Raider IO is toxic

The title should be something like “Raderio, wowprogress, wow armory, ilvl, achievements, warcraftlogs, gearscore and insert incoming tool are toxic”, what a meme.


God forbid there be a difficult PvE gamemode.

0 Gold. Thanks for playing.

Honestly, I am honored when someone goes completely off the rails on a post aimed directly at me…and they have to hide behind a brand new forum alt to do it on for its 1st ever post.

Its true, IO is toxic. This shaman is an alt and a guy was all up in my grill because he looked at my IO and saw i had not done Tol Barad. It was a +5…I dont know how IO works exactly, but i told him who my main was and i stopped hearing about it.

This guy was about to quit our run because he thought id never run TB. He assumed i was incompetent and instantly interacted with me as such. Damn elitist.

rIO is a good addon. Why? Would you take a tank from a 2 into a 10? No. Because you need to learn what to do which is what building score is about. You work your way up.

If I’m to take your story to heart, that still sounds like IO is fine and the problem in your scenario is the player.

True, but a problem is a problem. You cant devalue it simply by pointing out that the source of blame is misplaced. Even if IO did not exist, mean players would find a way to be mean and sudsequently cause hate posts on forums.

Which means that IO isnt toxic, the community is, which makes us go back to “this thread is a meme cause blaming the tool instead of the community is dumb”, gonna quote myself.

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If I got kicked from a raid because the user claimed that my ilvl was too low does that mean we should remove ilvls?

Dont really care. The mixture of people and IO is toxic. Go split hairs elsewhere.

Thanks for proving my point, gl raising that IO.

So should the armory be deleted, too?

Should we not be able to inspect people’s gear or achievements?

I mean I guess so is the mixture of people and ilvls, Arena/RBG rating, AotC achievements and others I can’t think of. You can remove all of these things and then enable players to play with the “elite” and it would only end in frustration in both sides. People, not sure if you exactly on this, need to stop trying to push players who don’t belong together.

If a casual player wants to get into the Mile High Club then they’ll do so by improving their gameplay. And if an “elitist” wants to jump to lower keys then it should be their choice in wanting to do so.

The player is the one ultimately responsible. Not the tools that Blizzard gives us to try and make smoother runs.

Probably. Kind of creepy to snoop that hard.

Wanting to play with non monkeys is creepy? yikes.

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Well it’s neither bad or a good thing,

Just don’t dwell on the thought of exclusion, rather take some steps up and just get there man,

It seems IO took the jam out of your donut

So what should I be able to see when deciding who to invite?

Monkeys? Thats a rude thing to say…dare i say toxic? This IO subject really brings out the elitist in force. Am i about to get swatted?

Nothing but item lvl. Because otherwise you will be to judgemental.

Then how do people with low Ilvl get into groups?