Raider IO 101

I like how your only argument of how good it is can only be based off of taking what player you want from the community and screw the rest.

That’s good, it helps the point that it’s not good for the overall game.


TL;DR: 3rd party app decides if you can do dungeons with pugs or not.


Its my group and my key I can do what I want. If you are interested in me grouping with a wider variety of people then IO does that. I would absolutely not take a chance on a stranger without a system like it. instead I would wait for enough friends and friends to come on and do it with only people I know.

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TLDR your experience listed decides if you go to groups or not. 3rd party has nothing to do with it.

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I remember in legion before i heard about io most keys struggled to get plus one but now i dont have to worry about it with io

And on top of that it is not hard to get io score if you really want to do higher end m+ content so i never understand why peeps complain about it so much

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I have tested it pugging with and pugging without. Best I did without was 1 boss down and like 26% trash in a FH 10 I think it was.

People who complain about io just need to do the grind of their own keys just like everyone else did to get their io up enough to get into groups. Or join a guild and IO will not matter for you.

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Interestingly enough though, in the pug where you didn’t use it, some players got experience they would not have otherwise been allowed to get and it certainly made them better at those fights and the game.

You inadvertently did a good thing for the raiding community.

Well done.

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If RIO didn’t exist, something else would simply take it’s place.

Filters always will be a natural part of the PuG community, especially when it comes to challenging content, whether it be bosses like Azshara, G’huun or Jaina, or high end keys.

PuG’s simply aren’t possible at that level without vetting possible applicants. And while systems like RIO aren’t the most accurate asthey measure experience not necessarily skill, nobody has the time, and the vast majority don’t have the knowledge, to sit down and spend 20 minutes reading through logs to determine the skill of every player who wants to join.

Systems like RIO cut out 99% of the time for 90% of the results.

those players would have been better served doing a key of an appropriate level. im not saying the only people who I would take for a 10 are over 1k io and have all 10s in time. if you have done 8s you belongs in 10s.
People with 200 io having only done half the dungeons have no place signing up for a 10 in a dungeon they have never done before. If they want a carry they are more than welcome to pay me but do not sign up and expect it for free

That’s fine for low level keys like anything under a 7, but that doesn’t fly in higher keys at all. Most players want to push their keys to maximize their rewards and want to do so in a reasonable amount of time. Why spend hours trying to rerun keys because you failed time carrying people when you can get a group of players on par with yourself that can run it ONCE and get it done in time?

Again, people should relax some with lower level keys and try to help out, but once you hit the higher end of things, it’s sink or swim. The people that don’t play as well need to practice more and become better at the game, before trying to run high level content.

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I’m not saying you are wrong.

But you are using the best to invalidate the good. Helping people get better helps them and you. It helps the community from which you select and it diffuses elitism claims.

Sure, it would be best if everyone were perfect leaders who could faultlessly carry on like hyper-focused raid bots. But that isn’t always possible. best is rarely available.

Most of the time, good is what you can do.

So its hard to see you as right and correct when you abjectly refuse to do it.

Ahh… I see.


To be fair, they could just be trying to get into heroic raiding. While i agree with the rest of the post, and agree that this may be the case if they are trying lead for the final boss only, i disagree that a raid lead with normal exp trying to raid heroic is most likely looking for a carry.

Sounds like you don’t like pugging very much. Nothing wrong with that - and groups/communities makes sense for you.

But for those who Pug a lot - raider io provides a LOT of great information.

I agree! There’s at least healing parses - but not sure how you could measure survivability as a tank.

Sounds like your type of player is better suited for normal raiding and M0’s. The design of challenging content innately moves away from a raw participation based approach.

Agreed. Heroes of the Storm has a cool post-match feature where it recommends a player for MVP and then allows players to vote for the top 5. The way the algorithm selects the recommended MVP and 4 alternates is based across various metrics - including assists and your roles performance (so healing for heal/support heroes, damage absorbed for tanking heroes, etc.)

Trolls just being trolls I suppose? But yeah - I’ve always seen those metrics as ways of improving my performance on a particular character. Especially when it comes to parses (overall and ilvl).

Lol - I was trying to keep the OP to productive content. But I can’t disagree with you. <3

You can - but you have to grind your way up; I’ve had 5+ characters get 1k+ scores for multiple seasons. You just gotta build your score little by little and not expect to jump into 10+ groups right out of the gate. For those - you gotta beg you guild to carry you XP

My wife and I actually shared all of that information with each other - specifically because we both valued people who have made mistakes and grown from them. But in the end - the experience and accomplishment of getting to where we were at when we met was still valuable.

IO doesn’t reduce your score or penalize any of the listed metrics for “mistakes” - it just aggregates the most successful cases. This is where parses come into play to view more details.

Yeah the info isn’t really useful for the casual content - it’s mainly useful for when a group/raid is pushing the more challenging content where skill and performance matter a lot more.

I agree with you - that’s why I didn’t say “most likely”. I said there’s a “decent chance”. I see it all the time - especially if you join the group and then inspect them only to find that they’re still wearing a bunch of blues and their necklace isn’t even to 400 yet.

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this is an inaccurate statement.

the addon has no part in the decision making.

the person making the group is using data presented by the addon to decide whether or not to invite you.

if you don’t like other players having a snapshot into your experience with m+ dungeons to make a decision on whether or not to invite you, then I suggest building your own groups. The great news is, nothing is stopping you from doing this! then YOU can decide who to bring and you can’t be denied from your own group.


Funny he brings this up - the WoW in-game functionality actually already allows players to auto-decide if you can get invited through the minimum ilvl field.

But Raider IO has no such functionality to decide anything on it’s own in a similar manner.

The “Helping hand” concept is invalid when I’m trying to run +10+ Keystones. You either have the gear to pull your weight or you don’t. You either know the mechanics or you don’t. You either understand the functionality of your class or you don’t. I am not running a charity for competitive instances of the game. In said instances, you are supposed to know what you’re doing and have the equipment to walk the walk. Even on +2 Keystones lacking these basic attributes causes ridiculous problems. Keystones are run on timers, so I don’t have all day to hold your hand while you figure out the game. The group has to complete the dungeon to get any loot. If they don’t, then they just completely wasted their time. Be it the realm you play or the IO you have, if I, for any reason, deduce that you will likely cause problems in the dungeon, I am not inviting you. Yes, there are realms that are notorious for having players that have not the slightest clue of any game mechanics or how to play their class. There is a huge difference between being an elitist and protecting your own interests for the sake of progression. And between DBM and the map listing all of the boss mechanics for each player role, the only reasonable excuse for not knowing what to do is habitual obliviousness.

EDIT: Posted by a 110? Where is your IO main? Since you’re opposing an argument in support of IO? Do you have any experience with IO or was your reply just a generalized response to please the general population?


The only thing missing from op’s post is the obligatory rant against lfg and how it kills community.


Play with a guild with a like minded set of individual,

Never worry about using or needing IO.

Eventually more people take on this concept and it eventually dies, just like wowprogression did.

Without raider IO, bad players will just find another excuse to use as a scapegoat for their own ineptitude.

Trying to ‘educate’ them on the matter is hopeless, though I admire the effort.


Well said and a very important point that so many people miss.

I actually don’t have anything against LFG - I’ve always thought it was a cool way to let family members who just like to see cool spells as they smash their keyboards see the raid content.

It’s a great entry point for people new to the game imo.

Agree completely - the post wasn’t addressed to those players. Imo - those players are and will likely always remain ignorant.

The post was more directed towards people that have heard of raider io but don’t necessarily know what it’s about or what information it provides - like I did once upon a time.