Raider IO is Destroying the Community

Why? I don’t need to fail. I want to succeed and I can every time with the right group.

That sounds like a personal bias.

As I said might still be ways but it would slow things down. If you saying breaking these addons won’t change the pug scene. I don’t know what to say.

Also, I’m not really talking pushing high level keys. I’m just saying doing mythic + in general. Lets be real here. Raider IO is abused for low level keys as well. The whole system is crazy.

Because like I said convenience of getting a decent pug group at ease, makes people do it. I mean why not? Breaking these addons would slow things down.

Hey, I resent that!

The number is just part of the info provided by RIO…

Like it lump it friend your realm isn’t exactly known for it’s stellar playerbase.

nah they would be complaining about the fights not being easy enough or that their guildies arnt carrying them.

On this we agree, each one should drop two pieces (40%) instead of one. If they just changed that it would be perfect imo.

I’m curious whether and how we will get bonus roll tokens, and how they will interact with this system.


It tells me their mechanical capabilities yes. Because it is information from blizzard. It is taken from the armory.

Its easy to tell if someone has an irregular raiderio. And then easy to double check to see if they were carried. Sometimes its harder but w/e not enough to trash the whole system.

This is an extremely unlikely scenario.

Ofc, there will always be outliers. They just don’t define the system.


This add-on is a link to your public armory data. You will just have to look it up manually which is what people would do for high keys.


I heard that it does if you time the key.

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…you sure you aren’t thinking of Nemesis or one of the other LA/BR servers? Sargeras is one of the only two actually good Alliance servers out there and has several dozens of 12/12M guilds at this point.

Because it wont, source: They did this before raider IO was in the game.

I mean yeah, anything sub 10+ who gives a crap, but i mean considering the topic, i have to assume that OP is doing mythic 10+

Like i said, it wont, because all it does now is make people invite someone, ask them “Link achievement,” they dont do it, they get kicked. Source: Literally exactly how it worked prior to raider io.

The only thing that would “Slow down” would be how fast group owners would be able to chew through people that did not meet the requierment. Even in group finder you can put notes so the norm would be, “466 warrior tank, can link achivs” or something to that effect.


TLDR: I can’t get into groups & don’t want to start my own. Fix it Blizzard!


If only your guilds can see your armory and achievements. What would happen?

It would take slightly longer and be more annoying. Hence raiderio being made for convience.

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No, All of the LA/BR Servers have large swathes of player base that are considered less than stellar (and i’m putting it nicely) They have progression guilds on there that are amazing and sell a boatload of carries, But for the most part you can ask anyone the general impression of Ragnaros, Drakkari, Sargeras, Quel’thalas… is not a pretty one

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Sargeras isn’t LA/BR. Never has been. I think you’re getting us mixed up with a different server.

get invited to group
“Hey have you done this before?/ Can you link your achievement for me/link your public armor”
They dont do it
They get kicked.


what level key are you signing up for at 466?

People would stop pugging high keys? Why even ask about things that will never happen?