And unlike in BFA, it’s going to be less likely to be the “chest of disappointment” every week. Who doesn’t love getting the WRONG MECHAGON RING EVERY WEEK
It’s going to be the literal same. just now the gear we get from mythic+ will be vendored for little bit less
we only got upgrades at the end of the week so people are still going to the same thing they are doing now
I got chased off a realm once by a guild that collapsed 3 times over the course of a weekend because i pissed off someone in a clique, Yeah that was super fun totally doesn’t give me a jaded opinion on guilds.
Pugging like what…? I pugged TBC Heroics in /2, pugged Kara, Gruul’s and Mag’s in /2.
Poor fella has no idea what the game was like.
Which reinstates my point. Bite the bullet, and find people with common interests. I had to do this a handful of times to find the right fit.
You don’t have to have the addon installed for people to keep track of your progress…it only lets you see those peoples progress…which is all public information provided by warcrafts armory…
You mean it is bad for the people who just want to be carried in dungeons w/o gaining experience first,
OMG you pugged heroic dungeons!!! Also some of the easiest raids in the xpac??? Clearly that is the same as we have now.
Sylvaede … its 3 ilvls for first 8 bosses and 10 for the last 2. But that’s not the issue - its that those small differences at the start get amplified because of the impact they have on getting into groups.
2 players of similar io and similar specs - who gets in the 199 ilvl or the 200? 1 point makes a difference … but then that player gets into content more easily, which means they buidl their io faster, and getr into higher content, and get a better vault reward, and theri ilvl advantage increases, and the advanateg in gettign into groups grows, and its a cycle that after a couple of weeks will cretae a hughe difference ebtween raiders and non-raiders.
Talk about what? Ask them if they know the mechanics of shrine of the storm so they can lie and fail the key? And give them a chance? People always view themselves as good players or as the exception to the rule because delusion is necessary to be happy in ones life. Statistics are a more reliable source than someones credibility.
I did a +19 kings rest the other day. It failed. Everyone had fine raiderio, but we got to the second boss, yes the second boss of KR and we wiped twice. After the first wipe, which happened because neither the druid nor the mage opened the coffin the druid said “never wiped on this boss before” cue second pull. He opened the wrong coffin, not even near the one I was trapped in and we wiped again. He had no idea the mechanics but he likely would have said he did if we asked him.
I understand, but that’s a communities thing in general. Politics happen in any group of people. I think Terry Pratchett said something to the extent (in one of his books) of as soon as two people came together they were both already plotting to scam the other.
Basically you are complaining because you don’t raid and someone who raids heroic will have an advantage over you. Thats not raiderios fault its blizzards. Make your own group and your ilvl doesn’t matter.
I went guildless due to that from Cata to now and surprisingly i had exactly zero guild related drama in my life, If you think you have seen guild drama wait till you see guild drama on RP realms oh boy.
Then…go do the raids if you’re that concerned? If you’re 2200 like you say heroic raiding should be a snoozfest for you. You realize just having 3 options you’re basically guaranteed to get an upgrade mathematically right and based on how the system works so this fantasy world doesnt have a foot in reality
You know what bite the bullet is? A negative phrase. It means to go along with something painful and just struggle through it. I don’t need to. Because I don’t need to engage with people to do skillful content, its a choice.
Mate you’re playing an MMO. If you want to play a multiplayer game as a single player that’s ok; but don’t expect the game to cater to your wants.
Yes, I know it is. Because it seems people who are surely having a major issue with this cannot stand to find the alternative.
Not being in a guild doesn’t mean we are playing as a 'single’player just means we aren’t in a guild and aren’t beholden to someone elses arbritary rules.
I came back in 8.2. I downloaded the addon. Just download the addon. Makes life easier. Not saying I agree with the need for it. Just download it