Raider IO 101

I love threads like this, they always serve as a reminder whenever I unsub for a stretch it’s almost never because of the game itself. “Community” lmao.


I shall bow to your groups superior ineptitude. Lol. A 4?! How on earth to people die in a 4!

Unless the type of player you are is nothing like your forum posts or you history of activity on that character then people have a pretty good indication of what type of player you are.


The more i do low level keys on my alts the more i need this add-on, it’s honestly ridiculous how bad some keys can go if you don’t filter people that have no idea what they’re doing.

How would you even trigger anyone if you’re never even applying for anything?

Oh my, you really don’t know. Yes it does that too. But that’s beside the point. The amount of raging that goes on due to m+ and io especially and the responses you elicit are truly vitriolic. Hiding io does exactly what I intended it to do. :smiling_imp:

The responses being… getting declined for groups due to having no visible experience?

Not sure what you’re going on about here. :thinking:

You not seen what goes on in the forums or the stories of rage whispers? I certainly have lol. Don’t know why you seem to be being so strange about this. Its common knowledge that m+ is an extremely touchy subject for a lot of people. I just use that for my entertainment.

I’ve seen plenty of stories of rage whispers to group leads from people with little to no experience getting pissy when they’re declined.

As long as you’re not going in actively sabotaging runs, I doubt that people who actually run keys care if you try to troll someone.

Why would anyone care if you hide your profile lol?

To us it just looks like “oh fresh 120 hasn’t done any keys don’t invite”

Which from the sound of things is pretty accurate.

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If you aren’t signing up for keys I genuinely don’t get what you are accomplishing.

Are you talking about preventing people on the forums from flaming you for your lack of score? Because if you are hiding io for street cred on the forums…LOL

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That’s the kinda clickbait I need to get me interested!

no one cares if they cant see your io. You will just be ignored by most groups you apply to and no one will remember you 10 seconds later. By all means you do you I just dont get what you are trying to achieve.

Oh my. See what I mean? I’m getting responses from people ever so intrigued and agitated. You should also remember the forums are an excellent source of entertainment. For some more so than the game. None of this should be shocking to you.

Despite words to the contrary, it certainly does appear that people seem to care about me hiding my io. Not in game, but certainly on the forums. I have no idea why though. Because as you say, no one should care. Yet the attention you get on the forum from merely stating you hide your io is truly fascinating. And oh so entertaining. :smiling_imp:

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Did you feel them intrigued or agitated? How is that you got such power? Because i think they were just giving you fair arguments but you just try to avoid them.

No one really cares tbh, is just wierd reading that someone that doesnt even try to push keys hides the IO score thats all.

Neither the other people who replied to you or i, we have no idea why you hide a tool used for something you dont do.

It’s like someone triying to hide raid parses when they dont even raid.

Soooo, you just think you are some superior intelligence baiting people?

My oh my. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::laughing:

Is your raider io score hidden related to why your profile is hidden too?

Hiding raider io is silly. Link your Ahead of the Curve please and gearscore 30 ilvls above the gear that drops from the content you want to pug kthxbye.

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People are gonna gate people any which way, just gotta learn to deal with it. This is why I just play with guilds, don’t even have to worry about this.

its not gating. its people not being prepared and asking for free caries then complaining when they dont get invited.

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Outside of key completion, the information it gives is roughly irrelevent. I’d like to see what past groups would say about a person, instead. A 5- or 10-star rating to tell me what the effort of any group applicant is like would be more relevent information than IO. But IO is all we’ve got to go on in this age, so it is what it is.