Raider IO is toxic

How so? blaming the tool instead of the playerbase is the most cringe thing ever, its like me blaming the ball for getting hit in the balls instead of the guy throwing it that way, legit dumb af.

I would never invite a 1500xp player to Q 3s

Just like I would never be expected to be invited to +20 when the highest clear I’ve chosen to do has 15s for weekly

Kind of think these posts are just trolls :thinking:

OP hasn’t responded to this thread even once since he made it

This is a result of technology and access to information getting better. What you want will never, ever happen. This is basically a “back in my day” argument. What you want doesn’t exist anymore. Meta gaming (looking outside of the game to improve the way you play it), is here to stay like it or not.

As far as OP is concerned, yes, you can buy RIO score right now, to a point. However, there are ways around it that users of the addon know. Like total number of dungeons run and timed at said level is visible. You can dig down into the run and see what RIO the others in the group were as well, including item level, essences, and gear of all players. Making someone who was carried to their score glaringly obvious.

2000-2500 are middle scores now, you can get there with just 15’s. m+ 15 are not even remotely hard. If you think they are, sorry but maybe git good? This poorly geared warrior I post on nearly 2 chested a 15 yesterday @447 item level.

No. Devs decided to change the model from Legion, where better players had an incentive to help players with low keys, who were presumably in need of help. Better players who didn’t like helping lesser players complained bitterly that they were being forced to do trivial content in order to get all the legendaries and take every opportunity to get the highest possible titanforges.

That leaves us where we are now. The learning curve for m+ is steeper than in legion, and better players no longer help those on the wrong side of the learning curve, but complain those lesser players aren’t improving. For players getting started, it’s the blind leading the blind.

At the same time, better players are earning hundreds of thousands of gold per hour selling carries. Many carries are real money transactions, as the unscrupulous now post links to their RMT websites with zero chance of getting penalized.

Raider io is just a tool. The problem is that the system is rotten. It is designed, whether by intent or by coincidence, to minimize learning and maximize paid carries.

This isn’t true at all. I bring “lesser players” to my alt keys all of the time. I cannot tell you how many times I snag a no or low IO dps or healer just to have a little fun with a key. Your experience does not = reality.

Additionally, on my literal no IO tanks and healers I get into groups at the 10-14 range all of the time with no questions asked. I feel like this is mostly a DPS problem. Which is more about how many of you there are vs how many of us are willing to tank and heal.

So one out of how many? It’s great that you enjoy helping others, but you are not a trend.

This is just as silly as people who play TCG’s complaining about net-decking. If people care enough about a game to value their performance, they’re going to look for ways to optimize it. All you’re doing by wanting people not to use resources like that is wanting people to just play worse.

And your experience isn’t the overall. You’re mistaking your anecdote as evidence that this is wide spread. I’m providing a counter anecdote. Your lived experience isn’t indicative of a whole.

Edit: You’re also a druid, guardian at that. Go on and put your money where your mouth is, it’s not hard at all to start groups as a tank. It takes less than a minute to fill at nearly any level. Do exactly what you say and put your money where your mouth is. I bet you after a few rounds of not vetting people and having tragic, but predictable failures you’ll start to lean on RIO a little harder the more you move up.

No. What I’m looking at is the number of good people who post in the forums how they help people vs the number of mythic+ complainers who start and post to threads complaining about how hard it is to keep incompetent players and leavers out of their groups.

I don’t want to tank mythic+. I have never applied to a group in BfA and I never will. I tanked them a lot in Legion. There’s really no time for much of anything, given the amount of busywork we are slammed with.

Everybody has to choose what they do. I’d rather hang out with people who aren’t angry all the time.

The fact that I can’t purchase essences on this character is going to guaranteed keep me from ever applying for a group, even if I wanted to.

And what’s with the “not vetting” thing? I said it’s a tool. It’s required by the current system as designed.

Well, hopefully they actually make the game more friendly to the casual crowd like they promised in Shadowlands. I find a lot more stories like yours than not when i talk to my friends about coming back to WoW. The systems in place are what keeps them away. They all still want to play, but just don’t want to or can’t find the time to play it with how much grind is in place.

RIO does actually inhibit players of lower skill from mingling with higher skilled players. If not, then please feel free to change my mind.

Agreed it was never really advertised as a function of skill, however that’s what it has turned into since it was first introduced. Change my mind.

