Raider IO is Destroying the Community

I’ve made cross server friends from doing high keys with raider io. People have transfered to join my guild. I don’t need a guild to be social. I don’t need to go RP ask someone to go on an adventure.

What I need to have a friendly social circle is people who like harder content and don’t try to lie about their experiences and certainly don’t need people telling me how to make friends.

No i understand that, im saying why its still being used today.

Discord uses less than what wow does to keep connected unless your in a channel being spammed with images every 2 seconds, Mumble is almost entirely dead, I play Eve and my group doesn’t use anything but discord.

Complaining about something doing a steady 10ish KB/second down and 1-2 up(when your talking) is… yeah… if your line struggles with that online gaming isn’t for you because wow is a solid 5-5 each way.


Sounds like a win for the community if these people quit. So more of a reason to do it.

Wow, its almost like we invented more systems to be able to tell, like raiderio and achievements.

This won’t happen.

Unlikely to happen and given its popularity it likely has enough funding to fix it within a week.

Which is not a good thing. I would rather not sit for 2 hours waiting for a group.

These types of threads always bring out the dumbasses.

I hope this isn’t your main.


I mean good job? Does not change anything about what I said. Just because you do it does not mean the community as a whole does it.

So who would be left playing? You’ve exiled all the raiders, all the dungeoneers, the achievement players too because they live to show off. Tmog is gone too because otherwise people can troll dungeon groups… so tmoggers are gone too.

Pray tell? Who is left playing the game? The pet collectors? Oh wait they left with the achievement folks.


Yeah now its fine, im talking back in like 2007 and 8 yo, when your only other options were like skype which was a hog. Thats why vent am TS existed, its still used for a lot of games with LOTS of things going on, IE things like EVE also because of the level of control that eve, and teamspeak offer, those 2 programs in the way of voice chat is way more powerful then discord is. See things like arma or PS2 where they will be in multiple voice channels as once like a squad, platoon, brigade, command chat channel where they just hit a differnt button to do a differnt chat rather then switching channels.

And guess what? That invented system hurts the game. Is all I am saying. You don’t agree with me that is fine.

I think you give the community way to much credit or you think it would leave wow over this change. I call the bluff on this community. No matter what Blizzard does or change systems. A huge amount of players will always stick around and adjust.

This whole, it will kill wow, or the community would hate and leave because of a change. that theory is long dead.

Your argument doesn’t work properly then you state that discord is a hog and that’s why mumble is still used now, And then say that it was an issue in 2007 wich even then if you had issues sustaining 10KB/sec in both directions you shouldn’t be playing games online, But the problem is your argument came unstuck due to the fact that discord launched in 2015

What community?

Honestly I think that dictating this sort of change is more toxic than the problem as is. Blizz could just enforce that you’re not allowed to kick over DPS meters and it would help. But demanding people play your way… that’s insanely toxic.

The combo of raider io and the M+ nerfs are basically a big F U to casual players.

I don’t know why anyone who isn’t a committed raider would continue to play in SL. you are going to be largely excluded form participating in any meaningful end game content.

I don’t agree with you because you are wrong. It made pugging more convienent which allows more people to access the game. With more people accessing parts of the game then more people can raid and get into higher endgame content. There are more people to play with and more people to meet. There isn’t a high barrier to entry or a discouraging slog of getting through a bunch of bad players to find a few good ones to group up with in a week after you get more people for a group.

I mean you are still here even with your clear dislike of the current systems.

Its funny, I always see people saying raiderio is bad for casual players when in reality it likely helps them a good deal. Because it allows you to form competent groups a lot faster. If you are just trying to speed up through the key levels by pugging and not doing your own key then yeah raiderio does limit that, but for good reason.


Omg. Your name

I love it


No they don’t and that is fine. Every one is allowed to play how they want and form groups with friends or not. You keep saying RIO is about the community and all it seems is you want to ruin the communities fun.


You keep saying is a kick to everyone in the pants but you keep forgetting some really important things here that can literally stops your issue. does not stop you from forming your own groups


So any game rules is toxic?

That is silly, changing the rules we follow and systems in the game is not toxic. I’m not taking away the pug community. I’m just making it harder for you to make the best pug groups. You still don’t got to build a social network, you just got to take more risk with pugs.

Actually no, it simply measures what you have done. I have taken people with a low IO, but who have timed the specific dungeon we are running. So it can really help you.


“Lets screw over the pug community” - Khaelyn

“Why?” - Everyone else

“I want you to be forced into guilds for no reason other than guilds guilds guilds guilds everyone should belong in a guild” - Khaelyn.