Raider IO is Destroying the Community

oh the good ole days lol

I wonder if vent is still active. and if it is I should start a guild that runs on vent “only”

That is false. My husband said before raider Io. Finding good dps, or good healers. He would add them to friends and build a network of people that was good. They would whisper him or other way around when forming groups because the social network he built through pugging help increase his chances. That is how it use to be for a long time. Did people forget?

I am talking about the system as a whole.

My idea is that they can’t link the achievement, only guild mates can see your armory or achievements.

That would change a huge part of the pugging scene for sure.

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Oh yeah it is my man, if you wanna feel older, team speak is still THE go to voice system for games like EVE online.

It is still running. Mumble too.

And it got improved upon lol because people don’t want to spend forever building up a social network of good players.

That would be a dumb move.

Yeah it would kill it. Which they won’t do as it is very popular.



Now there’s a name I haven’t heard since like… 2013.

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no, that is false. it was gear score before raider IO. as a technical addon


And the game is worse off because of it.

says you.

well if being social kills a mmo. It deserves the death.

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I actually had a pug demand i use mumble for “Encryption and data security” and i was like… “No thanks” and bailed.


That is not false. Gear score was not enough to tell you that you would have a good group or not.

You know a lot of people like doing content with other people but dont like being forced into the confines and cliques of a guild, We have just as much right to play the game as you do, And destroying the pug scene will alienate a large part of the playerbase.


Thats an opinion.

Well since your idea will never come to pass and WoW isn’t dead I’d say it doesn’t. There are still social aspects its just no longer required for every faucet of the game.



I can assure you that what you experienced in that utter aberration of a pug is probably the first time Mumble has been used whatsoever since mid-2015.

That’s mad weird, man.

Good for your husband, but he is wrong because thats not how it worked post ICC, post ICC it was all about gear score and linking achivments.

which thats fair, but imo you cant look at the system as a whole, reallly there are 2 parts to it, the end game and the mid game, mid game being everything below 10+ end game being 10+

OOooooo ok i see waht you are saying
Link me your gear score then. Not high enough? Ok sorry uninvite.


Was about 4 weeks ago for a pug Mythic first 3 nya.

Of course it was not, but thats not the point, players will always want a way to quickly judge and gauge a players skill level based on an arbitrary value.

You do have that right, but I also have the right saying catering to your type of play leads to a worse mmo, a worse community.

If you don’t want to be social that is fine, I don’t think you should be able to do hard content without risk unless you do be social.

That is it.

Why? What good comes of it? None.


I mean ya? but if the game limits it. and makes it harder to do that. It would still bring.

We are being social, We aren’t binding ourselves to a guild that will therefor demand how we behave in public, Brand us and have to be forced to fit in with a clique, and being on MG you much like me should know all about guilds and guild cliques by now.

The hardest content should be done by the most skilled people, Not because you have a fancy tag under your name that dictates how you behave in public.