Raider IO is Destroying the Community

It would ruin your experience thus making you add people more to your friends and whisper players building your own groups or other people whisper you. Making social play a bigger part on succeeding in the game.

If players had to do that, it would also make guilds have a bigger role, and overall good of the game.

When you do pugs, you should have a higher risk of getting bad players. That is part of the charm of pugging, and part of the risk/reward of convenience. If the convenience is without any risk, than it is too good and this reflects on how players treat each other.

To me, the frustration with io is that its hard to get into content that you CAN do and is appropriate for your gear level and experience because there are always applicants that are overgeared and over experienced.

If I have done a couple of 10’s and am applying for a +11 at an ilvl of 465 - it seems like that’s the right content for my toon’s natural progression. But you’ll never get in because there’s always people applying for group that grossly overgear the content and that 's gonna be worse now with the 10- run requirement for max’ing your vault M+ rewards.

High io players may push one or two keys per week for fun but to finish their 10, they will knock off a bunch of 14’s and easily get those spots. So raiders and guild M+ers are set, but if you are pugging M+, good luck breaking through the barrier to get into meaningful groups. Just a whole series of changes that are super unfriendly to M+ puggers, and that interact with io in ways that are gonna really make it unpleasant to play as a non0rading pug player. Oh well.

Tanks will always be an exception. When’s the last time you saw a sub rogue in any key at all? How about a mm hunter? It’s always the same 5-6 specs of dps.

Sub rogue and MM hunter playes have a disability that don’t let them make a group? They ain’t allowed by the game?

acting like people don’t use the tool to join groups is silly. The people who say “make group to counter the raider io issue” is deflecting.

You could put anything in front of ‘is destroying the community’ and it would likely make sense. The WoW community is destroying itself.

you already do.
but that doesn’t mean you should have to choose blindly.

again, I’m not sure what you want. you want people to just be random queued in? I sincerely hope that is something that never happens.

Do you want people to just pick based on ilvl? What are you looking for?


But what are you talking about, i keep reading all this threads with hate of RaiderIO so i guess there are a lot of people that don’t use it at all so they sign up for groups they like.

It seems to me that you are deflecting.


Jesus this is always the same thing I see over and over. THE GAME ISNT BALANCED. Like, at all. There are so many reasons to not pick certain classes over others.

It means you won’t get an invite. It isn’t even the players fault at that point. Where blizzard messed up is putting a timer on M+ making the need for massive aoe dps a REQUIREMENT.

It’s not an IO issue it’s a blizzard issue.

this is actually quite likely to be exactly what happens, and I agree it’s unfortunate.

And everyone will know it, so they’ll list their groups and invite only those who have timed high keys.

but, that’s not an io problem. Nor is it a player problem, it’s a game design fault.

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I think people like this won’t be happy until the entire game is random queued, and no one has any choice on who they group with.


So you agree it is a game design problem. So lets make it where people can’t see achievments and armory unless you are in the same guild, and prevent people from linking said achievements in chat.

That would be a big first step in fixing how the community acts, and breaking these Addons.

no, because I ultimately don’t have a problem with players being able to choose who they group with.

Blizzard shouldn’t design their game in such a way to encourage players to spam +14s for max level reward.

But they also shouldn’t obfuscate player details to make it so we can’t make informed decisions on who to invite to our groups.

let me put it this way:

Join a guild. join a community. build a network. But throwing up your hands and bemoaning the evil community for not inviting you is your problem, not mine.


You could easily fix one issue by Bliz putting in a system of rewards that amplify when you are doing a particular M+ for the first time. The group gets additional gold or other resource for each person that is doing that particular level of key in that dungeon for the first time …and have it be multiplicative so the more first timers you have the MUCH bigger the reward.

This creates at least some counter incentive to not fill groups entirely with overgeared over-experienced players.

I think those details should be up to the players to release or not. Now if players decide that players who keep things private are not worth the risk that is OK. I see nothing wrong with players choosing who they group with but I also agree that if players want to be private it should be their choice even if it will still bring them a disadvantage.

Nothing is stopping you from doing that through a social network. Pugs will have more risk, but that will get you to add more people that are decent to friends, and whisper and talk to people to build groups, instead of taking the risk through group finder.

No need to do that with Raider Io. The convenience is too good, and that is the problem.


If a player wants to hide their information they should be able to.

I think they’re foolish for doing so, but they shouldn’t care what I think because it doesn’t matter.

Item level currently right now shows no indict cation of skill, you can argue with me with this all day and still, Item level is no longer the indicator of skill, consider the gear in expansion drops like hot cakes and its so easy to get to 460+ currently right now, I could be at 450 ilvl and pulling more dps than a 470+ as it depends on a player skill. Item level currently right now serves as a number, not skill, I had a warlock in my pug group doing 20K dps on average with his item level at 470+ while running a 15+, doing 20k+ is somewhere around at 415 ilvl during BoD.

While being knowledgeable of your class is nice but there is one thing to consider here… that is knowing the dungeon.

You could have someone being really good at their spec but don’t know the mechanics of the dungeon, this is where Raider IO comes into play, if I want to time my 15+ for Keystone master, I need someone competent at their class and the dungeon they are doing, if you don’t know the dungeon, sorry but I have to decline you, in my advice please learn the dungeon’s path, mechanics and some priority trash to kill/interrupt.

Also another advice, do low to mid range keys to get your io score up, if you want more of it, you have to time them, simply put its not hard.


This is the problem. I shouldn’t have to artificially inflate some number on an external website to be allowed to join groups in the game. This is something Blizzard has been against from the get go which is having to do stuff outside the game to play the game or relying on certain addons.

As someone who has been building groups since BC, your issue has nothing to do with RIO.

If the addon didn’t exist, I would use WoWProgress. If that didn’t exist. I would use armory. If that didn’t work, I would have you come to me so I could inspect you. I remember building raids for NAX and having players comes to me at the training dummies so I could inspect them and see their damage.

Groups could take hours to fill. This is no different. The less tools means less people running content. Simple as that.

Just because you think you’re good and can interrupt, it means LITERALLY nothing until you have experience. And guess what, you don’t have the experience until you do it. Just because you completed a +10, doesn’t mean you can complete a +15.