Raider IO is Destroying the Community

You also miss the point that building groups good groups use to depend on a huge social element, and adding people to friends.

You not needing to do that anymore takes away from the game.

But things are slowly changing, and that is why this topic keeps coming up. Blizzard is making big changes with Shadowlands showing that they are willing to take risks.

Be prepared for massive disappointment… this is just another borrowed power system.

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I played it. It is what I expected it to be.

It really doesn’t, If you want to be hyper social nothing and nobody is stopping you from forming and running a guild and being hyper social

Literally nothing

Not the pugs
Not Raider io
Not the Mythic raiders who are super pissy over dumb things
Not Donald trump


Depends what level you are at.

And you should be able to as most people below a 7 don’t care about it. And after that you have the raiderio to get into higher groups. Its a cycle.

It still is.

This means nothing because a high score varies depending on the key you are applying to.

What? I get you are saying that you have worse gear in mythic+ but I fail to see how that would effect your raiderio score unless you are saying people will skip mythic+ to raid for better loot. Which no one will because of the weekly chest.

To an extent they still do, but it’s just not limited to server. I’ve got folks on my friends list I chat with semi regularly across what 5 different servers and 7 different guilds.

That much is true.

This part is not, because by blocking off achievements, an armory from anyone outside of the guild, does not magically make me have to be social. I still very easily can get your gear score. Im not magically being more social by inviting you to a group, checking your score, then kicking you if you are to low.

The issue here is that ship sailed a LOOOOOOOONG time ago. when blizzard opened up cross relm grouping and things like LFR and LFG, the need for a community went out the window. Blizzard threw the baby out with the bathwater. This is one thing i have had a long standing issue with. SInce LFR and LFG came into existance the quality of the wow community died a great deal because it allowed people to be D**ks, and get away with it, because people are jsut numbers now. When you were limited to your server only, you could not do that because you would get black listed. See wow classic for the example of what im talking about, there are actually communities there.

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Try this: make a group. Wait 5 minutes. See how many people sign up. Now you should understand why you’re being declined.


Raider iO doesnt matter because half the people bought their score and progression.

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It makes it more casual friendly. The option is still there. I frequently have people ask to add me or to keep running keys with me even though it is not necessary.

They will go back on the failed system after a year or two of people complaining in shadowlands. Fun.


Yes it does, the community is shape by the rules we play by and how we are able to do things. Saying “nothing is stopping you.” I mean just look at how people act?

I do think the writing is on the wall, about these addons. I’m not sure what Blizzard will do.

You can. People have done it.

You’re not gonna pop right into +15s, no. But you can work the score up.

I’d Argue that io isn’t really the boogeyman here, but rather low ilvl/io as compared to the 20 other dps in queue.

That’s a problem that has a solution. Run with friends. The devs themselves have said thatf while we can pug m+, it’s best consumed in organized groups.


ITT: Casual sh&%#rs getting mad they can’t ruin someones key

I was doing an 18/19 Waycrest and the leader invited a 1800 IO healer for some reason and that idiot died 2 times on Raal and 2 times on the wicker guy and left the group.
This is what raiderIO avoids because ilvl means nothing anymore
if we invited someone with a higher IO i guarantee they wouldn’t have died and would’ve known the dungeon bosses better


You know its true.

Doesn’t effect how you do. And if people act that way then changing it wouldn’t change anything, it would jsut be people adding each other for skill and not skill mixed with social elements.

Nothing. They will do nothing, lol.

People are acting this way because you are trying to take their fun things from them, Blizzard will do nothing hell the devs with have received endorsement packages from blizzard to give to players that got to +30 first (non JY)

Blizzard is fine with this addon and what it brings, What you may not have noticed is that more and more people have determined for themselves that guilds more often then not are not worth the baggage they bring.


So many people applied!!

I wish there was someway to judge their experience level though, I don’t know who to pick to make my run smooth.



literally only ever ran into this situation one time in my 200+ keys

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Actually I don’t because a random level 60 troll mage from classic told me without any stats to back it up. Although carries might be prevalent they don’t overtake pugs at all.

I pugged M+0 to M+15 Raiderio was helpful so I could look at the previous experience of the person. I would rather invite someone with a ++14 then base it on their item level or class.

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