As long as you keep up with your weekly chest you will not be behind. And I would not consider someone who has timed overall all +15s to be a casual in any form.
No system is perfect.
I disagree with your point that not spamming mythic+ every week makes an impassable io barrier. But I don’t think I can convince you so I won’t argue it.
You don’t have to. You could create your own group.
Mythic+ is in the game.
You don’t rely on it but if you want people to rely on you then yeah you need it.
How else would I know you are capable? All the information it provides aside from the score can be found on your armory, so I would just look at that, but guess what? Its where their information comes from. I am essentially looking at your armory.
Let me put it this way. I want to do a +15. That rewards pretty high ilvl gear, even mythic if you consider the weekly chest. Something like that requires people to be coordinated and do mechanics. I see someone apply who is 474, thats decent he could probably do the dungeon, but whats this? He has never timed over an 11? Should I take him anyway? No. Because I have no idea if he is capable and he likely isn’t at this time. Raiderio allows you to make informed decisions like this. I’m not going to trust someone isn’t just looking for a handout when they apply to my key.
How did people know back in Vanilla, or BC or Wrath? We didn’t, we just took players using our best judgement, not because a score on a website told us to. My entire argument and why the title says what it says is because it ruins the old community and how it should work.
You can call it a waste of time if your pug doesn’t work out and I get that people want to take the best but at the end of the day this game shouldn’t be dictated by outside websites…especially for pugs. If people want to take the best that’s what guilds are for. For casuals like myself who just want to pug shouldn’t be forced to used websites like that.
You mean when this system didn’t exist? I’d take my dog into a heroic dungeon in this day and age.
And its not the old community anymore, times change. This is a more competitive game mode with a competitive mindset. If you don’t like it then don’t do it.
Thats because it is. I am not trying to have a social experience, if I want that I can do it in any number of ways, I am trying to gear and to do that I need competent people.
As I said it is literally just your armory with a score attached and an easy way to view all the runs you have done. This didn’t exist in legion and you know what people did? They checked your armory and then declined you.
I’m not disputing that. I’m pointing out that it used to work a different way that was tailored to a different audience. As you pointed out, it doesn’t work that way anymore, but there’s no replacement content that fills that void now.
But it no longer drops anything resembling decent gear. Heroic gear in Wrath was good enough to start raiding with. Now it qualifies you for the previous tier’s LFR.
then just run your own keys. getting a somewhat respectable io score (2.5+) is a joke especially this late into the season. then you wont get declined to anything under a 16
That’s nice but you cannot just accept people to believe you.
Is it so hard to pad your IO with baby keys?
Again this is your word against “theirs”.
You could have a good IO/Item level/aotc and still play like an ape.
A friend of mine formed a heroic nyalotha awhile back and all the players with the criteria above did worse than people that do not even have essences.
IO is just a convoluted obligatory “help me trust you” system
The tool itself is fine. It’s the idiots that’s using it for every little thing.
It’s fine to use it for m+10 and above. However, if you use it for mythic 0 and other irrelevant stuff like heroic warfront, then you’re just being petty.
We had other ways but the main thing about anything before WoD is… M+ didn’t exist. There was hardly anything this challenging with so low a player count. Even if you were to get 1-2 terrible dps in Ulduar, it wouldn’t matter all that much because you had 16 other dps to pick up the slack.
Yeah that is a serious fail. At least with IO your chances of these clueless people drops off - imagine not even having IO and the KR19 people had never even cleared KR2 haha
You know damn well that if we removed Raider IO then there will just be a new scoring system. Before Raiderio it was Ilvl, before ilvl it was achievements, before achievements it was gear score, before gear score it was armory, and before armory it was getting inspected in front of org bank.
We have been in the business of denying players for pugs since vanilla, but people seem to think this is some new thing that retail created recently
Blizzard keeps track of your runs using a leaderboard that resets weekly. This information is made available to everyone who wants to see it by Blizzard.
All RIO does is cache your runs and show people what your score is. Your score is available to anyone via the RIO website whether or not you have the addon. The addon just lets you see people’s RIO score in-game.
DPS get declined all the time simply because they are too many DPS. You provably don’t know at all how RIO works, and you’re just blaming it because you don’t understand it.
This could work in many games and even iterations of WoW but you don’t make friends in Pugs, you finish the dungeon, you leave that’s how it has been for quite a while in LFG, at max you will have someone asking you “Man, how is your [Insert spec here] dealing so much more damage than me, the same spec and about the same ilv?” You explain what you do, the talents you have and may even add them in but I guarantee you, you never talk to this person again.
No its not, stop being dramatic. The iLvl reduction and gear nerf sucks, BUT what gear you do get, you get to actually choose - no more vendoring 90% of the gear from your mythic runs. Its highly likely that mythic gear will be usable into the next season, too, because they are reducing the jump in iLvl from tier to tier and so on.
Its taking a bit of a hit no doubt, but to claim its simply being deleted is not true.