Raiderio is toxic and ruins the game for many

Honestly, how long would most people keep pouring money into something they don’t like. They may put up with it for a while but sooner or later they will get fed up. I thought mythic+ was going to be great and a lot of fun, took me a couple weeks and I have never been back to one and will never go back to one.

I gave up on BFA somewhere in 8.2 because of the ap grind, and Ignored all of 8.3. Shadowlands was looking awesome but the more I hear the more it’s just BFA all over again, Got to wonder if Blizzard will ever learn.

But I will reserve judgement until I actually play it, hopeing I’m wrong but we will see.

oh i knew about this im just dumb

thats useful though, thanks

It’s very simple. When you don’t have io score you get io score by pushing your own key. If you’re a decent player you’ll make progress and if you don’t make progress then it turns out you probably wouldn’t contribute much in higher level keys and those groups’ decision not to invite you is justified.

This is false. There are people who are running lower keys that get filled every day with trash score, when you want to propose something ludicrous, make sure it’s believable.


what? we just say anything now to make up a point?


Tell the real story about how you’re spamming signups for +10 keys with ilvl 435 gear.


I have a fresh hunter, got him up to 440 through lfr/questing. Queued for a 2 with no IO. Whoops, forgot how bad that gear is. Queued for a 5 with my single 2 complete…got in, easy.

This is as a survival hunter. If you do every dungeon with a lowly 5, you’ll already have an io in the making! For the record, I’ve been building it up on my main dungeon by dungeon. He’s a bit over 1700, getting into 15s pretty easily at this point. 478 ilvl doesnt hurt either though :stuck_out_tongue:

Take away RaiderIO and people will just go to your armory page to see what keys you’ve done in time and I’ll be even more picky when I invite people because I had to go through all that trouble. As it stands currently I’ll invite anyone to 10-15 keys anything higher and I start looking at scores.


idk bro. figure it out. everyone started at 0 io.

People started at 0 io just like you and have gone onto time +29s and you’re here on the forums just complaining.


What utter nonsense.

The problem people have is that they think they should be able to jump straight into +5s with characters barely out of the 430 ilvl range.

Outside of the odd guild run here and there, I leveled my hunter’s (youlee-stormrage) RIO through pugs. You start slow, with low keys, and just work your way up. It’s not hard.

way more people like it than dislike it, i dont think there is anything in wow that is totally liked or hated by every single person in the fan base

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I don’t know BFA failed because of class design for me and raids weren’t that great personnaly. Story was kinda terrible too and head features like islands and warfronts were terrible. It’s just a mess on all grounds.

Ap wasn’t that bad until you needed it for azerith gear, azerith gear was a terrible mess and still is. And they’re basing covenants basicly on being “worse than azerith gear”. Fun times ahead.

Shadowlands for me will have some classes fixed, but not really that much better. Covenants means that I can’t really have access to all the fun stuff. So class design for me is still dead, so I’ll probably skip. I skipped half of BFA, I’m not giving a chance to Shadowlands about this if I don’t see anything better before release.

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Raider IO use to work in legion. It doesn’t now. Its for a few reason.

  1. Trash mobs require perfect kicks and stuns and scale harder than boss encounters, so people are scared to invite DPS who don’t have a high IO for that.

  2. There is too much difference between fort IO and tyran IO keys. Raider io should separate scores between fort and tyran. Both require a different level of knowledge.

  3. Class design isn’t great in BFA and its hard to find DPS who can do consistent numbers, so people want higher than needed IO for the key to even trust a dps. Its not right.

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Ok,solution, get rid of mythic+ then since everyone uses riader io to judge by.

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You should devote at least one month to grinding your covenant to unlock flying, you will thank your future self for the hard work you put in when you’re able to unlock it in a short time.

Because this is the result of a few years of LFD & FLR forcing people on computer-generated groups, no matter how bad they are at the game, no matter how much they don’t even try, no matter how much they inconvenience and waste the time of others, and no matter how sour their attitude is.

Then they go out into the non-queued world of WoW, and have to deal with other people, and they’re SHOCKED that not everybody is going to want to play with them.

And their instinctive response is to scream: “Blizzard, you should FORCE other people to play with me!”


ran out of likes but am gonna switch to alts and spam this

this is gospel

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I came back in BFA with the anniversary events, darkmoon fair and rep event going. Managed to get pathfinder in 2 weeks. Maybe I’ll do it, maybe not. I don’t care about flying that much. At worse the next expansion will give me a boost and I’ll use it on my main and just skip all of Shadowlands.


As someone who isn’t ever going to be top end, I’m glad there’s a range of M+ I can challenge myself with instead of 5 man content being irrelevant quickly after cap

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