Raider IO is toxic

By elitist not being so judgmental

There is a really easy answer to RIO. It’s called belonging to a guild that runs mythics all day.

With PUGs, you need something to measure skill. I think D3s old system for high rifts worked better on that you had to have an equivalent key of the HR being made to join.

Separating people into torment levels too. You couldn’t even be in said HR group without completing said torment requirements.

Blizzard really should implement a ladder or ranking system with mythics. But. They don’t. They take the easy road and would say join a guild.

Can you imagine having MDIs based on PuGs and RIO?

Blizzard needs to address the issue and provide the necessary parameters for players to pair up appropriately rather than have these long debates.

But if I’m choosing between two rogues, and all I see is Ilvl, I’m always going to invite the higher one. Isn’t that just as elitist as just picking the higher rio?

So you basically want free carries for everyone not pulling their weight, yeeeeah no thats not happening, “hey guys im just offering free +15s so just sign up for this group with your 400 ilvl alt” nope.

You guys are to in the weeds about this. IO is an outlet of toxicity. Thats as deep as it goes.

The community is the same, delete raider IO? then people are gonna decline you based on your wowprogress, wow armory, or w/e other tool exist, your utopic happy world where everyone gets invited everywhere doesnt exist, and it wont.

And putting people without the practice or experience they need into levels of M+ that they aren’t prepared for is setting them up for failure. Surely that would lead to a ton of toxicity as well, no?

It’s getting late
To give you up
I took a sip
From my devil’s cup
Slowly, it’s taking over me

Oh yea, there are always “hip new buzz words” that people like to use. Altho Toxic been around a while now, along with “slap in the face”, “timegating”, “borrowed power”, im probably forgetting some.

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Declining people due to their raider io score on mythic plus levels of 10+ makes sense due to the awakened affix and routes. However, declining people due to their raider io score on anything below a +10 does not. 0-9+ mythic plus levels are a cake walk and are needed for newer players who are getting into the mythic plus scene to raise their io when having to level through pugs. So people who expect a 1500+ raider io score on any mythic plus that is below 10, are indeed, adding to the toxicity.

How do you know they are being declined due to IO score? Could just as easily be their gear score, or the fact there were 20 dps signing up and the group can only take 3. Or maybe the guy walked away from his computer to take a bathroom break and the 5 minute timer ran out.

There is a built in assumption that if you don’t get into a group that its because of your IO score… but a party lead could decline someone for a ton of different reasons. Just because you’re declined - doesn’t mean its because of your IO score.


You may be surprised how poorly a group of guildies can act. I’ve seen it many times. I’ve joined pugs as heals where the three dps guildies ride the tank non stop for no reason and if he/she stands up for themselves then it really starts…

Its just risk management on my part. Each to their own.

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I agree with all of this. I hope you were prepared for the broken record:

U dont know how it wrks den

Ur h8 it cuz ur bad

U jst wnt carreez

frm ur own grp bruh

over and over and over…nothing constructive. Oh, that and tons of insults/ad homs.


Then say something new that isn’t answered by one of the above :roll_eyes:

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I find it amusing when a broken record calls others a broken record.

Posting here wont raise your IO m8.

Yea but maybe one of the other 4 threads he is posting in will. If not he will go necro another io threads from 7 month’s ago again.

Oh goodie he went and made his own thread too. Lol not quite another necro but I was close haha what a joker.

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Bro its there to help assist what skill level people are at!

Level your keys in stages do all 8s then all 9s then all 10s its the only way if you dont have people helping with carrys

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That is one hell of a necro. Maybe you got lost on your way over to D4?