Raider IO is Destroying the Community

now you are splitting hairs and moving the goalpost. the technology wasnt so good back then. gearscore was the raider IO of its time

Its like you all cant take time and technology getting better into consideration


Dude just the justifications for using Mumble there are weird.

Why would anyone ever use Mumble or Vent when Discord is free and does everything you’d ever want a voice app to do while having text channels and more?


Can’t get denied if you’re the leader.

why? because it would make guilds and your social network matter more.

Thats what im trying to tell you, what your suggesting does not limit it, it does not stop people from finding a value to judge them by.

I dont think discord was a thing back then

In your own words do they not matter more because of the social experience they provide? Makes me feel like you don’t actually value that social experience if you want to ruin other peoples fun who aren’t experiencing the same social experience you are.


My point exactly, Now the unfortunate part is i need to go find a team that needs a tank for mythic content in shadowlands… ugh… thankfully i wont have to download mumble because any team around wont be using it.

Doesn’t actually fix anything? All that happens is you get inspected in game at that point which is what people did before anyway. The game has to tell the other person’s client what you’re wearing for other reasons so there really isn’t a way to keep them from finding out. Even if you could you’d be encouraging a different sort of toxicity via trolling, at which point you’d have to remove tmog… at that point you’ve lost most of the players.

So the “fix” would kill the game.


What Wildsinger described happened a couple weeks ago.

Discord only came out in 2015. I know that much because my guild at the time was one of the first to really use it since we used to pay for a TS3 server and everything.

It’s why I do the copy raider io and post it up on a different screen can see how many runs they did per dungeon can see if it’s same people carrying them or friends can deep dive and look at the other members. I don’t take raider io at face value cause I know people can buy scores sadly


Ok so dont want to use raider io and dont want to guild. Sucks for you. The m+ community is doing great.

No I think you have a reading issue. We are talking about the risk of groups. Keep up. You are deflecting to what we use to do with gear score.

Here let me help you out. Pug groups in the past failed a lot more than before we weaponize acheivements and used Raider Io. Because if you play this game, you would understand a good item level is not enough to tell you if someone has done the content.

So now that I taught you the basics. Do you understand what would happen if raider Io breaks and you can’t link achievements?

You would still have players try to find a new system sure but to keep up with building a winning pug group. It would slow down the process a ton.

You can see in game how many timed runs overall they have in X bracket, Someone carried to 2k+ will only have a total of 10 timed runs but someone that has 30 or 40 +15 timed runs wouldn’t of paid for that many carries typicly.

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So the reason for that was back then internet speeds were not what they are today, vent, mumble, and team speak were SUPER lightweight voice chat programs that did not interfere with your latency. Its why Mumble, teamspeak, and vent are still used to this day for games like ARMA, EVE, Planetside 2, ect ect, its super light weight. Discord is a MASSIVE network hog, in comparison to other programs.

Also there is a site called bestkey that tells alot more info can see how much they failed at each keystone level etc how many runs there is a breakdown for dps on there as well

The reason was because Discord just straight-up didn’t exist until 2015. There was only Skype (LOL) and stuff like Vent, Mumble, and TS3.

They should ban this addon.

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Kill the game? If people doing this left. The game would prob be better off to be honest.

The community is the worse part of wow.

Yes… people stop playing the game because if you can’t say you’ve done something what’s the point of getting the achievement in the first place. You can inspect someone’s achievements in game too.