Yeah, no… it just means you show as having no experience. If you’re not applying to groups then you don’t care and they don’t have to care. If you are, then you don’t care and they just disregard you.
Just curious - do you view resumes in real life a measure of real life-peen?
That’s quite the thoughtful and intelligent reply.
Even if he won’t say it, probably.
Wowprogress isn’t dead. Kernel doesn’t communicate well, but he does keep the site updated.
The ignorant will be ignorant I suppose. I wish better for him/her.
Flagged for trolling, and incredibly inappropriate.
For sure. In a pug situation you will have to climb up.
Only if someone tries to hop into high keys directly. The intent is that you start with low keys, build your io, and get into high keys step by step. Using your real life analogy, it’d be like getting an entry level job, then move step by step into a senior role.
Please do not use this hateful 3rd party site called raider io or any other such site.
Sites like these encourage anti social behavior and also pressure Blizzard into more and more overtuning of the dungeons.
Just say No to raiderio!
You don’t know anything about what kind of a player I am.
we actually know a lot about what kind of player you are.
The kind of player who thinks a tanking trinket is good for enchancement, can’t time anything above a 7 when you grossly over gear the content, complains about anything that’s even remotely difficult as “overtuned”.
Did I miss anything? Oh, right, also complains about things that you don’t own as “private”.
It’s TOO USEFUL not to use. Combined with parses from warcraftlogs - you get a TON of great information.
And that’s the follow-up: When is WarcraftLogs going to make an addon that will pull in parse info in the same io window?
The more objective and factual information we can make available about people - the more educated and strategic decisions raid and party leads can make.
Which, by the way - leads to great social interaction. Because once you have a similar group of people in the raid that are competent for the more challenging content - the more fun people have and the better the discussions and banter is in voice chat.
I’ll 1 up you on this. I’ve run a +4 (a freaking +4) on a fresh toon and just invite the 1st person to sign up. We didnt even kill the 1st boss of freehold. DPS were dying and somehow the heal manage to pull the trash while on the boss
is this what Ian wanted? Gattaca?
If you’re too lazy to learn the dungeons on low key levels and work your way up, I don’t want you in my group dying to every mechanic and wasting my time.
You and your friends are more than welcome to do a 10 as a learning experience and spend an hour in there…that’s the beauty of this game; you can make a group and invite whoever you want. The rant against raider io literally boils down to “I deserve a 10 every week cuz I say so, bring me to your group NOW!”
This is not how life works. People do not require a 1k io for 5-9s, nor do they require a 1500io for 10-13s. Learn the dungeons and their mechanics and work your way up like everyone else; elitist is a word used to describe players who put in more time and effort to improve as players and therefore expect the same from their party members.
You have full access to guides, forums, discords, warcraft logs, IOs and VODs of better players; use them and improve or stop acting like you should be in a 10+ key.
I can tell you what. An inexperience one who barely did any new content
Hated it for a while. Started doing more runs, raising the level, and now it’s not so bad. Feels like most of the people complaining just don’t want to put in the work.
Also, if you are on a run and don’t make time and just DROP group I hate you and hope you fall assend first onto a splintered broomstick.
Who? Who is triggered by this? You’re not applying to any content that would cause people to want to look you up. The only reason anyone even knows you’ve done this is because you’re on the forums saying “Hey look what I did to stick it to the system! I’m such a rebel!”
Even if you were applying to content, it doesn’t trigger people. If they don’t see anything listed, they just ignore you and move on. Entirely too many unqualified people applying to groups to get spun up over one.

If anything Blizzard needs to remove the ability to see DPS and HPS and have a participation metric.
Perhaps a trophy of sorts?