Raider IO is toxic

Hello. Raider IO is toxic. I say this as a player with a raider IO score of higher than 1.5k

Raider IO is toxic because it prevents lower skilled players from mingling with higher skilled players. Thus, it prevents lower geared players from actually learning how to do dungeons.

Also, raider IO is not just a function of skill. Players who buy carries in high level runs get good IO scores, however they do not learn anything whatsoever, because they were carried. Thus, raider IO lowers the overall skill level of almost ALL groups that form via matchmaking, and turns wow into a pay 2 win game.

As a result, raider IO is detrimental to the overall skill of the population, and although serious and knowledgeable players will find each other, the algorithm used by raider IO is overly simplistic, and is not the right answer. It does not filter the lowest skilled of all (players who paid for runs) however, it does prevent those who are looking to learn, and who have average skill from progressing. As such, Raider IO is an abject failure. It failed at its stated intention of filtering baddies, and it failed in the greater sense that it has done a significant disservice to the wow community as a whole.

Blizzard should ip ban the raider io website from scraping their API, and should deploy warden to prevent players who have raider IO installed from logging into the game until they delete the mod.


RaiderIO isn’t toxic. The people that fail to understand what RIO does are toxic.

The addon isn’t to blame for the community’s occasional “misuse” of said addon. Don’t be idiotic and think that the addon is the problem.


No it doesn’t.

It never was advertised as being a function of skill.

Extremely small portion of the population. Easy to spot.


Not at all, because rIO has nothing to do with skill.

Physically impossible.

No it doesn’t.

Nope. its great for pushing keys.

I would like to see a source on this being its stated intention.

Nope. Only people like you who don’t understand how it works.


So your arguement is that lower skilled players can only learn dungeon mechanics from directly mingling with higher skilled players?

So videos, dungeons guides, heroics, etc. are all worthless?


I actually used IO to not be with the higher ranked guys. Had one tank at 2k rating fail a motherload 12 because it was bursting week and he felt that no-voice pugs should be able to handle 6 packs at once while his hp bar went from 100 to 10 over and over every few seconds.

He then quit and raged at me for low dps as the healer… i guess that woulda solved the issue in his mind? But you wonder what he would say if I did good dps, but let him die every single pull?

Just having a high rating doesn’t make it fun to play with you :wink:


We don’t need any more of these threads. It doesn’t prevent anybody from doing anything, make your own group. Raider IO is useful as a tool to gauge someone’s experience, and the community’s sometimes elitist attitude with it is no different than item level. It is not an “object failure”. It is a useful tool used by many people to figure out the odds of particularly difficult dungeons being successful being able to look at someone else’s experience.

If you do not like any of this, feel free to make your own groups or uninstall/ignore people’s IO scores.


The problem isn’t the add on it’s the community that is the problem. There has always been a large amount of toxicity when it comes to high level play.

It’s been that way since vanilla.


Even if they have a high raw io score from buying runs, people who use IO effectively don’t just look at the maximum rating but what is more important is the number of keys completed within a certain bracket.

Someone buying runs won’t be able to have 100+ keystones level 15 or higher, unlike a skilled player who runs 15+ keys for fun — that person will have many more keys completed in the higher brackets.


What Blizzard should do is enable queueing/solo’ing with a PVE rating, IMO, but I agree with you.

But be careful.

This is the true beauty of Raider IO. it’s up to the individual user to decide what to do with the information given. and this is a perfectly legitimate way to use this addon.

There are reason to not run with super high IO player. as they are mostly running for their IO scores, and won’t waste their time sticking around if the run wasn’t going to improve their score. It’s also important to mark your group “For Completion” or “Push” so people would know what to expect.


Raider io is a tool, the players are sometimes toxic yes


As long as the people queueing understand they will probably fail the dungeons based on poor group make up. And can’t complain about it.

Now combine it with how the “good” people would avoid the queue system, knowing how bad it would be…and it would make it even worse.

The people that queue would be back on the forums day 1 requesting m+ nerfs.


“Tier sets are toxic”
“Raid titles are toxic.”
“Achievements are toxic”
“Gear score is toxic”
“Ilv is toxic”
“Raid IO is toxic”

Raid IO is the least worst system of all the past systems.




So it’s toxic because it doesn’t let people get carried.

If you want to learn how to do the dungeons, you’re free to learn with people who have similar gear/experience to you…just like everyone did at some point.


When ppl post about raider io which probably means they get denied alot if they want to do at least +15 with 200 io xD


I get what you are saying but I also slightly disagree. The problem isn’t RIO, in fact RIO, is a great system for finding players able and experienced enough to join your group so that you dont get stuck with a putz who wants a carry. The problem is the people that use RIO as the sole determinant for allowing you to join a group. It is tough to grow when you are not in the right guild and no one will let you in their group. A returning player who was once a hardcore mythic plus runner will have a low io score but that does not mean they are bad.

ok? I don’t want to mingle with lower skilled players.

I don’t play the game to “mingle with lower skilled players”

are you serious right now?

oh bullcrap.

you need to get over the idea that random strangers in wow owe you anything. they don’t.

the whole notion of your post is just ridiculous.


Ironically, this is a request from someone with valid M+ rating saying the current system needs nerfing, not because the content is difficult, it is, it’s that making the group is made near impossible for some folk because Premade Groups as a tool suffers a similar issue to the following:

In PVP, too many premades dominate PUG’s. It’s systematically better overall to be in a premade, taking the random from random BG. The answer to most solo-queuers is similar to yours, making your own group.

I’m not saying I disagree with you entirely, but some points. It’s very similar to the gearscore/iLevel debacle before Blizzard added CM’s.

That’s some rather convoluted reasoning there, OP.

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There is a difference in saying the grouping system needs to be changed, and the content needs to be nerfed.

PVE content, when you add a queue system, has to be trivial. Or else people are generally unable to consistently do it. People don’t like difficult queue content. See Cata. WoW devs stated it was their goal that people would rise to the occasion, get better. They didn’t.

M+ is more comparable to RBGs. You can’t queue for Rated BGs.

Normal/Heroic dungeons are more comparable to random BGs.