employers look up your previous job experience and skills to see if you fit the criteria of their hiring process.