Raider IO is Destroying the Community

This is why competitive 5 man content sucks for a casual MMO like WoW. The more they double down on keeping M+, the more it kills what was left of the community. The only community that really exists around M+ is M+ sellers and guild runs. The pug scene is terrible and does nothing to foster bringing people together.

I’m of the mindset that a casual MMO like WoW doesn’t need hardcore content like this to survive. The game survived just fine before those awful Diablo developers started turning our game into an Action RPG.

Not a good idea to make this thread. You’ll get the same 4 people who troll io threads and heart their posts with all of their alts.

It’d say it’s more so the community that’s destroying the community.

You’re not being declined from groups bc you don’t have rio installed. You’re being declined bc you haven’t put in the time and effort on m+ this season. You err in thinking that past accomplishments and your likely inflated perception of your skill will automatically translate to high performance in high keys on current content. I too am a former hard core raider and pushed m+ on multiple classes. I’ve orange parsed mythic bosses. However, I haven’t done a key in close to 2 years, and I accept the fact that I would not be able to step back into the same level of end-game performance of which I was once capable, and I hardly expect other random players to gift me their time and keys to allow me to try.

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Sorry dude but the fact you can “fail” a key makes who you bring extremely important.

Play in the PUG world, okay by the PUG rules.

If it’s not gear score it’s something else, RIO is so far the best vetting system that has been in place yet

If you’re such a huge fan of making friends and forming a community then DO IT. Then you can hang out with your friends only and never ever have to interact with the “toxic” community you hate so much.

You’re the one ruining the community by not using the social features you claim to love and instead trying to force everyone to play the game in a way they don’t want to.

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I can’t take you seriously,

  1. 5 man competitive content doesn’t suck, its one things what blizzard did right, M+ made so that you actually do dungeons through out expansion, not just gear a bit, do raid and forget about it.

Could not disagree more, there are tons of M+ communities, discord channels, people willing to even teach you how to play, give your optimal routes, how to deal with affixes, you just have to join discord communities, not the in-game ones.
3. I feel like you don’t understand what is a community, community aren’t your friends who will push your shy personality through or carry you because you aren’t playing your spec/class at decent level.
4. People like different things, some like to push highest keys, compete with others, they find it fun, I find it fun and interesting. I’m sorry, but I don’t like going at boomer speed in dungeons, I like the rush, take risks and so forth.

  1. Stop being ignorant and selfish, let people play what they like and stop being an old timer “In my days”, there are tons of MMOs which may suit you better than WoW, since WoW is trying to please majority, not minority :slight_smile:
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Yawn, typical M+ defender response.

Yes, because its true, but who are you ? LFR Raider ? Maybe those M+ seller communities are for you, gonna be best customer for them :smiley:


I’ve made more friends, added more people to my bnet list - and run with them again - since the inception of m+ than ever before. All from people I’ve pugged m+ with.

Why is it I can do that, but others can’t? Is it because I’m a tank? It’s certainly not because I’m extroverted and outgoing - exactly the opposite.

from my perspective, m+ has been highly successful in fostering community :woman_shrugging:

If you group with someone and liked them - either for how they played, or how they interacted with you - a simple “hey mind if I add you for future runs” really does work.


You’re clearly not on these forums enough. A LOT of people hate it, because it is indeed ruining the player community by letting some stupid website tell someone what to do. It’s just like gearscore back in Wrath of the Lich King. Gearscore was horrible.


Somehow, people did this for a decade without raider IO. Idk why people defend it so vehemently. All this does is speed up queues for people who no life M+keys.

In before “people that DONt lIkE IO jUsT waNNa bE CarriEd”. Actually, no we don’t want a carry, we want an invite to a +10 key that doesn’t require a +15 clear of every dungeon. Some of us just want to hit one decent key and be done with it because we don’t like keys.

I haven’t did a key in months…by choice.

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You sure there is one all i see is nonstop ads about buying carrys in there?

you don’t have to have the addon installed, and not having it installed is not why you are getting denied in raids or pugs. all the addon does is load up the current database and displays information when you mouseover a player in the group finder or in your party/raid.

the rraiderio website trawls the armory for max level toons and their raid and mythic+ progression.

if you are getting denied in M+ groups it’s because either your score is too low, showing you have not successfully completed runs at that key level, or you have your profile set to private/hidden to block the raiderio database scans, in which case we assume not only that your score is too low, we also assume you are a whiny git looking for free carries instead of actually putting in the time to run the lower keys for both experience and to build up your score.

it also links all of your max level characters so we can see if you’re on an alt with a main with a much higher score.

the addon doesn’t actually DO anything. it just displays information.

big thing destroy comunity is so many ppl pug instead join guild , ofc it bad y strangers act like frend , never happen

M+ has not exist for a decade.

It has existed In various forms for a decade.

raider io going away would change absolutely nothing. Raider IO is just a middle man so people dont need to look up someone’s armory every time someone applies to their group. If you get rid of raider io, it’ll just be a minor inconvenience for the group leaders since they’ll have to copy and paste your name into armory and see your completed keys there

Run your own then. No invite needed. Takes a couple hours to go from the first key to 10 if you’ve got a decent group at this point, then you’re good to go every week the rest of the way.

Um, I disagree since in a pug you don’t know the other people in the group.

If it’s not stated that it’s a learning run or anything remotely similar to that, then you should probably plan on being as optimal as possible.

If you don’t want to “deal with that crap” pugging isn’t the scene for you