It’s pretty simple, if you can’t get in to the key you want to do because you didn’t do the work that others have who are more qualified than you, then you just simply start at the bottom with a 0 and get your own key and push it to the key level you want to get done for the weekly.
This is a free tip
What do you think we have to do? You think anyone invited us to a decent key right now with a low IO? It doesn’t happen.
Meanwhile, the same elitist people group together in a never ending cycle of exclusion. I’ve been in some of these groups. A 470 dh will queue who is clearly a raider and can’t get an invite because his IO is 900…it’s ridiculous.
Raider IO is the same thing as DBM that so many seems to hate. It just compiles information that are already available and makes it easier to read.
Oh and I have 1536 without pugging a single time. It’s called “Having friends”.
I agree with this 100%
You know what else I agree with?
By doing it the way a lot of people have: by starting from the bottom and working their way through each dungeon at each key level and earning their place in a higher key
As a skilled casual I find the addons invaluable to get into good groups. Keystone master from slowly doing 1-3 keys a week. I dont agree with you at all. The addons enables pugs! If no addon itd just be closed guilds and cliques running keys!
I’ve already stated what you have to do, re read my comment to yours.
I laid it out for you, I can’t make you do it though
No, I don’t think I will. I think I’ll just pvp and dabble in raiding from now on. The M+ changes were for the best.
Raider IO just shows you’ve cleared the content in question and probably (maybe) know the mechanics of the run which are very important in M+.
iLevel and clearing content years ago without knowing what to do is meaningless.
and some of us don’t want people with such limited experience in our groups.
neither of us are wrong.
That’s the great thing about the m+ system. anyone can get a key and make a group that suits them.
That’s fine, I literally do not care what you do in the game. I don’t even care if you stopped playing. I was just giving you a solution to your problem
Raiderio is there exactly so people can pick someone who will probably do what you said based on their experience.
It’s a way for groups to actually take the player AND the class they’re looking for in order to probably have the best chance at timing the keys.
Lot easier And probably more truthful than interviewing every applicant to a pug…
But this late in the expansion yes it’s tough to get up there without a consistent group.
Pretty much this comment here. Nothing will change elitism in wow. If you want to run ~+10 or above keys you’ll need to just push one.
I swear, you guys would decline someone for a crappy key just to save about a minute on a run. Honestly can’t wait for M+ to die out completely. It will eventually when the only people doing it are the ones making money doing it.
It’s like you people do these keys for a living.
Sounds like a win to me if you quit rather than cry and moan over a concept that will NEVER go away even if raider io were banned. Get your score up sister instead of spending so much time whining about them on the forums.
Discord is free so you are the product there. I can see privacy reasons against it but good luck convincing others to install a new program for a pug. Not to mention it’s an electron app which is pretty bad for performance compared to a native app.
I think this is exactly the problem. The majority of players these days insist on running content exclusively with players who are intimately familiar with the current content. Back in the day, I remember running heroic dungeons with new players all the time, and I would often find new guild mates that way. The game felt much more alive and fun back when there was a constant stream of fresh players in the game. Now, the retail community seems to actively discourage new players from joining in the fun without clearing a stupidly high bar, and the current game design seems built to support that level of elitism. I don’t see this issue in the Classic community, though.
This man get it. Before flex raiding and cross realm raiding you couldn’t always fill a 25 man with people who knew the fights. That’s how new people got invited back then. Now, if you miss the start of a season or an expansion good luck catching up.
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This is nothing alike. You’re comparing 1/25 of a group to 1/5. A newbie will make a much bigger impact in a dungeon.
Heroic dungeons aren’t Mythic+ though. Mythic+ is endgame and if you want to run heroics, they still exist. It’s disingenuous to compare heroic dungeons to Mythic+ because before Mythic+, the only other comparison were raids. By the time you get to Mythic+, you should already know everything, it’s not a place to learn basic mechanics lol.
I remember the recruiting going something like this, “LFM, ICC 10. Checking GS in dal”. There wasn’t even a need for an achievement Most of the time. Then you’d wait about 10 minutes and still need 2 people and you’d recommend a friend who was new or something.