I would venture to say 1 of every 10 keys I run between 12-15 lvl, in which I filter based on IO scores, there is at least 1 person who has a high IO score (above 1500) that is an absolute baddie at their role/class. They literally are the reason a key fails or doesn’t go as well as it should. Change my mind.

Groups formed via matchmaking utilizing a 3rd party “scoring” system are inherently flawed if said system isn’t measuring more than one metric – that is, if a key was timed or not. RIO should include more information if they want this to work better – for instance, how about having dmg/healing meters linked to the profile of a player so we can see how well they performed in a key they were a part of? Change my mind.

RIO has absolutely ruined the M+ community by catering to an elite few and/or those who pay for carries to increase their IO score. Don’t believe me? Spend 5 min in a capital city reading trade chat. Change my mind.

RIO does indeed prevent those who are looking to learn. Not being accepted to higher keys based on a number shouldn’t be tantamount to a players skill. I know plenty of ppl who have “bad” IO scores that perform better than any pugs with high IO scores that I’ve run with. Change my mind.

Pleace, Akston, show me your arguments on why RIO is such a good thing – not just these abject statements disagreeing with everything OP states. Also, while you’re at it, why don’t you go ahead and tell the community how much gold you’ve spent on 15+ keys over the last few months. Go on, share with the classroom.

Blizzard just needs to integrate their own raider io feature (similar to their old gear check system). But only for keys 10+ (due to the awakened affix and routes needed to time the runs) so low level io players have a better chances of raising their raider io levels. Additionally, the leader boards need to be updated to include more than the top 500 runs.

Blaming a tool instead of the community using said tool is cringe af. Change my mind.

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Do you understand what would be involved in getting said damage/healing meters for every player in every dungeon logged?

I don’t think you do.


I don’t want those players in my groups when I’m trying to time keys.

Work in (or ask anyone in) a customer service role and see what the rates of compliments vs complaints are for any given thing. There’s a reason the complaining voices seem much louder.

No matter how many times you repeat it, it’s still not true.

Players determine who they invite, not RIO. The information is neutral. There’s really no better way than previous experience to decide if it’s worth risking your run on someone, unless you’ve played with them before.

And, of course, anyone can ride their own key as high as they can handle. No gatekeeping if you do it that way. Just take the first 4 applicants that fit the roles needed if you like.

The issue with the “raiderio inhibit players of lower skill from mingling with higher skilled players” is that its just a scapegoat for the entitled players.

In reality, those low skilled players want their weekly +15 being CLUELESS about m+ and probably the game, wanting to make a jump in the normal progression curve, they get rightfully declined and then they come here to complain demanding they deserve invites too? no dude gimme a break, we all went through the normal progression path working our way to where we are now, +15s on farm, you DONT DESERVE your weekly +15, you need to WORK YOUR WAY UP to deserve it.

Raider IO is not the problem. Raider IO is a result of Mythic + being introduced in t Legion. At first many groups were only looking at item level while forming their dungeons. If a player had a high item level then they must be good, right? Then players began pushing keys, or the requirements to get the maximum item level of loot was raised. This is when players became frustrated when a single player in your party could ruin your entire run and deplete your key. The problem is not with the raider io website, which is what people where utilizing before it became an addon, its with the inherent difficulty of the dungeons. Players where wiping to mechanics like bursting and explosive, where players with a high item level excelled at destroying groups. BFA only exasperated this problem, with mob pacs that would wipe your group on their own, then add the numerous affixes these dungeons stopped being fun (in my opinion) and turned into a frustrating requirement. I don’t think dungeons should be easy, but I think that making every affix a new annoyance instead of making it enjoyable gameplay is hurting both the high end players and the casual players. I believe the ideal result would be to make new affixes in Shadowlands, affixes that don’t make people not want to do dungeons on specific weeks, and perhaps not add as many random abilities to the mobs throughout the dungeons.

That statement is 100% pure BS. The only thing keeping that from occurring is the player base. IO is just there to show a person’s experience in mythic+ content. It is up to you to decided what to do with that information.

It is long past time we spot blaming other things for a problem that has existed within the player base for years now. If it wasn’t achievements, it was gearscore. At least with IO it tries to objectively show what level of content you have succeed with.

Stop blaming the tool because you can’t use it correctly.

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