Raider IO is Destroying the Community

if my ascendance is the ascendance you are in fact talking about. There are only 2 ways people don’t like this guild. You are either a giga-sh&*$r who got kicked for not listening AND being bad or you are a huge snowflake who doesn’t like banter

The same exact thing can be said about PUGers who use this app. If you don’t want to pug, dont pug. We don’t need dumb apps like this designed for lazy and entitled people

My guild has none of those rules. Not every guild out there is uptight and strict.

There are plenty of guilds out there like this, It’s a lot less than it used to be as things have changed but believe me they still exist.

I agree with you on the last part. If you’ve timed a 10 WC I’d consider you for an 11 or a 12. But that’s my choice as a group leader.

I took a Druid Healer pug to a Yard 11 we were doing for a guildie. I tanked and 1 dps was over geared and the other 2 guildies were marginal for doing an 11. I gave him a chance and he did ok even if he couldn’t really keep up with the pulls but I was pulling that way because me and the other DH were doing the heavy lifting. Almost timed it too but I had to explain the fights as we went.

I’m sure there are but we’re free to not join such guilds. I’m only saying there are other options out there.

Early in the season maybe? Just like in 8.3.

466 isn’t particularly high 2 weeks near xpac end. An entire tier’s worth of 475 weekly chests and a fairly easy first 5 Mythic bosses means you are competing for a spot with 470+ toons who likely have keystone master whereas you don’t.

Remember folks are too lazy to push their own keys so you have massively overgeared players joining your +15 key for their weekly.

Best advice I can give you is to push your own key.

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Sure there are, And people are more than welcome to join guilds, I’m not saying to anyone they don’t have to, There are plenty of Pro’s to joining a guild, But a big one of not joining a guild is…

Wait for it…

You guessed it!

Not having to follow any Arbritary rules they have

edit:I also somehow managed to quote myself in someone elses post, No idea how.

That is a hard “no”. Your counter is that people who want to run high end keys as a pug are lazy and entitled because they use an addon instead of looking at your armory page?

Make your own group or group up with the other people who are in tears around here with the same “problem”. The tools to fix your issues are there. You refusing to use them is nobody’s fault but your own.

Join a guild without arbitrary rules then is all I’m saying.

Great if you love the pug life. I don’t though. I’m thankful for my guild and thankful for not having to worry about submitting to the cruel and heartless raiderio machine.

So the lazy, entitled person is the one who pushed their key up and wants to time it not the person who thinks that because they got a medium iLvl they DESERVE an invite to ANY group they apply to?

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As i said the pug life isn’t for everyone, But it does offer benefits that guilds simply by their very nature cannot, It works for me i like it, I’m well respected in the MG RP community this is an RP realm, I’m still very social but i am also not limited.

That’s fair. I used to play on MG as well. Had something of a name there from WotLK to late MoP. I remember there being plenty of guilds that both RPed and did group PvE content.

Come Mists of Pandaria i did something that was in general not very ‘nice’ and got me on the realm forums almost every day, I was a fully heroic raid (back when heroic was the top difficulty) Siege of org geared rogue did all of it in pugs.

I’d use the censor and just go on a gank spree in the timeless isle no guards could stop me i’d gank anything that was red, The amount of hate i had oh boy.

I know the pain. I’m not a fan of those FFA PvP things. Mainly because I don’t like making enemies of my own faction. Got so many hate whispers trying to do the Talon’s Vengeance grind or any of the FFA WQs in Legion.

Anything and anyone was fair game for me and my friend, The only thing that could stop us was prot paladins and that’s simply because we killed ourselves on them if we stayed around too long.

But our gear + chi-ji statue + censor and we’d kill 20+ people while they were fighting ordos, They were flagged for PVP afterall, Or we’d stunlock the tanks fighting the celestials, Again flagged for pvp was a requirement for us to kill you.

No I didn’t mind getting killed, I just hated killing other people lols.

I was a blood DK in MoP anyhow. I could beat up swarms of rogues. xD

There is so much wrong in this.

No, it’s easier to find an arbitrary number and does not in fact directly correlate to player skill.

Do you know how people learn what to do? By doing it.

It’s like applying for an entry level job but they require 10 years’ experience. Or like during Wrath adverts in trade chat looking for more for a guild first run through ICC, must show LK Achieve!

You can take a step back and see that right?

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Doncha know, nobody will join your low key group unless you have 10k IO + next season’s KSM before the season starts.