Raiderio is toxic and ruins the game for many

I’d suggest you look into supply and demand.

High RIO requirements for dps are a demand-side problem - if dps were rare, they’d lower the bar for acceptable.

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dude, maybe they already have a ranged and want melee, maybe they already have a hunter, maybe they have 10 more dps in queue who have more gear and experience than you, whatever the case is, rio isnt the problem most of the time.

I think the main source of the problem and why you keep seeing these rio threads is that the average player is happily playing the game, then one day BOOM! Hits an external wall put in place by the community they weren’t expecting.

Why did I highlight “external”? Because Rio is not built into the game. Their entire experience the game has taught them only one thing: ilvl as the gate keeper. Now we agree that wow does an abysmal job at teaching players its own design and mechanics, so whatchu think is gonna happen when rio (the m+ gameplay design overlord) that isn’t even part of the base game to begin with, suddenly pops up out of nowhere? Of course people are gonna be in for a rude awakening. Of course their gonna get disappointed and angry. So some initial butthurt is perfectly reasonable.

So herein lies the true problem. It isn’t so much rio as it is the complete failure of wow to prepare and teach the new player that it even exists, how it works, what’s expected of you etc to begin with. Now you might say: " But it’s not a blizzard thing etc.", but does any of that matter when rio is the defacto ruler of m+?

Much like ilvl before it, blizz is going to have no choice but to deal with this sooner rather than later. Either embrace rio and incorporate it into the game officially (like ilvl) or break it or…continue to sit on their hands and scratch their nose with their feet all the while wondering why it is there are recurrent complaints about m+ and rio.

It’s not rocket science. Do something blizz.

Why not if it is a problem with the community as a whole?

That’s called Mythic 0. You don’t need IO for that.

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It shouldn’t be…but there are “those ppl” who will use it for the lower just so they can blow through w/o actually doing anything in the dungeon, aside from completing it. lol

It’s dumb, but it is what it is. I just lol at those ppl.


People screened for key invites via other methods before RIO was a thing, back in Legion.

remove lfr,remove lfd at max level(keep it for leveling and time walking) make an rio built in

Yet that wouldn’t stop them would it.

It’s sad because I enjoy tanking so much, I still do it in FFXIV, I just would never touch that crap again in WoW.

I can learn the affixes, I can learn the routes, I can learn positioning, CD usage, rotations, but I can’t do anything about the groups being absolutely horrendous to people trying to learn.


it isnt built in (and imo there should be a built in version) but its just displaying public data anyone can look at without the addon that blizzard posts online

The entire community doesn’t have an issue with it - basing off these forums really isn’t a good example, as this is only a fraction of a fraction of the player base.


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I’m with you there and mostly in the same boat, its usually better when content is new but this late in the xpac it is bad.

I heard there were almost too many tanks in ff14, is that really true?

Your point was to make a system that allowed players to see the content. M+ dungeons are the exact same as Mythic 0 dungeons. They hold the same content, and you should consider M0 as the “LFR” of dungeons.

then run with friends. Why would some randoms who are trying to time something want to just watch you $@!% up?

Ive been applying to +2s all morning being declined. and i should be probably doing +5 anyways as the ilvl drop from +2 is 435 and im already there.

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Here’s how you fix the game.

The first thing you do is remove all queued PvE from the game, so no more LFD and no more LFR.

Instead of LFR you create a solo-player experience like Wrath’s “Battle for the Undercity”, where the player can tackle the content at their own pace, with a bunch of big-name NPC’s along to do the heavy lifting. No more queues, no more “tank shortages”, no more trolling, no more people ruining each others’ experience. Just a single-player experience for anyone who wants to see the raid.

Second, remove LFD. LFD is only used now for Normal & Heroic dungeons anyway, and… what, exactly, is even the point of doing a Normal or Heroic dungeon, these days? I can’t think of one. Even new characters have better ways to gear up (world quests, etc.). Just take it out.

Blizzard spends an enormous amount of energy dumbing things down so that “somebody grandmother” (to quote Ghostcrawler) can do everything. Imagine if they took all that energy and instead spent it on systems to match people up with other groups of people, who play around the same times they do, who have similar temperaments, who like to do the same things.

Information technology is used for tons of people-matching these days, it’s a huge industry. I can find the perfect date, the perfect insurance policy, or the perfect novel in 5 minutes because of information technology, but Blizzard can’t find a way to get people into a guild they’ll like? Give me a break.

Because the mentality of the community is that people who want to learn are lying they just want to be carried.






With a low raiderio score you can work your way up, and run your own keys. When you’re running your key, you’re doing the inviting. If you want a shortcut, join a guild and run keys with guildies / friends. They aren’t looking at your raiderio score, they’re trying to help you get your gear and score up.