Raiderio is toxic and ruins the game for many

Lol you know they won’t give max level boosts until the final patch of an expansion

exactly. Had 2 afkers in lfr today and they were legit furious when i called them out on it and asked people to kick them


To be fair that’s pretty much all my runs I think as soon as I did my first awakened key I actively avoided doing anything sub 10 because awakened is awesome.

Yea like I said, if I come back for next expansion (after shadowlands) and just decide to ignore all of Shadowlands.

Uh no I’m completely fine with that. It will put more pressure on blizz to fix their idiotic mistake sooner.

I can’t even imagine what Mechagon Workshop is like in sub-10 keys without the obelisk to skip the robot area with the steam vents.

I don’t feel removing timers would be that bad for the challenging part, I didn’t expect that someone would really like those at that level of m+. That’s an interesting point of view.

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eh its not that bad if youre running it with friends… the amount of pugs who fail on such a simple puzzle/task is sad to say the least

Also, in a game where dps are drastically out of proportion to people willing to tank or heal, dps slots will be the most competitive.

Why should anyone making a group take someone where the key will be a push or a carry when they can take someone that will carry them instead?

As a gnomish supporter of Workshop runs, I can tell you that there is a 5% chance that everyone will make it through in the first try. Not a run goes by where the one DH or druid tries to sneak past the robot at the end before it pats back.

So you are saying they are spoiled for using the modern method of completing the raid or dungeon in less time than running to the entrance? But do see what you mean by the difference ,there is. But are we to do? Can we make it better for the players that want to do content?

unless someone in your group leaves, youre guaranteed completion. Timer is completely optional, it is the challenge

Yeah just have LFD and LFR and M+ coexist with eachother. Boom.

Maybe if you didn’t get straight up cyber bullied (I know I felt cringey saying it) for not being a perfect tank I would still be tanking.

us doing keys wouldnt stop me from complaining, as ive said raiderio is just toxic. ppl arent declining cause theres other dps, theyre declining cuz ur RIO IS TRASH

Sure we can, but the first step is to remove all queueing systems from the game, and Blizzard doesn’t have the stones to do that.

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This isn’t a solution at all…stop trying to call out for things to be removed.

If you don’t want to run M+, don’t run them. But there is a huge part of the community that enjoys them, many who have only remained playing the game b/c of M+.

This “remove this, take out that” mindset is horrible.

RIO is a convenient tool that is nothing more than taking your ARMORY information and showing it in game w/o having to tab out to go to the site.
It isn’t RIO that is toxic, it’s some of the ppl who use it.

Besides, anyone who refuses you based on your score has done you a favor…do you honestly want to be grp’d in with ppl who automatically don’t want you based on your score, or horrible 390 trinket that tattle tells on you that you’re a boost?


I mean for lower level of M+. I don’t feel it is as relevant. But maybe it is since some people like it. I didn’t expect that.

Unlike some people I’m not set in stone with my ideas :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s our community.

Could we have another way to make this better like a new addon to help them find those that don’t want raider io? But like the finder?