Your example is pretty bad.
It is more like this, Why is this school so bad? Why do kids treat each other like dirt. Oh…the teachers don’t care, and the school system rules itself encourages the kids to play like this.
Than the parents talk about maybe adding some rules that would encourage the kids to behave. The kids take a moral high ground, saying. Freeeeeeeedom and blah blah.
You attack me, and say I am a victim. Proves how right I am. You can disagree with me, but part of you understood what I am saying is true, and it bother you enough to call me a victim.
It will be ok. I don’t do things with this community because of how the community acts, and Blizzard should clean it up.
ITT: people feel entitled to your party because they exist
Ive built a nice network with people ive had successful runs with. And this from using raider io because I invite somebody based on their score because it shows they have experience to run the level of content im forming a group for. If we end up having a good run and i like the persons play style and attitude boom i send an BN friend request so that i can run more content with them later.
No this doesnt happen with every run but its certainly helping someone build a network with players who have experience in the higher end content. Id argue with more success because you dont have to just “take the risk” with somebody who turns out to be clearly unfit for that content.
Wildsinger is right when said "the only people complaining about raider io are the ones with bad score.
Your advocacy for a build a network arguement happens all the time
To say that it happens all the time is laughable. Just because you do it does not mean that it happens often. It ignores the feedback on both sides.
Maybe the people with bad scores don’t want to be part of this system?
Reason why Wow is right now the 2nd best MMO out. Heck the number one MMO has rules saying that if you harass someone for doing bad. You can get suspended.
Wow needs to get with the times, and start limiting how good Group Finder is by nerfing the info players can get on each other.
So then this has nothing to do with raiderio and everything to do with WoW Armory.
And how about the low score people just get with other low score people or join a guild. Ill just go ahead and insert the make your own group answer too. There are plenty of casual players who will come to join your group. We all started somewhere and i certainly dont want to be carrying anyone in my +15 key whos experience doesnt go past +9. Its nothing against them I just want to time my key.
And LFR and LFD have done far more dmg to the social aspect of WoW than raiderio has.
Also why do you think wow is behind in the times?
I mean they could, but when a big part of the community does not need to do it. Than it makes your picking slim.
It also makes people more toxic. Why should I care about how I act with groups when I don’t need to build a social network. I have a system in place that helps me find people. I don’t need to be nice.
Also low score people get with other low score? That is like saying. Why don’t the poor just roomie with each other and work out the problems? Some times the community makes things tough on them or that the poor just give up hope because of the systems in place that makes them just not want part of the system. Aka what is going on now.
The only way it will get fix is not by the community but By Blizzard.
why are you so focused on making players group with you
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? Im more focus on making the community better.
from my perspective, there’s nothing better about being forced/tricked into running with inexperienced people
if I choose to, great, but it should be my choice.
So make friends with people who are, and start building a network.
Games should have rules and limits, and i think putting some limits would shape the community. Some things should not be just your choice. It shapes how people act, and what we can and can’t do. So I’m asking for more limits.
The fact that pugs are so good now, that it has a meta speaks volumes of the problem with what is going on.
I do this.
it’s the people who routinely whine about io that don’t
if they put half as much effort into building that network as they do complaining ont he forums, most of their problems would be solved.
I mean it is fine that you do it. But if you did, you would also see how the player base act and how forcing more players to have to do that. It would shape the community to be better.
People don’t take part of the system because it is not very welcoming at all to get into, and the player base community is not being held accountable for said actions, and Blizzard allows system in place that makes pugging to have less risk due to these systems.
My point being is, A few of you saying you do this does not mean you got to do it. If you had to do it. Than it would shape the community.
it same ppl who ilvl 466 , know the class , no have finish dungen at level 5 below even who go right into cinder flame , die instant
So the game was fine before the content that uses IO existed? Well then don’t do that content or use raider IO and you will be set. Or maybe you know, make your own groups and invite anyone you want w/o using any vetting system.
I guess I don’t understand what it is you want, because from my perspective, being forced to group with people not as experienced as I am would ruin my experience, and that’s not ok with me. I can even fairly turn the tables on myself - the are lots of people who are better than I am at the game, and if they don’t want to play with me, that’s ok. They shouldn’t be forced to.
But that aside, how would you suggest the game force us to all play together, regardless of experience, gear, goals? Prohibit us from making player-formed groups?
do you honestly think something like that would ever happen? it won’t.
The reality is, the game has shifted wildly from what it was pre LFG, and pre CRZ. Server communities are largely a thing of the past, and you simply aren’t going to find that feeling in the playerbase as a whole. we aren’t a community.
community is found in smaller groups. guilds, communities, discord groups, friends lists, etc.
Nice attitude. What’s your excuse for people that just plain hate the concept of M+ but need the gear to be competitive in pvp?
What about people who don’t play the Meta classes and just plain can’t get an invite?
Oh look a sub rogue with a 480 ILVL and an alt with a 2k IO…nah take the dh…
That both kind of people you just mentioned can easily make their own group with their own key, instead of feeling entitled to other people groups.
Indeed only bad players complain about RaiderIO, they are so bad they don’t know how to make a group.
that’s a game design problem. it is also one that has been generally unsolved by the devs for years.
They can play with friends.
it works.
proof: I’m a 4.1k io guardian druid. by no means meta.
if I want a DH in my group to compliment my mage, I don’t care what the rogue’s io or ilvl is. he doesn’t bring that magic debuff.
there’s so much more that goes into the decision making of building a group that just io.
You are delusional my friend. Blizzard needs to fix their game.
Yeah someone making a group now is something delusional.