Raider IO is toxic

I declare the OP should stop whining and take a leaf out of my book and simply not do M+ at all.

Anyone else tired of the rampant use of ‘toxic’ to describe things people don’t like or disagree with?

Use RIO if you want. The M+ community at large it seems has deemed it an invaluable tool for successful completes. As someone who doesn’t participate in that content I can’t fault it.

As far as I can tell it’s always been that way. You don’t bring a raider on full time who stands in fire on their trial runs, regardless of ilvl so for me… nice chap in general, was once a decent raid healer, RIO of 0, I would expect it’s very difficult for strangers on the internet to take me on and that’s totally fine.

This is what guilds and communities are for.

Pugging with higher score players and “mingling” won’t necessarily educate them. Being intentional and communicating will - which is where the guild/ community makes sense and can completely bypass Rio all together.

Not Blizzard’s problem. Blame the community.

OR. You could maybe join an active guild and do all these things with them and they likely won’t care what your score is since you are a guild.

OR. You can make your own group then.

Oh god yes I’m so sick of it. I put it in quotation marks sometimes because I don’t want people to think its my choice to use the word. It has so little meaning now from over use.

A friend logged in a a while ago
Friend “avel I need a key want to carry me?”
Me “no not really”
Friend “wow that’s toxic”


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People should of learned by 7.

It’s easy to spot carries just look at their group comp. It’s usually 4 guildies and them or they only have one 10 for the week as that’s all they can afford. My simple rule is three >10’s for the week and no guildies and I’ll invite you. Hasn’t failed me yet.

It’s working fine.

Interesting about the no guildies part. Plenty of guilds have people of similar skill and gear levels, so that shouldn’t be a surprise to see them running together regularly.

I agree 100% Raider IO needs to be perma banned… It’s literally cancer to the game.

I don’t get it. You make an argument for players learning from higher skilled/geared players but in the next breath say that you learn nothing from being carried. So which is it?

There are 3 kinds of people when it comes to raider IO.

The Ignorant. These people don’t know how it works and assume it’s keeping them out of groups.

The Lazy. These people want to hide their inexperience and get people to carry them through content they have no business in. Predictably, this group often advocates for penalties to people who leave runs that are going badly.

The Normal People. Basically everyone else that understands more or less how IO works and/or doesn’t care, because they mostly run with friends or don’t run m+ at all. The largest group by virtue of its only criteria “not lazy or uninformed”.


I’m not sure you know what the word literally means. Wither that or cancer.

This is the real problem - the premade filter doesn’t let you filter by key level and it doesn’t automatically set it based on the “key in your bag”

2 very, very dumb things that hurt the system so the players had to find better methods. This is nothing but a Bliz failure and we need to thank IO for stepping in.

On my tank alt I’d love to say “search for these 5 dungeons in the 11 to 14 range” - and that should be easy.


I agree with that. Premade Groups needs a functionality upgrade or two.

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Completely agree. The lfg tool needs a more interactive interface.


All I get is that OP is butt hurt and demands to be in your high key groups.
The entitlement is strong in this one.

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I think the word obviously at the start gave that away.

…Bruh, I’m in the same ballpark, and I’ll tell you rn that 1.5k is worthless garbage. I’ve run into quite a few 3k io people just farming for Echoes, and their general consensus was that “3k is the new 2k.” You get what that says about us sub-2k people, right?

Secondly, if you get carried to a high io score, it’ll be pretty obvious to anyone with a brain.

Finally, if I’m only pull 70k dps per run in my +15s, I don’t expect people with 100k+ dps to come down from their +20s and carry me. Nobody should expect free handouts like that. If you’re new/returning and want to progress, grab a few people who are also in that situation and gear yourselves.

Good post OP, we should remove raiderio so keystones become a clown fiesta again


The responses in this thread prove the OP correct.

This game has been watered down to spreadsheets and Bot programs telling you what to gear. All these tools aren’t bad if optional, but when you require a min/max during normal raid or even Mythic Dungeons it’s time to rethink what exactly are we doing.

I come from the EQ days when you learned encounters over time and didn’t have a lot of tools to rely on. The days when pre nerf Karazahn were pretty tough for a lot of people, but through teamwork and learning we did it. Raider IO DBM and the likes are watering this game down.

People complain about Raid Finder, but these things exist b/c of things like RaiderIO. The anxiety of some people causes them to fail not because they are bad but because they are just so nervous they mess up.

I can’t count how many times i had to calm someone down and explain to them it’s ok to mess up. Some players in BC I took on raids who were very inexperienced, but through patience became some of the best players I have ever had the chance to mingle with.

We need to be more community minded instead of using tools to shut people out. This is entertainment not real life. This community could use a bit of healing and togetherness and stop this nonsense of checking scores and outlawing folks for not being experienced enough.

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